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Imperfect Desires

Chapter 485 Im Ou
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485 I'm Ou

Qiu Meihui placed her hand over Liu Nuan's as she said, "You can let go of your resentment now. She is no more."

Liu Nuan scoffed, "And that's the worst part. Even though she died, she is standing as a wall between me and Jinhai which I'm unable to tear down."

"Back then everyone said, she was just a phase in Jinhai's life. He'd get over her. Hundreds of celebrities come and go. People tend to forget easily, he'd too. How come Jinhai is not willing to get over that phase? How can he destroy his present for a past?"

Liu Nuan took a pause before replying, "She was kind, compassionate, humble, and a genuinely beautiful person. That kind of people can die but they leave their kindness behind as a reminder of their presence." She looked at Qiu Meihui with a strange look in her eyes as she went on, "She didn't even hesitate to be a donor for me. I still feel like she slapped me in the face with her kindness while I was trying to snatch everything from her."

Qiu Meihui thoughtlessly traced the seam of the cup in her hand as she said, "And that kindness of hers is not letting you breathe in peace. Every breath you take is a reminder that she gave you life. She gave you a chance to live while she chose to take her own chance of living."

Liu Nuan laughed ironically, "Exactly, the more she didn't resist, the more I wanted to win over her." She touched Qiu Meihui's shoulder as she added, "That's why I don't want you to push your luck with Ying as I did with Chen Xiu. Or else, you'll also be left with mere regret."

Qiu Meihui calmly took a sip of her coffee before saying, "Wanna know the difference between Yan Ying and Chen Xiu?" Liu Nuan frowned while she went on, "From what you told me about Chen Xiu, she was like a little girl who yearned love and acceptance. As for Yan Ying, she is the strongest person I have come across in my life. She can put anyone to shame with how mentally strong she is."

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"But you can't forget that she had been fighting her own battles. If you loved Xiaoli, she did as well. The only difference was your love was always reciprocated and she was left yearning for it."

Qiu Meihui quirked her brow at Liu Nuan as she wondered, "Are you taking her side because of how similar your unrequited love is?"

Liu Nuan shook her head at Qiu Meihui and got up saying, "Let's get to Bridal Boutique. I can't argue with you."

Qiu Meihui shrugged her shoulders carelessly and also stood up to follow her.


"Yo, little brother!"

Jackie wanted to bury himself in embarrassment at the way Xiu was jumping at his school gate making everyone around him to look at only him. What a sight! When he was told in the morning that she'd be dropping him off to school, he was very happy but he was disappointed when she canceled her plan at the last minute. Now, how come, she was here to pick him up from school?

However, he had to get over his embarrassment because his love for his sister was greater. He plastered a big smile on his face and rushed over to Xiu.

"You didn't come in the morning," he grumbled like a kid. Oh, wait! He was a kid.

"Sorry, I got distracted with some stuff. But I'm here now," answered Xiu cheerfully as she took his bag and put it in the backseat of the car, also helped him up and followed him as well.

Seeing how both Xiu and Jackie occupied the backseat, Ying tired her head to say, "So, you literally are treating me like a driver, huh?"

While Xiu grinned sheepishly, Jackie stared at her face for a long while before asking, "Xiu'er, who is she?"

"She?" Xiu thought about how to describe her relationship with Ying and the longer she took the more irked Ying was being. What was really hard to explain here? "She is my sworn sister."

Ying coughed before saying, "Kid, when did I become your sworn sister?"

"Yesterday," said Xiu without any hesitation. "Didn't I tell you that you can even adopt me?"

Jackie instantly hugged his Xiu and claimed, "No way! You can't take her! Xiu is only mine!"

Ying laughed at his reaction, "Little young man, you should say that before Regan. He'd love to hear this." Xiu could hear her sarcasm very clearly and apparently, Jackie could as well.

"I can only share my Xiu with brother-in-law."

Ying stared at Jackie's face while nodding, "I suddenly have a newfound respect for you and Regan."

"Ying Jie, we are getting late!"

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"No, we are not," was Ying's response. Because she genuinely thought they had nothing to do. Even though Xiu had been dragging her around for the whole day, she still didn't get the gist of how Xiu's plans worked. So, she was still in the mood to claim that they were absolutely not getting late for anything!

"Ying Jie, you have a date to go to!" informed Xiu.

Ying squinted her eyes at Xiu, "Who said that? Whose date? I'm going on a date and even I don't know it?"

"Don't tell me you're not gonna return the favor from yesterday? Don't be so rude now. Drop us off at Xin Villa and then go for your date. No need to think so much." historical

Ying was in awe at how thoroughly Xiu had already planned for her. Apparently, arguing wasn't gonna help her at all. So, she started the car and asked something else, "Why are you going to the Xin Villa?"

"We are going to meet Jackie's one and only niece!" announced Xiu.

"Xiu, I'm not going to see that little devil," was Jackie's firm reply. Xiu patted his head but he didn't fall for it, "Don't try to coax me."

"I'm not coaxing you. I just want to remind you that she is your only niece. And she is young and vulnerable. Poor girl can't even talk yet. Can you imagine how much she must be feeling lonely? She has no friends."

"Do I look like a baby? Do you really think I'll fall for that?"

Ying was being amused by whatever she was hearing. And she also was curious to know how Xiu was gonna convince Jackie to spend time with Ava since he seemed against it.

"Little brother, in a year or so she's gonna enter school. Can you imagine how she will be bullied just because she can't talk yet?" Jackie's face looked like he was seriously thinking about it as Xiu went on, "I really think she needs a little but brave uncle like you to protect her."

Jackie seemed hesitant but he still nodded, "I'll try to interact with her. But if she annoyed me, I'm out!"

"Okay!" Xiu immediately agreed and smirked at Ying through the mirror who shook her head the way she was playing with a little kid now. This was another way of Xiu to prove how much Nora's happiness mattered to her. She'd do anything to fix her best friend's life.