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Jin Wang Dotes on His Concubine

Chapter 190.3
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These two noble ladies were a pair of identical twins, both pretty and charming. They looked so similar that most people couldn’t tell which one was the older sister and which one was the younger. They were the current favourites of Emperor Hongjing in the palace and were highly respected.

But in the palace, it was common for one person’s favour to come at the expense of another’s. Especially now that Emperor Hongjing was getting older and not as vigorous as he used to be, some people criticized Noble Lady Li and Noble Lady Ying for being fox spirits who were depleting the emperor’s vitality.

Although people criticized them, one couldn’t deny the emperor’s favour towards them. Especially since they knew how to speak pretty words, Empress Wei also looked upon them with favour. In terms of the limelight, they were unmatched in the harem.

However, this was only true when Emperor Hongjing was not ill. If anyone dared to use their wiles to seduce the emperor when he was ill, it would be considered an attempt to harm the country. That was why Imperial Concubine Kang was so angry.

Imperial Concubine Kang glanced at Consort Qian and angrily asked, “Both of you, tell me, when did you go to the Qianqing Palace and when did you return to the Chuxiu Palace?”

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The two sisters looked at each other and Noble Lady Li spoke, “We hope that Imperial Concubine Kang can see clearly and not listen to baseless accusations. We did go to the Qianqing Palace last night, but only to accompany the emperor for a few words. We did not stay until the second watch as someone said.”

Noble Lady Ying also spoke, “That’s right. Some people haven’t seen the emperor for a long time and are jealous of those who are in favour. They like to spread rumours and slander us. We pity her for being lonely for so long and developing a mental sickness, so we won’t stoop to her level, but if left unchecked, she would only become more and more arrogant.”

Noble Lady Ying was also sharp-tongued. Her words had clearly embarrassed Noble Lady Tao, whose fair face turned red. In fact, what Noble Lady Ying said was not wrong. Living together in the same palace, these two were greatly favoured, while the other had been neglected for years. It was normal for her to feel psychologically imbalanced.

“Although I might be envious of you two for being favoured, I don’t dare to speak random words recklessly. Yesterday, my maid Xiufang saw you two sneaking back from outside with her own eyes. Since you said you were not in Qingqian Palace, where did you go? Could it be that you had a secret meeting with a guard?”

A hint of guilt flashed across Noble Lady Ying’s face. She rebuked, “Your maid said she saw us sneaking back from outside, but my maid saw you sneaking back in the middle of the night too…”

Before she could finish her words, Consort Qian suddenly ordered for the two of them to be taken away and punished.Follow current s on Noᴠᴇlꜰire.nᴇt

“Noble Lady Tao is also an old hand in the palace and naturally knows what to say and what not to say. His Majesty is suddenly seriously ill. To avoid suspicion, you two should honestly explain yourselves. If this consort has wrongly accused you, this consort will personally apologize. If not…”

A group of eunuchs and palace maids rushed forward and dragged Noble Lady Ying and Noble Lady Li out. Both were immediately frightened and lost their composure. One cried and protested her innocence, while the other accused Noble Lady Tao of framing them and called for an audience with the empress.

Empress Wei came out with a few imperial physicians and scolded, “What’s all this fuss about? His Majesty is critically ill, and you’re still making a scene?!”

Noble Lady Ying broke free from the eunuchs’ grip and threw herself at the empress’s feet, weeping and pleading for help. “Empress niangniang, save us! Noble Lady Tao falsely accused my sister and me. Consort Qian wants to interrogate us. We are innocent! Empress niangniang, please save us!”

Empress Wei looked at Consort Qian, her forehead slightly furrowed. “What are you doing? It’s chaotic enough as it is. Noble Lady Li and Noble Lady Ying are both favoured by His Majesty. He hasn’t done anything to them, so why are you picking up a knife to go after them?”

This hat was too big. The empress’s words were clearly a veiled accusation that Consort Qian was jealous of the two noble ladies and was taking the opportunity to get rid of them. In the harem, the empress was the one with the highest authority. It wasn’t Consort Qian’s place to interfere.

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Consort Qian gritted her teeth and about to say something, when An Wang walked out from the side.

“According to reason, as sons, we should not interfere in the affairs of the harem. However, Father Emperor’s sudden illness is suspicious, so it’s best to clarify any doubts. Father Emperor’s health concerns the prosperity of the country, and if anyone has harmed his dragon body for their own selfish reasons, we as his sons cannot turn a blind eye.”

Hui Wang opened his cloudy eyes and sneered from the side, “Who are you to say that? Are you implying that Mother Empress is protecting these two little noble ladies?”

An Wang said with a smile that didn’t really seem like a smile, “This prince dares not make such a bold statement, but it’s always best to clarify any doubts.” Seeing that Hui Wang wanted to speak again, An Wang looked at Yong Wang, Jin Wang, Lu Wang, and the others standing nearby. “This prince believes my younger brothers would also like to get to the bottom of this question.”

In fact, the current situation was very clear. Consort Qian and An Wang suspected that person in the Central Palace had secretly done something to manipulate Emperor Hongjing into having such a sudden illness. If it weren’t for the incident with Noble Lady Li and Noble Lady Ying, they might not have acted on this suspicion. Although the two noble ladies seemed to have no connections, who knew if someone was secretly behind them? Especially since the Empress had always given face to the two of them, who knows if she had given them any orders?

The empress’s face turned pale with anger as she looked around at the people in the hall.

Although it was currently only Consort Qian and her son who had spoken, it was clear from the expressions of everyone present that there were more people with this doubt in their minds than just the two of them.

She sighed, “Alright, enough. Bengong originally didn’t want to make a big deal out of this and had wanted to handle it privately. After all, this concerns your Father Emperor’s reputation. Fortunately, Xiao Yuanshi and several other imperial physicians are here. Let’s clarify this matter and avoid me being unjustly blamed.”