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In the Alpha’s Arms

Chapter 89
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Show Them Who's Boss

“I don’t think I can face the park like this,” Lita admitted, wiping away the last of her tears. Nyx had fallen asleep

sometduring her breakdown and though Cule had sat with her through it all, Lita knew he needed to finish

his Alpha duties. She also knew he wouldn't leave until she told him to. Or until she went with him.

“You don’t have to come, but...” Cole sat back on the floor, dragging his knees up to his elbows, “I plan to

assimilate most of Maxim’s pack so... | just think they should see you as their Luna. In the position of power you

deserve. Not the prisoner they've seen you as so far.”

It made sense. Lita knew that, Leaders were expected to put their personal problems aside for the betterment of

the community. She should be able to put her big girl panties on and do her duty. Be strong for her pack. But she

didn’t think she could face a mirror, let alone a field full of faces who most likely saw her as the reason for their

new reality. Swould hate her for it. Others, maybe not. Lita, however, didn’t think it was realistic that

everyone had hated it here. There had to at least be swolves, those who were higher up in the pack

hierarchy, that would never see her as their Luna. And with all the hateful indoctrination... it might not even be

because of anything she could control.

She looked at the subtle tan to her skin, a sign of her heritage that she'd never lose no matter how many days

she spent in a cell.

“How many are you going to take with us?”

ry to give them all a pock to be proud of. A better life than servitude and breeding for the women at the very


ideally, | want to take everyone. Try to

He sighed, running his hand through his hair, “Maybe that’s just the spiteful part ofthat wants to ruin

everything my father ever worked towards. But realistically?” Cole rolled his neck. “I know most of them won't

be able to accept the way our pack operates. Especially with how much hate has been crammed down their

throats. But, anyone who can swear loyalty to you, can stay.”

He didn’t say anyone who would swear to him, the Alpha of the pack, but to Lita, Because he understood why

many wouldn't and he wanted to weed those wolves out. He wanted her to be comfortable. A safe hnot just

for Lita but for Stace and Alex who were Dominican. And Andres, who was from pain. He probably even thought

of Jaz, whose fate still remained to be seen. Their pack was diverse in more ways than one and he didn’t want to

bring hate into it. Every tshe thought she couldn’t love Cole more...

“I wish | could be more helpful. | can’t imagine what this is like for you. | wish | wasn’t Her bottom lip trembled.

How much pressure had Cole heen under? To find her, to fight alongside another pack when his own wasn’t

suited to combat, to chere and kill his own father. And he was still making hard decisions. Yet when she

should have been able to support him, he was there coddling her instead. For a terrible moment, Lita felt like a



Cole pushed her chin up, “You are the strongest person | know, yea? Literally. Don’t ever sell yourself short.

Between your family, your shithead ex, losing your brother, finding out you're a wolf and we're mates only for

it, Lita” His voice went so soft uver her nshe felt like crying.

Lita didn’t have the words to show him how much his words meant. Cole’s faith in her seemed endless.

“I can handle the pressure, okay? That's what Alphas He pressed a kiss to her forehead, “And if you can’t walk

out there and give Maxim's pack hell, make them grovel at your feet, then that’s okay. If you can’t take on Luna

responsibilities yet in our pack, that’s okay too. If Nyx can’t help during shifts and training, then I think Midnight

is wolf enough to cover for you.” He smirked. Such a gentle gesture that Lita almost cried all over again, leaning

forward to wrap her arms around his neck.

“You Il make a perfect Luna for the pack.” He took a breath.

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“But, | just have to say this. I've been thinking about it every day since our fight. | hated thinking | might never

get the chance to apologize. | was so stupid. | don’t even know what cover me. Call it bad Alpha instincts or

a character flaw but | didn’t mean to imply you were my property. You know that right?”

His hands pulled her closer, his eyes pained and cautious. There was something so intense about knowing he

only showed this gentle side to her. Cole was such a hardheaded ass about a lot. A caring, hardheaded ass, but

he only ever let his insecurities show with her. It was freeing in a way. It gave her permission to express herself


And for a long moment, she just pulled back and looked at him. How had a man who grew up under the thumb of

a monster turn out this perfect for her? Kind and understanding. Thoughtful and brave. She'd never felt lucky

before. If anything she always felt cursed but with Cole, her whole life had changed overnight.

Lita leaned in to give him a quick kiss, “I was being sensitive. It was a stupid argument Cole. You don’t have to


“I want to apologize. | promised myself I'd stop being an asshole and | failed. | just meant...”

“I know what you meant,” Lita laughed, sound stiff and unnatural in the wake of everything that had happened.

Cole pressed his forehead to hers, close


Show Them Whos Boss

enough to her mouth to be distracting. “You're mine too. | don’t think | could let you go even if | wanted to. | was

reading too much into it at

And then later, the girls convincedto make you jealous at the bar. It was all so stupid, looking back on it. |

wish | could go back and have make-up

sex instead.”

Cole huffed, eyes flashing, “Im really not above showing you exactly how much | missed you on the floor of

Maxim's office, baby. Let's keep the sex talk to a minimum right now.”

“No, no, no,” Lita laughed again, the lightness finally coming back to her voice, “I remember you promising I'd

scream so loud I'd never be able to face the pack again.”

Cole growled softly, nipping at her lips, Ignore me. I'm an idiot.”

“Con Alpha,” she shook her head playfully, standing, “Let's go show them who's boss.”

her a once

and tugged her through the dours. At Grumbling like a teenage boy, Cole managed to get himself to his feet and

take her hand. He gave the end of the long hallway, Cole saw the others were locked in a tense conversation.

Lita wondered where [at was but she didn’t have the guts to ask. Not yet. She'd only just managed to pull herself


“Ran? Cole asked Alex as they neared the group.

Outside with the others. Well past ready to go, if his attitude is anything to go on. Alex turned to Lita, taking in

her mangled appearance before turning back to Cole, “We good?”

Cole nodded and gave Alex a dark look. Lita knew they were exchanging more words between the link but before

she could ask him, Cole was pulling her through the main entryway toward the door. He paused just before he

opened it, long enough that all the familiarity and ease drained from his face. She didn’t recognize the dark,

broody Cole that took his place.

Well, that wasn’t entirely true. She had seen that face often in the beginning. Her first day at the gym. The few

arguments they had. The night he decked Ace for kissing her. Every the stepped in the ring. Maybe that’s

what this was for him, stepping in the ring with his father’s ghost. Lita had never considered he might be as

worried to face the pack as she was,

However he was feeling, he pulled her out the door behind him anyway. The others followed.

Outside, the once again focused on the gathered faces of the pack on their knees. How many would actually

make a vow to her? The more disgusted eyes she met, the more she was sure there wouldn't be many. Those

eyes fitted from her to Stace. Then they found Rafi and swiveled over to Alex and a few other pack members,

Her gut tightened again but Lita reminded herself that their hate was not her problem. She couldn't help

everyone and she couldn't fix everyone else’s problems either. But damn she wished the women would come.

The ones who had been kept in the basement at the very least. Servants and glorified slaves... she hoped they

would jump at the new opportunity.

“Now's the tto tellif any of these people hurt you,’ Cole growled into Lita’s ear, pulling her up alongside

him so they could walk together. It was another purposeful display of her authority in his pack. He was showing

everyone they were equals. That might have won him smore brownie points, if not for how distracted Lita

becat his warm breath on her neck. His low voice sent heat up her spine. Inappropriate timing or not, when

he took charge, her body reacted all on its own. If he noticed, he didn’t show it, continuing his thought. “Td

rather just kill those ones and move on. No reason to waste the request. Anyone who touched you dies.”

He glared at her to prove the point.

“So bloodthirsty,” Lita rolled her eyes. “The only one who meantany harm is already dead.” Her voice

dripped with venom, remembering seeing Chris surprised face as she dealt the killing bite. Fuck that guy. She

hoped he was happy in hell alongside Maxim and Carlisle.

“Alright let's make this quick Cole clapped his hands, yelling to the gathered crow that remained on their knees,


She so rarely saw him truly embody his true authority but at that moment, shoulders spread and voice booming

across the clearing, she saw him as a pure Alpha male. She could still remember that dark, aggressive look from

her first day at the gym and a pleasant thram went through her.

Lita fought the urge to catch her father’s eyes even as they burned into her profile when she stood next to him.

He wasn’t actually her father... in any sense of the word really. Her familiar well of sadness ached again but she

pushed it down. She needed to stay present.

« . . Q

| am not in the habit of repeating

) . q

myself so I'll say this one fucking

time. If you cannot let go of my

f 0

father's teachings about race and

social systems, stand up IERE)

move the tight. [THiS queen: Cole

pbirited Lita out with a dark, loving

look that made her heart race, is our

Lana. If you cannot serve her,

mose—to—the—fucking—right and be

q Pa

quick about it.” A handful of wolves

shot up. All men. All wearing the

os : Fy

familiar tactical gear of Maxim's

guands. Malice was a living thing,

Lita realized because she felt their

scowls down to her bones. One

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

looked right at her and mouthed filthy

blood. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

Show Them Whos Boss

Cole had cleared the distance and grabbed the man by the throat in a breath. A well-placed punch to the ribs

had the man gasping and groaning on the ground

“Disrespect my Luna, you disrespect me,” Cole's voice went impossibly cold, | am not my father. But | assure

you, | am more creative.” None of the other men said a word as they went from glaring at Lita to glaring at the

ground. She was just happy none of the women moved.

“Now that we've sorted the trash, Cole moved to step over the groaning man’s body, subtly letting his boot kick

the sribs. “First things first. If you have any fighting experience, move to the left.” He waited while several

dozen men moved where he instructed

I . . . 2

We are primarily a fighting pork. We

spar and train regularly. We compete

at all weigh classes and in all m

divisions of NMA ahd ©dxihg:

SBrivaltsting and self-defense

will now be added to the regimen.

Anyone with a predetermined skill set

is an asset. Brody—take their names

: ”

and skill levels.” He nodded

confirmation. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

Next, anyone with experience cooking, cleaning, or maintenance stand here.” Cole pointed in front of him.

Several people moved and Brody took their names as well.

Alright, Cole boomed again, “Last order of business: if you are injured or have a pressing need-sorry, | should

have specified, anyone not in the pile of trash to the right- feel free to see the doctors on hand before we leave.

We are leaving within the hour.”

Lita caught eyes with Ren just as

Cole was finishing his speech. She

barely hid her wobble of reliefihan he

) . 5 9

hadn't disg Andhatfehias standing

inthe leftmost group. He was making

a vow to her. Outside of Maxim, he

was still choosing to be honorable.

That had something sharp opening in

her chest. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

With those parting words, Cole turned, took Lita’s hand to pull her in for a casual, but deep kiss, and led her to «

the SUV they'd be taking home.