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Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 7
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Chapter 7

Marcus‘ eyes suddenly turned cold, and he gave off a strong oppressive vibe. “What’s your


The man straightened up and hugged the woman tightly. “What’s our relationship to you? I’m warning

you, don’t bother us again, or I won’t let you off.”

After that, the man slammed the door shut.

Marcus stared at the closed door, thinking about their actions in the room just now and the man’s

affection for the woman, a strong wave of disgust surged in his heart.

He could make excuses for her and deceive himself if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes.

Now that he had seen it, even if he didn’t want to believe it, he had to admit that his wife had a

relationship with another man, and he had been deceived by his cheating spouse.

He turned around, threw the roses into the trash can, and walked straight into the elevator

Zack watched Marcus leave through the peephole, nervously patting his chest. “Abby, do you know that


Abigail shook her head violently, whispering, “That was so scary! So scary!”

“Shoot, Comelia should be back from the supermarket outside the neighborhood by now…” They both

rushed out of the room, and another elevator opened just in time.

Cornelia, carrying groceries and a newly purchased bottle of white wine, saw them flustered. “What are

you guys doing?”

Zack glanced at Cornelia and sighed in relief when he confirmed she was okay. “You didn’t meet any

weird people, did you?”

Cornelia looked confused. “No, what’s going on?”

Zack pulled her into the room and closed the door. After looking through the peephole again, he said,

“A man just knocked on our door, and he seemed to be trouble. I honestly answered his questions, but

luckily I was alert enough to drive him away.”

Abigail nodded vigorously. “Right, that guy looked at me like he wanted to eat me alive. It’s so scary!

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Good thing Zack reacted quickly.”

Cornelia hugged Abigail. “Our neighborhood has a lot of people, and I heard there were thefts a few

days ago. We have to be more careful from now on.”

Zack pulled out his phone. “I’m going to buy a surveillance device online and install it at the door. If you

work late, call me in advance, and I’ll pick you up downstairs.”

Cornelia nodded. “Okay.“,

Abigail sighed. “It’s a shame he’s so good–looking.”

Cornelia and Zack said at the same time, “Miss, don’t be blinded by a man’s good looks.”

Abigail, “But that man was really good–looking.”

Cornelia and Zack, “…”

Marcus got back into the car and told the driver to head to Southern Summer Garden..

After more than two hours of driving, it was late when they arrived at Southern Summer Garden. The

lights in the villa were still on.

Marcus hadn’t even gotten out of the car when he saw the unsteady figure in the yard.

Granny Luisa saw his car enter the yard and excitedly shook off the butler’s support, walking towards


Marcus immediately got out of the car and quickly helped Granny Luisa up. “Granny…”

“Marc, where’s Nelly?” Granny Luisa craned her neck to look behind him into the car but didn’t see the

person she wanted to see. Her eyes immediately dimmed. “She didn’t come with you. What’s the point

of you coming alone?”

“Granny, I came to talk to you about our relation.” Marcus helped Granny Luisa into the house and

asked the butler to leave.

Granny Luisa felt something was wrong and was a bit nervous. “Is Nelly mad at you and doesn’t want

to see you? Should I call and help explain things to her?”

Marcus‘ sexy thin lips curved into a cold smile. “She has another man.”

“What? What nonsense are you talking about?” Granny Luisa angrily threw a pillow from the sofa at

Marcus. “Nelly isn’t that kind of person; she would never do such a thing. Don’t ruin her reputation.”

Marcus laughed coldly. “I saw it with my own eyes. Could it be fake?”

Hearing this, Granny Luisa was stunned. “Marc, is there a misunderstanding? Should I call and ask?”

Marcus spoke in a low voice. “I called her the day I returned to the country and heard a man’s voice

next to her. I stupidly thought it

Chapter 7

might be a misunderstanding. Today, I went to her house to pick her up and saw her and that man

being intimate. Do you think this is still a misunderstanding?”

No one can accept their partner cheating, especially Marcus.

Even though his marriage to Cornelia wasn’t based on love, Granny Luisa knew he couldn’t accept this.

Granny Luisa closed her eyes and, when she reopened them, her emotions had calmed down. “What

do you want to do now?”

Marcus replied coldly, “Get a divorce.”

Divorce was the last thing Granny Luisa wanted to see, but if the girl already had someone else she

liked, what could they do?

She continued, “Marc, I know you’re angry right now, but I hope you can think from Cornelia’s

perspective. A girl gets married in a flash to a man she’s only met once, and after the marriage, her

husband disappears. With no feelings between her and her husband, it’s not wrong for her to be with

someone suitable during that time.”

Marcus raised his eyebrows. “So what?”

Granny Luisa said, “Why don’t we wait for her to initiate the divorce, giving each other some dignity?”

“Dignity?” Marcus took off his glasses and gently wiped them. “Granny, if it weren’t for you, I would

have made that man and woman disappear from Riverton. You still want me to give them dignity? Did

she think of giving me dignity when she was with another man?”

Granny Luisa sighed, “I met Nelly a few times before your marriage, and she’s an excellent girl. I

thought you two would be happy together, so I arranged for you to be together. I made a mistake. I

shouldn’t have forced you to get married just because you were getting older. Otherwise, this wouldn’t

have happened.”

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Once a fierce and fearless businesswoman, she went through countless hardships and faced even the

strongest opponents with ease. But now, she found herself apologizing to him, her own grandson, all

because of that young girl.

Marcus felt heartbroken, and the anger he tried to suppress flared up again. “Granny, no one can force

me, and no one can betray me.”

He had lived for over twenty years without ever meeting a girl he liked, let alone ever thinking about

falling in love. Granny wanted him to get married, so he figured it didn’t matter who he married and


This marriage wasn’t for love, but from the moment they decided to marry, he was determined to spend

his life with that girl, never even considering betraying her.

But what about her?

He never imagined that when he excitedly brought a car full of gifts to pick her up, he’d be greeted by

her living with another man.

Granny Luisa knew him well and took the blame upon herself, all to protect the girl. “Marc, I promised

Cornelia’s granny that my grandson would treat her granddaughter well, and that’s why she agreed to

the marriage. I don’t want to face my old friend with shame. Just promise me one more time, and I

won’t interfere with your future marriage choices.”

Marcus couldn’t bear to see his granny humbling herself before him, so he reluctantly agreed. “Fine, I’ll

let her keep her dignity.”

With the crisis averted, Granny Luisa hadn’t completely relaxed when she saw Marcus call his private

lawyer. “Help me prepare a divorce agreement.”

Granny Luisa, “Marc, you…”

She didn’t completely understand him.

Marcus hung up and said, “Granny, you should rest. I’m going back to Riverton.”

As she watched his tall, lonely figure, Granny Luisa realized for the first time that she might have made

a mistake.

She didn’t want her grandson’s marriage to be like his parents‘, just an exchange of benefits. So she

arranged an innocent

girl for him, hoping their feelings would be pure. But she neglected the fact that a good marriage

requires the presence of emotions.