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Indulging in Carnal Desire

Chapter 237: [Khan’s Story 29] You’re so annoying
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Hu Luoyan had riskily uttered these dangerous words because he naturally had a plan in mind.

Ever since Chu Jiao had gotten to learn of Bi Luo’s cunning scheme, Hu Luoyan had already viewed that malicious maid as nothing but dead. He had always been ruthless towards traitors like these, and since a mere slave had dared to conspire against her master, even plotting to reach the heavens in a single bound, attempting to seduce him in vain? It made Hu Luoyan nearly choke up from disgust.

“Doesn’t that Bi Luo maid desire to beca princess?” Hu Luoyan’s finger firmly wrapped on the back of the chair, “Then, let us magnanimously grant her wish.”

Without bait, how could they hook the fish in?

When Bi Luo was released from jail, her usual quiet and elegant appearance was nowhere to be found. Her clothes were in a total disarray, her hair dishevelled into a hairball-like mess, and tear stains covered most of her face, meekly lying on the floor, she looked incredibly pitiful.

Chu Jiao couldn’t bother herself with looking at the female lead’s little white flower appearance, while Hu Luoyan also didn’t want to waste any more ton this matter, so as such, he promptly sent Bi Luo to Tuoba Hui, and the two people left on their way.

Upon receiving this hot potato1Hot Potato refers to a problem, Tuoba Hui initially had intentions of bringing forth the punishment of beating her till black and blue. However, after getting a clearer view of Bi Luo’s delicate appearance, he couldn’t help himself from sizing her up for quite stime. He hadn’t noticed back then that this girl’s figure didn’t look half bad.

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Bi Luo first endured 30 flogs with a plank before she was confined back in her filthyl cell without any mercy for several days. The searing hatred for her master, Chu Jiao, had already amassed endlessly, completely forgetting that the one who cup with the original idea of faking identities was she, herself. Now that she had a taste of her own medicine, she couldn’t help but blthe others for her own foolishness.

Having never expected that a day would cwhere she would be released, Bi Luo finally knew what precious freedom really was.

Feeling the official’s gaze scan her whole person, Bi Luo deliberately adjusted her posture, forming a beautiful arc with her body and slowly lifting her head up to look at him.


As soon as Tuoba Hui’s eyes landed on Bi Luo’s face, any lingering thoughts he had about appreciating her completely vanished. This kind of swollen pig-like face would be frightening to look at in the middle of the night.

“Y-y-youuu, lower your head! Right, before benwang has finished speaking, you are not allowed to lift your head!”

Tuoba Hui covered his eyes from the hideousness and ordered. Without knowing the reason why, Bi Luo could only lower her head and comply sadly, cursing in her heart. All Xianbei men were abnormal!

The escort troop once again set off.

This time, the troop was of an even grander scale than before. 3,000 Xianbei soldiers dressed in Hu clothing surrounded them, building a sturdy wall of defense.

The dignified and imposing princess was seated at the center of this solid defense with bright yellow veils surrounding the sedan that was pulled by 6 horses lined up in layers, allowing the surrounding people to only catch a vague glimpse of the delicate figure inside when the wind blew a small gust from tto time.

The one renowned as the Great Khan of Xianbei, Hu Luoyan, was a mighty knight who could match a thousand nights. He rode at the forefront of the group on his Ferghana horse. Donning sofft armor and a steel helmet on his head, his figure appeared tall and powerful, inciting instinctual fear in anyone who laid eyes on him.

At the end of the group were two ordinarily dressed soldiers, one was tall while the other one was short. One was strong, the other one was skinny. They looked to be completely unremarkable as though they were merely common soldiers of this troop.

However, if one were to closely listen into their hushed conversation, they would think otherwise.

“You’ve been riding for a long time, are you tired?”

“I’m not!”

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“There’s a lot of sand on this road, are you wearing a face cover?”

“I’m not!”

“Wasn’t your waist aching? Do you want to go take a rest in the front carriage?”

“There’s no need!”

“This horse hasn’t been trained much, is it making things hard for you?”

“It’s not!”

“By the way…”

“Hu Luoyan, you’re so annoying!”
