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Indulging in Carnal Desire

Chapter 233: [Khan’s Story 25] Find her
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Bi Luo had absolutely no idea where she had made a mistake. She clearly dressed up just like the princess, and the way she imitated her walk was no less than skilled. Thinking that the Khan ought not to have seen the princess before this time, she briskly peeled the man’s palm off her neck and urgently gasped for breath before forcing a stiff smile, “Your Majesty, have you misunderstood something? Bengong is right here.”

She stared at the man’s handsface, inching closer and closer, telling herself not to be afraid. She had to properly seize this opportunity.

“I am the princess, truly,” Bi Luo said resolutely and decisively, even turning her head to ask Hong Xiu to prove it, “This is my servant. Everyone can testify to it. Don’t you agree, Hong Xiu?“

Hong Xiu had already been intimidated into kneeling by the man’s ruthless gaze and didn’t dare to speak up at all. Hearing Bi Luo’s question, she could only silently nod her head in fear, “….Y-Yes.”

Now that it had cto this, they were both grasshoppers on the sboat, and so, she didn’t dare to deny her words.

“Misunderstood?” Hu Luoyan snorted coldly, “Benwang’s queen is an outstanding beauty with a countenance of an elegant flower and face like the captivating moon. How could a lowly slave like you be able to pose as her!?”

Even though this phoney was of a similar height and had adopted a similar attitude as his little woman, he was still able to see that she was different at first glance.

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Hu Luoyan’s arms exerted more strength out of anger, heartlessly casting Bi Luo to the side and giving Hong Xiu a substantial kick to the chest.

Bi Luo fell on the ground, the veil on her face falling off.

“I-Isn’t this the slave girl serving the princess?” Zhe Qie asked in astonishment. Tuoba Hui who was watching the whole thing at the side also widened his eyes, feeling as though this show was significantly more brilliant than the ones he saw playing in court.

Seeing her plans fall apart and her identity exposed, Bi Luo’s dusty face grew pale, cursing on the inside, ‘Oh no, everything’s ruined.’

“Hmph,” Hu Luoyan was now anxious to find her person. Taking out his long sword, he glared at the flustered Hong Xiu and questioned, “Are you still not going to tell me? Where is your princess?”

Could the princess have felt depressed over last night’s matter?

Hu Luoyan worried about this, finally realizing that having not told Chu Jiao about his true identity was a foolish decision.

“Th-This slave also doesn’t know!” Hong Xiu wept endlessly, sitting paralyzed on the ground, “Th-The princess, she went out by herself,”

Good. Very good. This troublemaking girl.

Hu Luoyan heatedly gnashed his teeth and commanded Zhe Qie, “Tie these two dog slaves who’ve failed to carry out their duties for Benwang! Daring to ignore the safety of their princess and attempting to deceive benwang by impersonating the princess, they deserve ten thousand deaths!”

“Yes sir!”

Zhe Qie waved his hand, signalling two soldiers to move forward and tie up Bi Luo and Hong Xiu. At this moment, Bi Luo ultimately knew what fear truly was. She frantically begged for mercy, “Khan, please spare my life! Khan, please spare my life!”

“It was the princess who asked this slave to pretend to be her. She wanted to flee from the wedding. Sh-She didn’t want to marry you! This slave was only forced to do this! Please have mercy, Khan!”

Hu Luo only felt that this servant, who usually appeared quiet and clever, looked repulsive right this second, actually daring to sow dissension. “For being glib in speech and wearing an ingratiating expression, for harboring malicious thoughts towards your master, stuff her mouth, and give her 50 slaps, 30 flogs, and lock her up! Once the princess has returned, your punishment will be dealt with!”

“Yes sir!” Zhe Qie promptly picked up a filthy tablecloth at the side and scrunched it into a ball, forcefully stuffing it into Bi Luo’s mouth.

“Mm! Mm mm mm!” Bi Luo couldn’t break free and had her mouth blocked, only able to produce muffled sounds as she soon faced even more unbearable torture.

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Meanwhile, the true princess of Great Chu, who caused people to worry, was currently in the backyard of the relay station, happily feeding the horses.

She was very much fond of the filly that Hu Luoyan had prepared for her last tbut hadn’t had a chance to ride her again. Now that she had the time, she used this opportunity to gather sfodder to feed it.

The filly’s body was completely jet-black, while only her hooves were snow white in color. As such, Chu Jiao simply gave her the n‘Ta Xue1Ta Xue means to step on snow.’ Ta Xue was quite docile, and having not seen Chu Jiao after a long period of time, it affectionately rubbed its head against her palm.

“Hehe,” Chu Jiao felt ticklish, “Alright, alright. Ta Xue, be good. I’ll take you out for sfresh air after a few days~”

Once the man returned, she won’t play along with his act anymore. Being a princess was already stifling enough. If being his queen was also just as stifling, she would rather give up the role!

However, Chu Jiao inadvertently didn’t realize that she had forgotten the existence of the mission, and the more she was determined to act according to her own temper, the more it was certain that the man wouldn’t keep himself away from her any longer.

In the meantime, with the help of his subordinates, Hu Luoyan looked around for her everywhere, whereas Tuoba Hui arranged for his welcoming cavalry to start setting camp.

As the average Xianbei man, Tuoba Hui loved horses a lot. Since there was a lot of fodder in the relay station compared to the weeds outside, Tuoba Hui led both his horse and his brother’s horse towards the stable.
