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Is that a Wisp?

Chapter 633: Can't Move
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Iem laughed after that.

"Very well. Anyway, shall we get a God Crystal now?"

Krune nodded and then asked Zule.

"Zule, are you sure that the God Crystal's pseudo sentience is on the verge of perishing?"

Zule confirmed.

"Yes, I can guarantee that much."

Krune and Iem looked at each other and nodded.

"Let's go!"

The three of them began to make their way back.

"Another good thing is that we might be able to use the Meridian passage that I saw there."

Iem agreed with Krune.

"That would be good."

"By the way, the Space Creatures at the Divinity Realm Level were definitely faster than the others. That being said, they definitely pursued the other members of the group for much longer, especially the ones who could fight at Jimage's level. If we go all out, we might be able to hold back or even fight those at the Middle Divinity Realm level. However, what will we do if we encounter a Space Creature at the Peak of the Divinity Realm level?"

Krune pondered a bit before saying.

"Our advantage is that they don't have intelligence. Also, I have my Mental Energy, which can spread up to 3km in this place. We can try to use a baiting plan when I see one of them. After all, they will pursue anything that is not part of this body."

Iem couldn't help but ask.

"But what can we use to bait them away? It would need to be something just as fast, but do we have such a thing?"

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Krune shook his head.

"We don't, but there is no need to have anyway. We can create a few bodies of energy and send them away. Those creatures don't know area attacks. They only come at us with their claws, trying to rip us apart. All we need to do is summon lots of dummies and send them out in the same direction all at once. The Space Creatures at Jimage's level will start destroying them one by one. When they finally finish, they will have left the place behind already."

Iem had to admit that it was a good plan. However, there was a problem.

"But how will you find the Creatures in the first place? Don't forget that when they aren't attacking, they keep hidden in space. Only when they attack, they show themselves."

Krune knew that as well.

"Isn't that simple? The same bait plan is enough."

Krune then used his Godly Energy and some of his Purple Lightning power to summon a few Energy Birds. He then gave an order, and those dummies flew ahead until they reached 3km of distance. There, they began to fly at the same speed as Krune and Iem were running.

"I see. You are using your Mental Energy to control them from that distance."

Krune nodded.

"My Divine Sense can't go too far, so chances are that the Space Creatures will see us as well when they come out to attack the birds. That's why I'm using Mental Energy to control them instead. After all, we can keep ourselves out of vision during that time. We can also judge the power of the space creatures ahead and decide whether to bait them away or destroy them."

Iem was happy to see such a thing.

Just like that, the two of them kept moving forward. After they reached halfway back, Space Creatures finally began to appear. Three of them came of out space and attacked the birds of energy, quickly ripping them apart.

"A few of them appeared. They are all at the Semi-Divinity Level of power."

Iem's body immediately crystalized, and he shot forward. Krune's body also flashed with Purple Lightning, quickly following. They have already decided that they will kill as much of them on the way as possible. After all, if they need to flee, it will be better if there are no obstacles on the way.

"Tribulation Thunder Line!"

"Devil Flame Obliteration!"

*Boom, boom, boom!*

Semi-Divinity Level creatures were still a realm above Kruen and Iem. That begin said, they didn't hold back when fighting them. Otherwise, the fight would continue for too long and might attract even more attention.

"Alright, let's continue!"

"Zule, can you tell in each direction the God Crystal went? If we don't know which vessels it entered, we will spend way too much time looking for it."

Zule nodded.

"Don't worry, I remember its spatial signature very well. As long as we pass by one of the areas it passed through, I will sense it. We can simply follow the trail after that."

Krune and Iem nodded as they battled more Space Creatures.

Suddenly, Krune's Godly Energy Birds were destroyed by a stronger Space Creature.

"There is one at the Divinity Level ahead. However, it is at Xanala's level."

Iem smiled after hearing that.

"Great! Let's get rid of it too."

Krune agreed with Iem. If they join forces, they definitely can take care of one at the 3rd Stage of the Divinity Realm Level.

As soon as they approached the area, the Space Creature noticed them. It didn't waste time and immediately pounced at Krune and Iem. Not only that, but a few more Space Creatures that stuck together with this stronger one attacked them as well.

"Tribulation Shields Slaughter Formation!"

"Rainbow Domain!"

"Devil Flame Sun!"

"Myriad Devil Flame Domain!"

Krune and Iem released their powers from the very start. Both Domain descended on the Divinity Realm Level enemy, vastly reducing its combat power. Both the Rainbow and Myriad Devil Flame Domains have some kind of Law destroying ability. When working together, they were frightening! Not to mention that both Krune and Iem's Domains were, in fact, a fusion of several Elemental Domains at once!

In just a moment, all the Space Creatures became powerless in front of the two. The only one that could still do something was the Divinity Realm Level one. However, with Krune and Iem's Domains stacked, it made no difference. The Space Laws infused in its attacks lost all effect before it could even reach Krune or Iem's positions.

The creature tried its best, but it couldn't do anything against those two. It soon noticed that it couldn't win and tried to flee. Even though it had no intelligence, it seemed to still have self-preservation instincts. Too bad, though. It might have tried to escape, but it didn't know how to do it correctly. It simply turned its back to Krune and Iem and tried to run away. That opening was fatal!

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"Heaven's Fall!"

"Hell Flame!"


Ten seconds! Krune and Iem's duo attack only took ten seconds to destroy all the Semi-Divinity and the Divinity Realms Level Space Creatures.

"Phew... so that's the power of a Divinity Ream Level creature. It's a good thing that it is as dumb as a door. It can only crudely use Space Laws to hide or attack. It has no Domain and basically relies on the power of its body."

Krune nodded.

"That's true. If that's the power of a 3rd Stage Divinity Realm Level Space Creature, we should be able to bring a battle against a 6th Stage one to a standstill. It would be the ones at Rui's level."

Iem then asked.

"If we find one at Rui's level, should we bait it away as well?"

Krune pondered a bit before saying.

"I'm not using my wisp form and over-discharging Purple Tribulation Lightning, nor you are using your Devil Flame Body together with your Crystallization Ability. Those are our strongest combat states. Do you think we can kill one of those if we do that? I will rather kill them than leave a hidden danger if we need to flee back using the same path."

Iem thought about their chances.

"Hum... The problem is that such states damage both our bodies. However, I have to say that I'm eager to try it out. After all, only such a battle will give us the experience necessary. So far, we haven't fought anyone that could really pose a great risk. That was part of the plan when we came here, right?"

Krune admitted that Iem was right.

"That's true. I want to get things to help Nina and her brother. But I also want to use this chance to see where I'm standing."

In the end, they reached the same conclusion.

"Alright, if we find one at the Middle Stages of the Divinity Realm Level, we will fight it."

Krune then summoned a few more dummy birds and sent them flying. After they reached 3km of distance, Krune and Iem began to move forward again.

Somewhere else, the God Crystal was lying down inside a pool of Silver Blood. Back then, it had killed a total of seven cultivators and demon beasts. However, just when it was about to kill the eighth one, its target disappeared. The God Crystal circled the area a few times after that but couldn't find anything. Not only that, but all the other cultivators and demon beasts had already left the range of its sense. Without a target, it simply let itself sink into the Silver Blood under it.

That eighth target that disappeared was, in fact, Illia, a member of Pharan's group and the same one who fought Krune. She didn't really disappear. Instead, she used a secret technique of the Flower River Sect to hide her presence. She didn't know if it was going to work, but it was her only choice in that desperate situation. Surprisingly, it really did.

However, the technique required one to stay still, not moving a single muscle. When the God Crystal sank into the Silver Blood, it also stopped just a few meters on her side. Illia couldn't help but curse her luck after that. After all, it didn't seem that the crystal would move away anytime soon. In fact, it didn't look like it would ever move!
