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Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 77
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Chapter 77

After making sure the old lady was sound asleep, Cornelia took out her personal phone. As soon as

she turned it on, she saw several missed call notifications, all from Ryan

Cornela stepped out of the hospital room and called him back. The moment the call connected, she

heard Ryan’s frustrated voice, Ms Stewart, what the hell are you up to?”

Cornelia took a deep breath, composed herself, and replied. “Mr. Colwell, please tell Mr. Artis that I

can’t go through with the divorce right now”

Ryan yelled in anger. Ms. Stewart, we agreed on this! The divorce papers are signed, and we settled

on finalizing the divorce today Why are you backing out now?”

Cornelia responded. Tjust want to postpone the divorce, not cancel it altogether.”

Ryan questioned, “Why the delay?”

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Cornela quickly explained. “My grandma is sick, and she’s been longing to see her grandson–in–law. If

I tell her I’m getting a divorce now, shell be devastated Once her condition stabilizes and she can

handle the news, well proceed with the divorce.”

Ryan snorted. “Ms Stewart, can we have some decency here? If your grandma wants to see her

grandson–in–law, just bring your boyfriend. Why does Mr. Artis have to be involved?”

“What boyfriend?” Cornelia said, only then remembering that she had impulsively claimed to have a

boyfriend while arguing with Ryan at the restaurant yesterday. It was like fretting in her

own grease

Ryan firmly believed that her grandma’s illness wasn’t the real reason Cornelia was reluctant to

divorce. He suspected that she might have found out about Jeremy’s true identity and wanted to get

more money out of him by stalling the divorce. “Just name your price!” he said.

Cornelia was taken aback, “What price?”

Ryan retorted, “What do you want? Don’t you know?”

Cornelia replied, “All I want is for my grandma to recover”

Ryan scoffed. “Do you really believe that? You don’t love him, so why are you being so stubborn?”

His arrogant and sarcastic tone irritated Cornelia, “Our marriage wasn’t built on love. What does it

matter if I love him or not?”

Ryan was infuriated by her response, “Just tell me how much money you want to get this dworce


“I don’t care about his money!” Cornelia fet frustrated talking to a lawyer for the first time and hung up

the phone.

She could make her own money. Who needed his?!

When they got married, it was just to please their grandparents. She had asked him if he wanted to

reconsider, but he never did. She thought that even though their marriage wasn’t based on love, they

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should at least pretend to make their families happy

But he disappeared after the registration and only reappeared when he wanted a divorce. And that was

when she was being treating like shit by her uncle and aunt. She didn’t need a husband like that!

Not knowing how to handle Cornelia, Ryan had no choice but to call Marcus again, “Marc, your wife is

really unreasonable. She’s done something scandalous, and now she’s lying about her grandma being

sick so she can delay the divorce. But don’t worry, this time I’ll make sure she“”

Marcus raised an eyebrow, “Her grandma is sick?”

Ryan confirmed, “That’s what she said.”

Marcus knew his grandma and that womans grandma were friends, and they both got married for their

grandmas sake. That woman might not have been cautious in her personal life. but she wouldn’t use

her grandma as an excuse

He said, “I transfer some money to her so she can take care of her grandma without any worries. As for

the divorce, well talk about it when her grandma gets better”