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Imperfect Desires

Chapter 465 Ask The Ca
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465 Ask The Ca

"That girl..." Zhou Jinhai's voice brought Dylan's attention back to him. "Was she the one playing the piano?"

Dylan looked around before saying, "No. I was the one playing it."

Zhou Jinhai's expressions said it loud and clear that he didn't believe Dylan even for a second. "Do you take me for a fool? Qiu Hedi can't play the piano. I think everyone knows this already."

"Are you insulting me?" asked Dylan. "I can definitely learn it."

"And who has the remarkable patience to teach you piano?"

"Jinhai! Don't play with fire!" exclaimed Dylan.

"Fire? Where is fire? Who is this fire?"

Dylan pointed at himself. "It's me! I'm the fire you're trying to play with."

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"Even a matchstick is better than you," scoffed Zhou Jinhai.

"Dylan, get down!" Dylan didn't know how or why but on instinct when he heard Xiu's voice, he got down. The result? Well, a coin struck Zhou Jinhai's forehead right in the middle with such precision that he not only felt pain, but it also got red.

"OW!" Dylan looked up when he heard Zhou Jinhai's groan and saw him rubbing his forehead.

With his mouth agape, Dylan looked back at Xiu who shrugged her shoulders, "Only I can insult my disciple. No one else is allowed to do so!" Dylan's lips curled up in a wide grin as he lifted both his hands to give her two thumbs up.

"Shifu! You're the best!" He couldn't help saying it. He had suffered under her tyrant for months. And he knew, she might not win in close combat but she had the most precise aim. He could only imagine how much it must be hurting Zhou Jinhai. But who cares? He wasn't gonna sympathize. He was way too happy to have his sister-in-law on his side.

Especially because 99% of the time, she was the one standing against him. This was one of that rare 1 % when she was standing beside him, with him and for him. Oh, he was gonna cry happy tears. Yes, that's how touched Dylan was.

"Aiya, you're girlfriend is mean," said Zhou Jinhai and Dylan jumped over to shut his mouth.

"Don't even for a second assume that she is my girlfriend. Her boyfriend might send a virtual dagger to chase me to death." historical

Zhou Jinhai pushed his hand away from his mouth, "Are you really scared of someone? When did that happen?"

Dylan stood aside and cleared his throat. "We are not gonna discuss that. Why are you here?"

"I woke up because of the piano music. It sounded awfully familiar."

Dylan's eyes instinctively looked inside the house. He couldn't see Xiu, but his mind was definitely wandering off to her. Did he even have to guess why the music sounded familiar to Zhou Jinhai? No, he did not! He already knew!

"Are you here to complain about it?"

Zhou Jinhai shook his head before passing his phone to Dylan. "I'm here to complain about this instead." Dylan frowned but when he looked at the surveillance video on his phone screen, his eyes widened. He could clearly see himself leaning over the railing of his balcony as he used his laser to play with his neighbor's cat. Wait! Neighbor? Dylan looked up at Zhou Jinhai who pocketed his phone and nodded, "I am your neighbor. That's my cat. And your childishness made my cat break some really important stuff."

"Serves you right," said Dylan without holding back. "Besides, when did you become my neighbor? No, what the hell are you even doing in my city? Are you following me now?"

"You're talking as if I'm your ex-girlfriend who is following you. Think before speaking, Didi."

"Well, you're not ex-girlfriend but you're certainly ex-girlfriend's..." Dylan leaned closer to him to whisper, "Brother." Zhou Jinahi rolled his eyes while Dylan continued, "And that ex-girlfriend is not doing any good job either."

"What do you mean?"

"Wait," saying that Dylan went inside the house and found the bouquet of orchids and the gift box lying on the table now. He took it and came out to push it into Zhou Jinhai's hands. "Give it back to her. And tell her to stop interfering in my life."

Zhou Jinhai looked at the things in his hands before saying, "Qiuqiu sent this to you?" Dylan nodded his head. "Why are you giving it to me? Throw it out."

"I'm giving it to you so that you can pass it-"

Zhou Jinhai didn't give him a chance to finish as he threw the things in his hand away. "I'm not your messenger. Besides, I haven't seen her in years and I don't wish to see her face as well. So, deal with your own business." Dylan was taken aback by his reaction. "Anyhow, I only came here to ask you how you're gonna compensate for the damages?"

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"Ask the cat to pay," retorted Dylan moodily.

"Are you saving money for your sister's wedding?"

"How do you know my sister is getting married?"

Zhou Jinhai knocked on his head, "Are you okay? Just because we haven't been talking that doesn't mean our parents are not good friends. Your mom is still my dad's good friend. I obviously got the invitation to Sister Meihui's wedding."

"You're coming?" Dylan didn't argue because he knew what Zhou Jinhai said was true. He couldn't deny it. He was just curious to know whether he was gonna come or not.

"Of course," answered Zhou Jinhai. "Why would I not be there?"

"Let me refresh your memory that Dazi is also gonna be there."

"All the more reason for me to be there," replied Zhou Jinhai while tapping Dylan's shocked face before he turned to leave. He stopped after a couple of steps and added, "And next time, before doing anything childish, learn who your neighbors are. Because I'm not following you, I have bought this house even before you moved here."

"Looks like I need to look for a new place," shouted Dylan from behind.

"Good! At least, I'll get rid of a troublesome neighbor like you!"

"What did you call me?!"

"You heard it!"

Dylan was fuming at the door as he saw Zhou Jinhai turning to his own yard before entering through the door but not before giving Dylan a smirk.

"Are you planning on staying out?"

Dylan looked at Xiu who came to him and kept blinking with a blank face. Even his brain was feeling empty. More than Darren, he was concerned that Xiu was also gonna be at his sister's wedding, how could Zhou Jinhai be there?