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I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 828
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Chapter 828 Not So Welcoming Anymore

In the morning, Zoe was still in dreamland when she was awakened by the doorbell.

She buried her head in the blanket, trying to shut out the sound. However, the doorbell continued to ring instead of


She then picked up her phone and glanced at the time, only to see that the delivery person had called her 20

minutes ago.

After tossing and turning in bed for a while, she got up reluctantly.

She took a deep breath and stumbled to the door. As she opened it, she mumbled, "Sorry, I was asleep and didn't



As the voice of the visitor sounded, Zoe came to a pause and instantly woke up.

She rubbed her eyes and looked at the person in front of her, incredulously asking, "Why are you here?"

Not quite understanding what she meant, Daniel tilted his head. "Who else would it be besides me?"


Zoe took her phone again and saw that the delivery person had sent her a text message, saying that he had gone

to deliver to other places first and would come later since she didn't answer the phone.

She took a deep breath and looked back at Daniel, her grumpiness after she woke up immediately bubbling. "What

are you doing?"

Daniel held up the paper bag in front of him. "I brought you breakfast."

Baffled, Zoe demanded, "Not to mention whether this breakfast is necessary or not, don't you have the password to

my house? Why did you have to wake me up just to open the door for you?"

"Given our current relationship, I thought it would be impolite for me to just enter your house."

Is it polite to wake me up like this, then? Zoe thought.

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Daniel continued, "Eat your breakfast before going back to sleep."

"Thanks, but no thanks."

As she was about to close the door, Daniel reached out and stopped her. "Your mother told me that you have a

habit of not eating breakfast. She asked me to watch you eat every morning."

Huh? Am I not fully awake? Why don't I have any impression of him talking about this with Mom when he came over

the other day?

Seeing her confusion, Daniel explained, "I went to your house again after you left yesterday."

"Didn't I tell you—"

"It was your father who called and asked me to go. They told me that you had returned to Highside and asked me

to take good care of you."


"They probably just want to bring you and me closer together. You don't have to pay them any attention. After all,

you and my parents won't meet again in the future. There is no need—"

"Did you tell your mother something?" Daniel suddenly asked.

Zoe was taken aback. "What?"

"When she looked at me yesterday, I felt that there was some...hostility in her eyes. She wasn't as welcoming as


Zoe really felt like she hadn't fully woken up yet and was a bit confused.

The night before yesterday, she did talk to her mother and mentioned that she had someone she liked, but she

didn't give any specifics. She just said that although she liked that person very much, they couldn't be together

because he was against marriage.

It was probably just these scattered bits of information. She definitely didn't reveal that the person she was talking

about was Daniel!

Zoe looked at him suspiciously. "You're not lying to me, are you?"

"Why would I lie to you?" Daniel raised an eyebrow. "It was their instructions for me to watch you eat breakfast and

take care of you. If you don't eat, I'll call your father and tell him that I didn't complete my mission."

Zoe pondered for a bit.

Before long, she took the breakfast from his hand. "I'll eat it myself. Thanks! Your mission is complete."

As she spoke, she immediately closed the door.

Daniel only stood at the door for a while.

Soon, he touched his eyebrows and turned away.

There was no need for him to rush this kind of thing. He had to take it slow.

Inside the house, Zoe sat on the couch and ate her breakfast as she called her mother.

After the call connected, she cautiously asked, "Mom, what are you doing?"

"I'm exercising outside." Sheila urged, "What's the matter? Hurry up and tell me!"

Zoe took small bites of the bread. "Well... Daniel brought me breakfast just now. He said it was your and Dad's idea.

Can you please tell him not to come anymore? I don't want to trouble him."

Sheila took the phone and walked to a quieter place. "Trouble? He's doing it willingly. I didn't force him with a knife."

That tone. As I thought...

Zoe hesitated and began, "Mom, you..."

"Alright, stop trying to test me." Sheila got angry. "Do you really think I'm a three-year-old child? You have someone

you like, and your blind date criteria are someone tall, musically inclined, and mixed-race. And now, someone who

meets all these conditions suddenly appears in front of us. Anyone with a brain can easily connect the dots."

"So you knew."

"Of course I know!" Sheila huffed. "Do you think I'm your clueless and happy-go-lucky Dad who thinks your fated

one has finally come? He is even trying so hard to match you two."

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"Then... you didn't tell him?"

Zoe's mother angrily asked in return, "How am I supposed to tell him? Should I tell him that the person you like is

Daniel who is celibate? And that you two are flirting with each other even though you are not together? You are

trying to give your Dad a heart attack, aren't you?"

Upon hearing that, Zoe whispered, "Then it's better not to tell him."

On the other end of the phone, her mother lowered her voice. "Let me ask you. That thing… Was it with him?"

Zoe didn't get it for a moment. "What thing?"

"The one in your clothes!"

Zoe's face instantly turned red. "Mom!"

Sheila could guess the answer to the question when she heard Zoe's tone.

She was so angry that she didn't want to talk anymore. "Enough, enough. I'm the one who's going to go mad

because of you. I sometimes envy your father for not knowing anything. He treats Daniel like some kind of rare

drinking buddy. They get along so well. He wouldn't even put down the two bottles of wine that Daniel brought him

yesterday; he's practically going to sleep with the bottles in his arms!"

Zoe only quietly listened to Sheila's rant.

Her mother continued, "I'm warning you, make it clear to him. If he really doesn't want to get married and just

wants to play with you, stay away from him as soon as possible and never see him again."

"That's what I did, but you brought him home again..."

"I... I didn't know at the time! Anyway, I think he is an unreliable man. Quickly find someone else to date and make

him give up on you."

"I got it, Mom," Zoe replied. "I will handle it."

Sheila let out a heavy sigh. "Seriously... I don't know what to say to you. Why is it that the only people a beautiful

woman like you meet are sc*mbags? I must find a good one for you this time!"

"Mom, don't introduce anyone to me anymore. This kind of thing... the more you rush, the less likely you'll find a

good one. A pleasant surprise might unexpectedly come along if we give up hope."

Her mother only sneered. Not wanting to waste more time talking about this, she directly hung up the phone.