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In the Lap of Luxury by Unsweetened Chestnuts

Chapter 87
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Chapter 87 A Trap for You

“I’ll explain it to the public,” Benjamin said, then decisively left.

The moment he left, Richard threw his cup at the door.

He took a deep breath before making a call. “I need you to do something. Make it clean.”

“Grace Lewis.” His eyes shone with ruthlessness. “Let me teach you a lesson and let you know

the power of the Quine family in Pamore.”

A week later, it was time for Amirate’s meeting with Barnes Group to discuss software updates.

Grace and Luke went together.

This time, the other directors of Barnes Group would also attend the meeting. They were going to

discuss further technological innovations.

As they entered the conference room, Grace noticed the tense atmosphere. Albert and Benjamin were

sitting there in silence.

“Why the serious look, Mr. Barnes?” she asked after putting down her bag.

Without a word, Albert crossed his hands on the table. His once cheerful eyes now showed clear


He turned to Nicole and said, “Explain the situation to Ms. Lewis.”

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“Ms. Lewis, just an hour ago, a large number of important encryption files for nanorobots appeared on

the dark web. Though no one has cracked the source code yet, it’s only a matter of time.”

Nicole’s gaze was cold. “I remember that the source code was shared with Amirate just two days ago.

How did it leak today?”

“Ms. Pate, are you suggesting that we leaked the files?” Grace smiled. “Don’t make baseless

accusations without evidence.”

“We just shared the files with Amirate, and now this happened. It’s hard not to connect the dots.”

At this point, Nicole concluded. “Perhaps you did it on purpose, Ms. Lewis.”

Grace sneered. “Ms. Pate, I’m starting to wonder how you got your position as a director. Can’t you

think rationally?


Feeling ridiculed, Nicole clenched her fists on the table. “Perhaps we upset you previously, so you

purposely made things difficult for us.”

Grace stared at her coldly, making her feel somewhat uneasy. impulsive as you are?”


you think everyone is as

Refusing to back down, Nicole was about to retaliate but was interrupted by Albert. “Alright, quiet


Frowning, he asked Benjamin, “What do you think about this?”

The silent Benjamin cast a glance at Grace and then returned to normal.

“Ms. Lewis has got a point. Besides… I’ve worked with her, and she’s not the kind who brings personal

grudges to work.”

His words made Grace raise an eyebrow. Was Benjamin defending her?

However, she wasn’t feeling grateful.

“Mr. Hawkins, maybe she has changed since you divorced her. Being so sure makes you seem like

you’re covering up for her.” It was clear that Nicole was trying to stir up trouble.

At once, Benjamin stared at Nicole intensely. “Shut up.” It was rare to hear him speak so harshly.

Nicole had never been spoken to like that before. She turned red but finally fell silent.

“Now isn’t the time to hunt down whoever leaked the information. The encryption on the source code is

likely to be cracked within half a day.”

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Albert was anxious. After all, nanorobots were crucial for Barnes Group’s finances for the next five

quarters. He couldn’t accept paving the path of success for others if the code was cracked.

“I just checked. This news has already spread. In just 30 minutes, Barnes Group’s stock price has

fallen by ten percent, and it’s still dropping.”

“If the code is cracked, we will be left with nothing.”

The shareholders began to express their concerns.

Following that, everyone became perturbed.

For Albert to say such pessimistic words indicated that the situation was indeed catastrophic.

“The source code won’t be cracked.” Grace’s voice resonated in the conference room.

Everyone looked up when they heard that.

A smile flashed across Nicole’s lips, but she quickly put on a troubled expression just like

+15 BON

“What are you talking about, Ms. Lewis? The hackers on the dark web are all world–class


Today’s Bonus Offer