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I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 65
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Chapter 65 It’s Just Crushing Someone’s Spirit When Leanna heard Justin’s words, she simply pursed

her lips and said nothing. It was indeed true that she really didn’t understand the Pearsons’ family

situation. However, she wasn’t that bothered about them either. When he saw how silent Leanna was,

he continued, “There might be something that Aidan didn’t tell you, but we are actually half-brothers.” It

felt like a bombshell had dropped on her; Leanna was stunned and didn’t know how to answer for a


“My father had Aidan outside with his mistress.” Justin turned his wheelchair and said slowly, “I had a

car accident when I was ten years old. My legs became disabled, and I wouldn’t be able to stand up

again for the rest of my life. However, the Pearson Family needed someone to inherit their empire.

Hence, my father brought Aidan back when he was only seven years old. Since my mother always felt

that Aidan had stolen what should be rightfully mine, she didn’t like him very much.” As Justin spoke,

he smiled. “Although I shouldn’t blame Aidan for my car accident, my mother’s thoughts are a bit

extreme. As such, I can only try to be the mediator between them. In addition, Pearson Group has

developed rapidly ever since Aidan took over and joined the company. Even my father began to fear


The reason why they are so anxious to get Anna and Zayn engaged is because they want to use the

strength of the Barnett Family to slowly transfer their shares in Aidan’s hands.” Although Justin was

very obscure with words, Leanna still understood a little. Aidan is actually the illegitimate son of the

Pearson Family. Because of this, he had a hard time in this family. Outwardly, he may look like the

mighty Aidan Pearson, but in reality, his father has begun training others for fear that Aidan would steal

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his limelight, and he’s afraid that he won’t be able to keep Aidan under his control one day. All of a

sudden, Leanna understood why Aidan’s parents disregarded Aidan’s opposition three years ago and

desperately wanted her to marry into the Pearson Family. What they really want is the baby in my


Subconsciously, Leanna put her hand on her stomach, and she felt cold sweat on her back at the

thought of that. No wonder Aidan refuses to have a child. If the Pearson Family knows about the

existence of this baby, they will definitely go to great lengths and take this child away from me. Justin

then added, “I grew up watching Aidan. Although he has a cold temper and doesn’t often show mercy

when he speaks, he doesn’t have the insidiousness and shrewdness someone has in this circle. He’s

always been sober and knows exactly what he wants on this bloody battlefield.” “Perhaps because of

his living environment since childhood, Aidan is used to seeing anyone as evil. This also leads to the

fact that even if he wants to care about a person in his heart, the words that come out of his mouth

might sound indifferent. Sometimes, you can’t just listen to what he says; you have to see what he


That’s the real him.” However, Leanna wanted to tell Justin that the things Aidan did were no better

than the words he spoke. Be it his words or actions, they’re both inhumane. Also, it was apparent that

Justin still harbored brotherly love toward Aidan. Seeing that she didn’t speak, Justin added once more,

“I know it may be inappropriate for me to tell you this, but Aidan will never bring up this matter himself. I

just don’t want you to misunderstand him, causing you two—” Leanna showed a smile. “Mr. Pearson, I

understand what you mean by telling me these words, and I thank you for trusting me so much and

telling me the Pearson Family’s deepest secrets.

However, Aidan and I have already divorced, and it has nothing to do with whether he has a heart of

gold despite seldom smiling, or whether he is firm in speech but soft at heart. Don’t worry, Mr. Pearson,

I won’t tell anyone a word of what you’ve said today.” “I heard from the servant that you’re here. You—”

As she spoke, Sienna saw Leanna standing behind Justin. In an instant, her facial expression turned

cold. Leanna greeted her, saying, “Mrs. Pearson.” Sienna glanced at Justin before looking at her.

“Judging from your face, I see that you have already considered my words.” “Mrs. Pearson, when you

came to see me last time, I already told you that Zayn and I are not in the kind of relationship you think

we’re in. Also, I’m not that powerful, so I can’t possibly interfere in Zayn’s marriage with Anna.” When

Leanna was about to take out the envelope, Justin said, “Leanna, Aidan didn’t give you anything when

you divorced him last night. Here, take this money. Take it as compensation from the Pearson Family.”

It was better for Justin not to say those words, because the moment he said them, Leanna felt as if her

hands had touched something hot. Therefore, Leanna hurriedly said without thinking much, “No, I can’t

—” Nevertheless, it was still too late. “You’ve come here for this, huh?” Behind her, a man’s voice

sounded cold and ironic. Leanna stayed silent, feeling beyond shocked. As for Sienna, it was clear that

she refused to see Aidan. As soon as he came, she turned around and left. Upon seeing that, Justin

sighed silently.”Aidan, you’ve misunderstood. Leanna didn’t come here for this. I was the one who

asked her to accept the money.” With his tall and straight figure standing on the spot, Aidan answered

coldly, “You don’t have to explain on her behalf. I know exactly how her character is.”

“Aidan—” Just as Justin was about to speak, the old housekeeper came over. “Young Master Justin,

Old Master Pearson wants to discuss something with you.” Before he left, Justin exhorted, “Aidan, talk

it out nicely if you have something to say.” For a moment, only the two of them were left in the huge

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garden. Leanna turned around slowly. She smiled lightly and said, “President Pearson.” After glancing

at her, Aidan landed his gaze on the envelope in her hand. “How much is it this time? Is it enough to

pay up the money you owe me?” When she heard that, Leanna clenched her fingers slowly. At this

moment, her face was looking rather pale. “You were right about one thing. We have divorced, and I

don’t want to see you again. Pay me back my money, and don’t show up in front of me ever again.” The

tone in Aidan’s voice was calm. In fact, there wasn’t an ounce of sarcasm. However, it still made people

shiver to the core. Seeing that Leanna didn’t speak for a long time, Aidan said again, “What’s the

matter? Is the money not enough? You even demanded half of Pearson Group’s property. Do you think

I’ll believe that you’d be easily eased out with this amount of money?”

It took a long time for Leanna to refute him lightly, “President Pearson, you’re thinking too far ahead.

Mrs. Pearson gave me this money in exchange for leaving Zayn. Not even half a dime has anything to

do with you.” Upon hearing that, Aidan became silent for a moment. In the meantime, Leanna was

actually feeling good for being able to shut Aidan up for once. Come on! It’s just crushing someone’s

spirit. Does he honestly think I can’t grasp the essence of his argument? Sure enough, Aidan’s

expression instantly turned cold and frightening, and his whole body exuded a chilling vibe. Leanna felt

nauseous for a while, so she didn’t want to continue the stalemate with him here. After putting the

envelope on the small tea table next to him, she said, “I’ll put the things here. It doesn’t matter if you

don’t relay the message. You can also think of it as I’ve taken this money. After all, you all always like to

judge others with your own perspective.” Just as Leanna took a step, she heard Aidan’s indifferent

voice. “Does your brother know that you treat money like sh*t?” At once, Leanna stopped and turned to

look at him. “What do you mean?” Aidan smirked coldly and said, “Take a guess using your pure and

flawless thoughts.” Even though she was quite calm on the outside, deep down, she was fuming with

rage. To hell with guessing!