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Imperfect Desires

Chapter 800 - Who Is Scary?
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Chapter 800 - Who Is Scary?

For the next two hours, every time the door opened, Ying's heart seemed to have skipped a beat. She'd anxiously look at the door and only after learning that her mom was not here yet would she be able to relax.

And the one who noticed this was the only one who had been accompanying her; Han Bohai. To be honest, he knew nothing about Ying's mother. Even Ying had never talked about her mother before. It made him wonder if something was wrong between them and now seeing Ying like this seemed to have increased his doubts somewhat.

"Ah-Ying," began Han Bohai. "Are you scared of your mom?"

Ying looked at him and took a moment before saying, "Not... Really."

"Then why do you so jittery right now?" asked Han Bohai. "Shouldn't you be happy that your mom is coming?" historical

"I am happy," she answered sincerely. "I'm really happy. But I'm also worried."

"Worried?" he scowled. "About what?"

"I'm worried about whether she'll approve of our marriage or not."

Han Bohai was left gaping at her in disbelief, "We are getting married?"

Ying avoided his eyes as she continued, "Well, something like that."

Han Bohai smiled at her and didn't push her to elaborate herself. He just continued to hold her hand and wait alongside her. It was enough to know that at least she was thinking about the future seriously. And that future seemed to have him as well.

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Ying was quiet for a while before she went on, "Actually, people say my mom is indeed scary. You might also think so as well. But trust me, she only looks scary." Han Bohai raised a brow at her and she hesitated before saying, "I mean sometimes she does act scary as well but that's not the point. The point is that she loves me a lot. And I know that mostly she'd happy to just see me happy. However, I've been rebellious all my life. And I've let her down way too many times because of my own selfishness. I'm not as perfect as people think of me."

"No one is perfect," he told her.

Ying smiled softly at him, "I know no one is perfect but the point is, I've never even tried to be a perfect daughter. I've tried my best to make everyone happy but I can't think of anything that I'd done in life just to make my mom happy. However, she never looked disappointed in me. She not only always gave in to me, she always supported me as well." She sighed out heavily, "Maybe that's why I'm so scared right now. I don't want to let her down this time. I genuinely want her to like you for me. And I don't want her to do it just because she wants to see me happy."

Han Bohai actually understood her meaning and her fear. He tightened his hold on her hand as he said, "Relax. I'll do my best to make her like me."

"You don't have to do anything," said Ying. "Just be yourself. My mom can see right through people at a glance. If you tried to be extra, she'd know it right away."

"Oh, she does sound scary now," said Han Bohai.

Ying gave him a look, "I told you, she is scary." She lowered her voice and went on, "Let me tell you a secret... In this house, no one dares to go against Zizi but even Zizi can't go against my mom. For two reasons, one that my mom was like an elder sister to his wife. Two, because he really doesn't stand a chance against my mom."

"Are you like your mom then?" he questioned.

Ying shook her head, "Nope! I'm more like my godmother."

The main door opened again and Ying almost jumped out of her seat. Seeing who was at the door, she frowned, "What are you doing here?"

"Dad called her" answered Xiao Li. "Come inside, Gigi."

Gigi gave Ying a nod as she greeted her, "Good to see you, Team Leader Yan. How is your injury now?"Find authorized s in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #%!d(string=14488421705519105)/who-is-scary_%!d(string=51277960644192643) for visiting.

Ying waved her hand offhandedly, "It's nothing big."

Gigi nodded her head, "Take care of yourself. Everyone is worried about you." She came over and passed a bouquet of flowers in her hands to Ying saying, "Each flower is sent by a member of your team. We all wish you a fast recovery."

Ying was taken aback by this sudden action. She felt so touched that she didn't know what to say right now. "Thank you!" That was all she could utter right now.

Xiao Li knocked on Ying's head saying, "See? Even your subordinates are worried about you! So could you please focus on getting better rather than jumping around like a monkey?"

Ying glared at him, "Aren't I doing it now?"

Xiao Li gave her a look, "You're supposed to be on your bed, resting!"

"I'm waiting for my mom," she replied. But then she pointed at Gigi and asked, "Why did Zizi call her here?"

"She is going to be a part of Xiu's psychologist team," answered Xiao Li casually.

"Why?" questioned Ying in confusion. "I mean she is my subordinate and I know how good she is. But why did Zizi choose her specifically?"

Xiao Li sighed out, "Because Regan requested it." That was the only answer he had and that was the only answer he could give her right now. After doing so, he turned to Gigi and said, "Follow me."

Gigi gave a nod to Ying and followed Xiao Li out of there.

Ying was left with confusing thoughts. Why would Darren ask for Gigi specifically? Were they even that close? She really couldn't come to a real answer. But she shrugged it off when she thought that it was enough as long as Gigi was able to help Xiu.

Meanwhile, Xiao Li didn't directly bring Gigi to Xiu. Instead, he took her to his father first. Before Xin Zimen, she was extremely respectful. And this respect didn't just come from the difference in their ranks, it was something that came from her heart. She genuinely respected Xin Zimen a lot.

"I believe, you already know why I called you here," said Xin Zimen.

"Yes, sir!" replied Gigi.

"Although I don't know why Regan wanted you to join Xiu's psychologist's team, I believe in his judgment. There is no one who knows Xiu better than he does. And if he thinks you'd of great help, I trust in his words."

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"I'll do my best," said Gigi.

"I'd appreciate that," said Xin Zimen. "This isn't an official mission and yet you chose to help us. I'm truly grateful for that."

"Sir, you don't have to say it like that. It'd be my honor to help you or help Mr. and Mrs. Salvay."

"Thank you!" Xin Zimen was truly thankful. He really didn't think Gigi was obliged to help them in this personal matter but she was still willing to do it. It meant a lot to him. "Xiao Li, you can take her to Xiu now."

Xiao Li took Gigi to Xiu. The room wasn't the same one where Darren had been. It was the room beside it. The room looked refreshing with warm tones. It gave it a cozy and homey feel. Xiu was reclining on the lounge chair as she looked out the window. It was a gloomy winter day and yet she found it quite beautiful as she continued to stare out the window.

Xiao Li had silently left after directing Gigi to this room.

Xiu only turned her head when Gigi pushed a chair closer to her to sit down. Seeing a familiar face, Xiu smiled at her, "Hi, Gigi! I haven't seen you in days now."

"It's good to see you too, Mrs. Salvay," she replied.

"Woah! What's up with this formality?" Xiu acted surprised at being called Mrs. Salvay out of nowhere.

Gigi noticed the beads of perspiration on her forehead and took a paper towel to wipe it as she questioned, "Why are you sweating? Is it too hot for you?"

Xiu shook her head, "Nah. We were just doing some exercises to make my arm work again. It tired me out. I never thought it'd be so difficult and..."

Gigi waited for her to continue but when she didn't she finished her sentence for her, "Painful?"

Xiu pursed her lips but ended up nodding her head, "It is painful for some reason."

Gigi waited for another minute before asking, "Do you know why I am here? Or what role am I here to play?" Xiu frowned at her words and she explained, "I'm here as your therapist."

"Really?" questioned Xiu in surprise.

"Yes," answered Gigi. "It seems your husband thinks you'd be more comfortable with me than any stranger. That's why he requested me to come here."

Xiu smiled to herself, "If he thinks so, then he must be right." She smiled even brighter at Gigi as she added, "Then I'm in your care from now on."