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In the Lap of Luxury by Unsweetened Chestnuts

Chapter 110
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Chapter 110 A Solemn Pledge


“The equity transfer agreement has been sent to all members of the board via em

“This year’s board meeting will be held in Pamore, where you will be publicly announced as the new


Even though Aaron had already announced this at Harold’s 70th birthday celebration, firace still felt the

weight of responsibility for taking over the entire Amirate Corporation

“Isn’t this a bit too soon? You know, I’ve only recently joined the company, and there are

many aspects of the business I’m still not familiar with,” she said worriedly.

“Your capabilities are widely recognized. Remember, you single–handedly resolved the crisis that our

family faced years ago, I believe in you, and I’m sure you can manage Amirate well,”

Aaron reassured her.

“But…” Grace still had doubts.

Aaron extended his hand and gently ruffled her hair. He continued to reassure her, “You’re our family’s

cherished daughter. Leading Amirate is your destiny. So don’t stress too much.

“We’ll be here to help you, no matter what challenges might come your way.”

Grace felt a sense of warmth in her heart. “Thank you. I will do my best,” she said.

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“Go with confidence, and know that I wholeheartedly support you,” Aaron responded

This statement was like a calming tonic for Grace, instantly putting her mind at ease.

“I understand, Aaron,” she replied.

Upon her return to Pamore, David Smith, one of Amirate’s employees, reviewed the details of the

upcoming board meeting with Grace,

After completing all the necessary preparations, they finally had the board meeting

At 9:00 am, the top floor of Amirate Corporation was bustling with all the compa

‘s board


As soon as Grace made her entrance, all eyes were on her. She wore a professional outfit that radiated

confidence, displaying her strong and capable presence.

Before she had become the president’s assistant, there had been lots of rumors and speculations

about Grace’s identity, which had been circulating widely.

But no one had anticipated that Grace was the only daughter of the Lewis family.

When this information surfaced, it caused a major stir within the company, completely.


Grace took her seat at the head of the table. David then presented Aaron’s equity transfer


“Ladies and gentlemen, before we commence today’s board meeting, I have an important personnel

announcement to make.

“In my possession is the equity transfer agreement from the former President, Mr. Aaron Lewis, who

has transferred all of his shares to Ms. Grace Lewis.

“With this, I propose the election of Ms. Grace Lewis as the new President of Amirate Corporation,”

David declared.

As these words were spoken, the large meeting room suddenly filled with excitement and chatter.

Whispers and discussions circulated among those présent. Finally, Director Walker expressed the

board’s concerns.

“Mr. Smith, this decision appears somewhat rushed, doesn’t it?”

Director Walker was a senior member of the company. His words carried a lot of weight. Once he

spoke, the other directors quickly supported him.

“Exactly. While Ms. Lewis is a member of the Lewis family, her capabilities may not

necessarily be suited for the role of president. Elevating her to this position so abruptly may not gain

the confidence of many.”

“Ms. Lewis is still quite young, and I assume she has limited experience. So I think we should give this

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more thought.”

“Managing such a large corporation like Amirate is no easy task.

“We can’t afford to take Amirate’s future lightly and jeopardize the well–being of everyone.”

Grace had foreseen that things wouldn’t proceed too smoothly. The current collective rejection didn’t

come as a surprise to her.

“Directors, I understand your concerns. Amirate Corporation is my grandfather’s legacy and my older

brother’s lifelong endeavor.

“I am fully committed to this responsibility and purpose, and I will ensure that Amirate thrives under my

leadership,” Grace said firmly.

Her words carried a strong and unwavering tone, causing the room to fall silent.

However, Director Walker gave a wry smile and said, “Ms. Lewis, actions speak louder than



“What we’re looking for isn’t just empty promises, What concerns us is the company’s performance and

the year–end dividends.

“How can you ensure that our interests remain intact? Unless you make a solemn pledge and

give everyone here some assurance,

At that moment, David was about to say something, but Grace stopped him.