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In the Lap of Luxury by Unsweetened Chestnuts

Chapter 489
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Grace was stubborn once she set her mind to something, and once her interest in physics experiments had been piqued, she becproactive in all the physics lessons.

She maintained very good results in physics all the way until she graduated from junior high.

As it was a prestigious private school, they had a wide range of subjects available. Not only were there classes on culture, but they even offered vocational classes.

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Therefore, after she started high school, Grace began taking advanced classes in her chosen vocation. She started studying business management classes in her freshman year.

Teenagers were said to always have a rebellious phase, but Grace rebelled later than her peers.

"Grandpa, | don't want to study business management. | won't be interested in company affairs in the future, either.

"Please don't makestudy it! We already have Aaron!" Grace looked pleadingly at Harold.

Harold usually doted on her and spoiled her, but he stood firm on this matter.

"No." "But why, Grandpa?" "Study properly during your business management classes, and ask Aaron if there's anything you don't understand." "No, Grandpa! I'm really not interested." "Then tell me, what are you interested in?" Grace had nothing to say to that.

She couldn't find anything to say to refute Harold, but she still felt it in her heart. "Anyway, | just don't like business management.

When | find what | like, | will definitely do what I'm interested in." Harold relented a little when she said this.

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"Alright. Then, before you find your interest, go and take those EMBA classes." Grace pursed her lips. Although she was very reluctant, she still did as Harold requested and began business management classes.

Later that year, Victor and Caleb becseniors. Due to the family's arrangements, they didn't take the SATs. Instead, they were set to go straight to college after graduating.

Therefore, while everyone else was busy preparing for the SATs, the two of them were still gaming at home.

One day, Grace suddenly clooking for them. "Victor, Caleb, what if | study design and beca fashion designer in the future?” The two of them froze and looked at her in confusion. "What did you say? You want to study design?" Grace hurriedly pulled out her iPad and showed it to her brothers. "Look, these are the clothes that were revealed during this year's Mallon Fashion Week. The designs are innovative, bold, and very unique.

"Plus, this designer is really amazing. Her designs have already appeared at Mallon Fashion Week for several years in a row.

"The people in the industry all call her the queen of design, so you can imagine how respected she is in this field.

"If my designs can also appear in Mallon Fashion Week one day, that would be awesome!" Victor hurriedly cut her off. "Gracie, this isn't something to joke about. Have you asked Grandpa's opinion? "I mean, studying design isn't as simple as you think it is. You need a strong foundation in art for that, and if you start studying design now, you'll be behind everyone else.

"The gap between you and these professionals isn't small, either. Gracie, this isn't a simple thing! If you really want to study it, you must ask Grandpa and Aaron and listen to their opinions."