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Jaw-Dropping Son-in-Law

Chapter 1993
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Since his birth, Ye Fan had lived through the entire spectrum of worldly experiences.

In his youth, he had been abandoned and humiliated by his family.

For the first time during adulthood, he found some semblance of belonging by being the Qiu family's

meek son-in-law.

By only thirty years old, Ye Fan had already endured almost all the suffering and malice the world had

to offer.

Despite having witnessed the worst of humanity, Ye Fan had never let it diminish the love he had for

the world. People like Eigetsu showed him that the world was still worth saving despite the menace that

lay within.

The secular world did not fetter people like Eigetsu, nor were they swayed by power. In their infinite

selflessness, they reminded Ye Fan of the capacity for human kindness by going out of their way to aid

him during his greatest needs.

Despite Suzumiya Eigetsu's willingness to give everything up for Ye Fan, he would never allow it.

After a long silence, Ye Fan chuckled lightly and caressed her long hair.

“Hush now, silly girl. Aren't you a little too old to be crying like that?” he said affectionately to the

beautiful woman in his arms with pity in his eyes. “You're not the little girl who watched the sunset with

me anymore. Despite being the figurehead of a country, you still cry like the little girl I once knew.”

He could not bring himself to utter the words he knew must be said.

Therefore, Ye Fan purposefully avoided Suzumiya Eigetsu's earlier offer.

Anyone who remotely knew Ye Fan would see that he was a proud man.

Even if he were ruined without any hope of rising again, the pride in his heart would never allow him to

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hide abroad in a woman's shelter.

Suzumiya Eigetsu was not satisfied. “You haven't answered me yet, Master. Do you have me in your

heart?” she persisted, turning her head to show him the sparkle of determination in her eyes. “Do you

still consider me your own? I only have you to rely on in this world, Master. I won't allow you to cast me

aside again.”

The despair in her voice made her sound like an abandoned child destined to trudge alone in the dark

wasteland of the world, and Ye Fan was the only light that gave her warmth. She could not imagine

what would become of her if the only light had left her.

What kind of loneliness would one lead for the rest of their life if there is no one left to live for? What,

then, would be the meaning of life?

Suzumiya Eigetsu had been alone for twenty years until she met Ye Fan.

On the other hand, Moon God had only met Chu Tianfan after millennia of solitude.

Ye Fan would never have expected to be the source of yearning and sustenance for life for the woman

in his arms.

Despite being moved by her gesture, he sighed again. “I really will hurt you, Eigetsu.”

“I'm not afraid!” Suzumiya Eigetsu shouted stubbornly.

Realizing that she was not about to be dissuaded, Ye Fan was forced to nod. “I promise to go to Japan

to seek your aid if ever there is a day that I, Chu Tianfan, have become truly desperate.”

Like the lotus after a rain, Suzumiya Eigetsu's tearful face blossomed into a bright smile immediately

upon obtaining his promise.

“I knew that you wouldn't abandon me, Master.”

The Sword God of Japan, Mochizuki Kawa, would be shocked by the scene if he was here as

Suzumiya Eigetsu had not smiled since the defeat of Ye Fan and Chu Sect.

However, Suzumiya Eigetsu smiled so easily in Ye Fan's presence. Her face lit up so beautifully that it

was as if her period of self-induced misery had never occurred.

In her excitement, Suzumiya Eigetsu seemed to have forgotten her other identity and that a large group

of stunned bystanders surrounded them.

To everybody's further shock, the mightiest god of Japan, whose very name made the world's fiercest

warriors tremble, tiptoed to kiss Ye Fan's lips forcefully in full view of the crowd.

Her sudden assault caught him by surprise. His eyes widened in shock as his body lurched.

I'm done for if this spreads to Mucheng's ears. D*mn it, Eigetsu!

Ye Fan was so struck with horror that his wife might find out that he did not notice the reaction of the

bystanders around them.

Every single member of the Elysian Mall and the Vias family was rooted to the spot in shock.

What the hell is going on? Wasn't she about to kill him?

“Is kissing somebody before you kill them the trend now? If that's the case, I would like to die by her

hand, please!”

As shocked as they were, the bystanders were also full of envy.

What more could one want in life after being kissed by such an alluring woman?

However, their shock was nothing compared to King Folo and his companions.

When Moon God leaned in for the kiss, they nearly passed out from anger.

Moon God is the most powerful warrior in Japan and one of only two god-realm fighters in the world!

Why is this symbol of purity and prestige kissing a mortal man like Ye Fan? What has the world


King Folo and the other two were beside themselves with indignation.

Shouldn't you cut Ye Fan down with your sword, Moon God? Don't you have a mortal feud with him?

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Are you trying to kill us by calling him “Master” and kissing him in front of people?

Having come all this way to witness a world-shattering battle, it was only until the kiss had occurred

that they realized that the events were going off-script. We came to watch a fight, not a display of

romance! Man, kids these days need to control their hormones!

Despite the panic experienced by most, Noa and Junie finally began to relax from their initial worry.

As the two of them were also women, they undoubtedly understood Suzumiya Eigetsu and could see

how smitten she was with Ye Fan.

“It seems that we have misunderstood her, Junie,” Noa whispered, her mind spinning with emotions at

the sight of the kiss. “She's not here to fight. She just wants to reunite with the man she loves.”

It is only natural for a man as capable as Ye Fan to attract girls like Suzumiya Eigetsu. Junie was

already tough to compete with, and now there's another. Oh, how bleak my prospects seem!

Once, Noa felt that she was the brightest star in the night sky whose appearance in public was a highly

anticipated affair.

It wasn't until she got to know Ye Fan that Noa realized she was just an ordinary star amongst

thousands of brighter candidates.

On the other hand, Junie was already used to it as Ye Fan had always been flirty throughout their


He hasn't even sorted out the previous affair with Ms. Tang of the Chu Sect, and here he is toying with

another woman's heart.

“How many women does he have to provoke before he stops!” Junie muttered as she wrinkled her

nose angrily. “Wait until I return to Livingsfill. I'm going to tell your wife everything. If I can't control you,

perhaps she would fare better!”

However, their shock was nothing compared to King Folo and his companions.