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I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 98
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Chapter 98 If She Talked About This, She Wouldn’t Feel Sleepy Anymore

After another night of rest, Leanna’s cold improved a lot, but as she had slept too much the day before,

she woke up as early as eight the next morning.

When she went downstairs, Naomi was preparing breakfast. She probably didn’t expect Leanna to be

up so early. “Oh, Leanna, just give me a moment. Your breakfast will be ready in a while.”

“It’s fine, Ms. Fletcher, I’m not hungry yet. I’ll go outside and walk around.”

“Just come back when it’s time.”

“All right.”

Recently, the weather had gradually turned cooler. Although a trace of sunshine passed through the

clouds, there was no warmth to be felt. A small bridge nearby was covered with golden leaves, a sign

that fall was coming. After Leanna walked around leisurely for a while, she returned home and was just

about to enter when she was suddenly grabbed from behind.

She turned around. “Ms. Shaffer?”

Wendy sneakily looked inside the house before she made a shushing gesture to Leanna and pulled her

to her house instead.

Seeing that, Leanna asked in confusion, “Ms. Shaffer, did something happen?”

Wendy closed the door before saying, “Leanna, I want to ask you something. What do you think of

President Pearson?”

What did she think? If she talked about this, she wouldn’t feel sleepy anymore. It would take her at

least three days and three nights to finish bad mouthing that b*stard.

Leanna pondered for a moment before saying, “Why are you asking me this, Ms. Shaffer?”

Wendy asked, “Do you know that he’s Naomi’s son?”

Leanna nodded.

“Don’t you think this is too much of a coincidence? As soon as this place is about to be demolished,

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Naomi’s son suddenly showed up, and that son is even an unfilial child who hadn’t visited her in 20



“Yesterday, I looked into it all night and found that there is a new scam recently that specifically targets

elderly people who live alone and whose children are missing. Then, they would pretend to be their

children as a sham to steal their money.” At her words, Leanna was confused. Ms. Shaffer, aren’t you

reading too much into it? Meanwhile, Wendy was still fretting around. “Think about it. He hasn’t

contacted her for 20 years, but he reappeared right before she was going to be reimbursed for the

demolition. Something doesn’t seem right no matter how I think about it.” “Wait a second… Ms. Shaffer,

have you forgotten that Ai—President Pearson is a developer himself? He shouldn’t have the need to

covet Ms. Fletcher’s compensation fees.” Wendy was taken aback before she smacked her forehead.

“Look at me, I completely forgot about this. I was just thinking that Naomi’s son appeared out of thin air.

Still, that makes things even weirder. Since he is so rich, it’d be a piece of cake for him to look for

Naomi. But why hasn’t he shown up for so many years?” Leanna was a little confused about this as

well. She hadn’t asked them about what happened back then, but based on what Justin told her before

and Aidan’s attitude, she could faintly sense that it wasn’t Aidan’s will to be sent to the Pearson

Residence that year.

She guessed that it was most likely Gordon’s coercion and cajolement that made Naomi hand Aidan

over to him. After all, every mother in the world wished that their children would live a good life, so

Naomi might have left under such circumstances as well. At that thought, she couldn’t help but wonder

what kind of choice she would make if it were her. If a few years later, Aidan suddenly changed his

mind and asked her to give him their child before making her leave as far as possible, what would she


Wendy nudged her. “Leanna, what are you thinking about? Do you also think what I said makes


Leanna collected her thoughts. “It’s nothing. You don’t have to worry, Ms. Shaffer. President Pearson is

Ms. Fletcher’s son, so their personalities are… quite similar in some ways.”

“I’m not worried either. I just think that although Naomi has lived here alone for most of her life, I’ve

never seen any of her relatives coming over. Being lonely isn’t easy for her either, so I was worried that

she would be scammed.”

Leanna smiled. “Don’t worry, Ms. Shaffer. That won’t happen.”

Wendy nodded. “Oh, that’s right, I don’t know what happened, but Harry suddenly moved away without

saying anything. You two…”

“Ms. Shaffer, I have to go back and eat, so I’ll be leaving first. Bye!”

As she watched Leanna fleeing the scene like a rabbit, Wendy sighed. “This girl…”

Perhaps because Naomi was at home, Aidan restrained himself and did not order Leanna around as

before, so she finally had time for herself.

Recently, the series designed by Queenie had been launched, and it was quite well-received. With the

support of the Pearson Group, she became even more fearless and looked down on everyone in Lux

Jewelry except Harvey, who was the only person who could hold her down.

As Zoe was a stubborn individual herself, she argued with Queenie several times, while Queenie would

reply domineeringly, “Come talk to me when your work is exhibited internationally.”

Zoe nearly rolled up her sleeves to throw punches at her, but she was pulled away by the colleagues

around her.

“I’m truly speechless. Didn’t she just go to Aeras to study for a few years? She even picked up your

leftover for herself. If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought that Fashion Week was specially held

for her.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Leanna signed her draft while saying, “Your wording is incorrect. He wasn’t my ‘leftover.’ I was forced to

give up.”

On the other end of the phone, Zoe sighed. “You’ve really fallen from grace. By the way, didn’t Queenie

always act like a wealthy person before? Plus, she tosses in a couple of French words whenever she

talks. But, someone saw her father come to visit her the other day, and it turns out that she isn’t rich at


Feeling a lot better after her rant, Zoe continued, “I went to Louis’ school to see him yesterday, and he’s

doing well, so you don’t have to worry. Speaking of which, did you ask that b*stard, Aidan, for help


Leanna was silent for a while before saying, “I couldn’t think of anyone else besides him.”

“You have a point. That’s true. He’s the only one who can do something like using his power to

suppress others. Still, he finally did something good. Oh, how did a petty person like him agree to help


Leanna suddenly fell silent as when she turned earlier, she found that Aidan was standing behind her

with a cup of milk in one hand and the other in his pocket, looking at her indifferently.

After not hearing her answer for a long time, Zoe thought there was something wrong with her phone.

“Sweetie? Did you disconnect?”

Leanna laughed dryly. “Haha, he’s actually quite easy to talk to, and he isn’t petty either…”

“Quite easy to talk to? I don’t think that b*stard has anything worthwhile to say that isn’t nonsense.”

“No, no…”

Leanna hurriedly tried to find her phone that had been buried under the papers, but Aidan unexpectedly

placed the cup of milk on the table and turned her chair around, leaning down slightly and propping his

hand on the armrest as he stared at her with his dark eyes. He said in a low and languid voice, “Why

don’t you tell her how I agreed to help you first?”