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I'm in Hollywood

Chapter 29
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While he was still in his thoughts, ten minutes had passed and the surrounding reporters were getting more and more agitated. Some people had discovered Eric’s difficult position and decided to call the police, and Eric was then led away by them once they arrived.

Ah, God bless the people !

Eric was also joyfully teasing those two flowers, he made some casual jokes to which the girls giggled endlessly, and two perfumed contact cards had unwittingly made their ways to his hand.

“Hey, Eric.” While he was still in midst of chatting at the reception, Blount Cohen’s voice suddenly sounded nearby. Turning around, he found the CEO with his arms opened wide, so Eric stepped forward and warmly hugged him.

“Mr. Cohen, why did you personally come down, you could’ve just sent someone.”

Blount Cohen laughed: “Why, is this old man bothering you young people in your flirting ?”

“Of course not.” Eric quickly denied.

Eric nodded, pocketed the two girls’ cards, and followed Blount Cohen in the elevator.

Looking at the two people boarding the VIP elevator, the petite receptionist girl asked the one next to her: “Emilia, do you think Eric will contact me ?”

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The tall and blonde Emilia leaned towards her ear and whispered: “Who knows, he might even contact the two of us at the same time, how would you like that ?”

“Ah ? That…… Um…” Imagining that possible scene, the petite girl’s face flushed slightly.

Emilia suddenly laughed, and said: “Lisa, stop your wishful thinking. Judging by our conversation with Eric Williams just now, he didn’t seem interested at all. He was probably just humoring us.”

“How can he only be eighteen ?” Although she had just met him, Lisa had a very good impression of Eric. If another guy had flirted with them, he would have been beaten up flat by Columbia’s security. But Eric was a stud and he was about to become filthy rich, so him flirting with them flattered the girls instead.

“Let me correct you; he’s a millionaire eighteen-year-old. To be able to achieve success at such a young age, he is in another league. Also, when Mr. Cohen left just now, he glared at us, so just be realistic Lisa, alright ? Let’s go to a club tonight, I’ll introduce you to some handsome guys.”

Lisa nodded in disappointment, she couldn’t help but glance at the VIP elevator not far.


Eric held his wine glass, gently swirled it, and took a sniff as a fresh breath of pineapple overflowed from the amber-colored liquid.

Blount Cohen knew about Eric’s upbringing and understood that the young man had probably never had access to that kind of top-class wine, he thought Eric was going to bumble so he asked with interest: “How is it ?”

Eric nodded and exclaimed: “Great Burgundy wine, to get a pineapple fragrance after the brewing process is not an easy thing.”

Blount Cohen was surprised: “Eric, I didn’t think you had some understanding of wine.”

“Heard about it by chance.” Eric told the truth.


Looking at Cohen’s expression, Eric had a foreboding feeling, he nodded, indicating the man to continue.

Although the reason that Blount Cohen had brought up was reasonable, Eric felt something was off.

“So, Mr. Cohen, what does Columbia intend to do about this ?” Eric calmly asked.

“Eric, although Columbia will do everything to uphold its part of the agreement, this matter took everyone of us by surprise, we’re just unable to get more screens at the moment, so in the meantime, Columbia has prepared a compensation agreement instead.”

Eric warily asked: “A compensation agreement ?”

“Yes, Eric, don’t worry, there will be no change in the original gambling agreement. Because our lack of preparation has caused you a loss, starting from next week, we will add an additional 100 screens to the original number decided in the bet, and this until the movie stops screening. I think this is enough to show Columbia’s sincerity.” Blount Cohen smiled.

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Eric subconsciously nodded, but even if this compensation agreement was acceptable, he still felt something was strange.

Seeing Eric nod, Blount Cohen took out the contract and pushed it in front of Eric as he said: “This is the compensation agreement, Eric. You can look at it, and if there’s no problem, then just directly sign it.”

Eric picked it up and began to read, the agreement was very short, only a handful of word and the terms of address were also very straightforward, it didn’t look like there was any trap on the surface. But Eric was still cautious and stated: “Mr. Cohen, I’ll take this to my lawyer to have a look, and if there’s no problem, I will send you back the signed contract.”

“Mr. Cohen, 8% ? That’s too low.”

Blount Cohen shook his head and said: “Eric, releasing a movie in overseas’ theaters brings about a lot of taxes, in the end we’ll only get about 20%, but you don’t need to do anything and still get 8% of the profits, that’s very reasonable.”

Eric coldly snorted in his hear. What ? Reasonable price ?

“I’m sorry, Mr. Cohen, I need to think about it.” He shook his head and rejected Cohen’s proposal. Eric wouldn’t just give up what he deserved just because he had made a lot with the gambling agreement. Sure they had help him put the movie out, but that was it, what was his was still his.

Eric’s answer seemed to have been foreseen by Blount Cohen as he nodded and said: “Alright, Eric, you go back and think about it, but please give me a reply as soon as possible.”

“Hey, Lester, good morning.”

Although Lester started cursing and swearing in his heart, he only displayed an awkward smile on his face.

_ _ _ _

* ‘Big Six’ was a term used in the past, it refers to 20th Century Fox, Paramount, Warner, Disney, Columbia and Universal. The order is random.