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I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 59
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Chapter 59

Picked Off the Streets After receiving 300 thousand from Aidan, Jethro indulged in all the luxuries of

life. He got himself all spiffed up and strutted about proudly as his self-esteem soared thanks to all the

flattery he received. It was right around this time that he heard about a business opportunity.

300 thousand was a pittance compared to Jethro’s greed, so once he heard about the possibility of

making millions from it, he immediately handed all his money over. He still needed a few dozen grand,

so he decided to get in touch with some loan sharks and offered to partner with them. Clearly, this was

a trap. Once the others managed to squeeze every last drop of cash out of him, the loan sharks came

knocking on his door again. Jethro caught wind of it and went into hiding once more. Somehow, the

loan sharks found out about Louis working at a convenience store, so they came looking for him


There was no way that Louis would give them any money, so they became physical. After hearing

everything, Leanna could feel the veins along her forehead throbbing violently. She did have a feeling

that something bad would happen… He frowned at her silence. “You don’t need to bother with this. His

matters have nothing to do with us.” “That’s not true, boy. Isn’t it a given to repay a debt? How can you

say you’re not going to bother with this?” A man called out from behind them, and Leanna’s grip

tightened around Louis’ arm as she turned around to look at him. This man was the same one that

stormed into their house three years ago and forced her to make a decision while clutching Louis’ arm.

Louis recognized him too. The air around him seemed to freeze as he tried to rush at the man, but

Leanna held him back. Ron Sedley gave Leanna a sly grin. “What a coincidence.

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I never thought I’d see you again.” Her lips thinned into a straight line without responding. Louis shoved

Leanna behind him. There was a menacing expression on his handsome face as he said, “Go and look

for Jethro if you want your money back.” “Oh? Look who it is that got his panties in a wad. So, you’re

Jethro’s son, huh? You’ve grown so much taller after three years.” Ron turned to the bunch of

hooligans behind him and said, “Guys, take a look. That’s a state-level top scorer over there! You

should get some of his good luck.” The bunch of hooligans howled with laughter. The noise caught the

attention of the police officer, who walked over and commanded, “Stop your ruckus, all of you! Where

do you think you are?!” Ron waved his hand and asked his men to quieten down before saying, “Relax,


We’re just congratulating the top scorer in the entire state over here.” After so many years of running a

loansharking business, all the police stations in the area had a standing record of him. The police

officer eyed him and warned, “Don’t get coy with me. Get to the point.” “Sure thing, officer. It’s a private

matter, so we’ll settle it ourselves. We won’t be needing your help.” However, Leanna spoke up. “I want

to press charges.” When everyone turned to look at her, she repeated, “I want to press charges against

those men who laid a hand on my brother.” Ron’s expression hardened. He was about to speak when

she added, “You want money, right? I can give it to you, but I won’t just let you get away with hitting

him.” He broke out into a smile at once. “That’s reasonable.”

The bunch of hooligans spent all their time in and out of fights anyway, so spending a few nights at the

detention center was nothing to them. “When are you going to give me the money?” Ron asked. “Three

days. I need time to gather enough money.” “Sure. I like how cooperative you are. It’s a deal.” Louis

grabbed Leanna. “You can’t give him the money!” She muttered in reply, “Louis, stay out of this.” Ron

glanced at Louis and snorted. “Little boy, your sister is a lot more decisive than you are. If I were you, I

would’ve rather have my hand broken than to let her—” Bang! Louis’ fist crashed right into Ron’s face.

All of Ron’s men stood up at once, but Ron waved them down. He massaged his face and said,

“Fellows, no need to get so worked up. This little top scorer over here is just a coward who hides

behind his sister’s back. It’s no biggie to let him vent a little.” Leanna grabbed Louis once more and

said calmly, “Let’s go, Louis.”

Louis was starting school next week, so she did not want things to blow out of proportion. After leaving

the police station, he was sullen and did not speak. She flagged a taxi down and asked the driver to

head for the nearest hospital. After that, she said to Louis, “We need to get your injuries checked, and

take an x-ray too, to see if you’re hurt anywhere else.” He stared out the window for quite some time

before asking, “Are you really going to give them the money?” Leanna snorted. “Do you think I’m that

dumb? I’m not a doormat. In any case, where would I get all that money?” There was no way they were

going to be able to get away tonight if she did not agree to give them the money. Louis unclenched his

fists. “What are we going to do now?” He was not worried about himself, but since those men could find

out where he worked, sooner or later, they would know where she was staying too. “First, we need to

find Jethro.” “He has obviously gone into hiding. How can we find him?”

After so many years of dodging debt collectors, Jethro had become quite the expert at staying in hiding.

As long as he holed himself up somewhere, there was no way of finding him, not unless he showed up

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on his own accord. “I’ll find a way,” Leanna said softly. “But—” “You don’t need to worry about these

things, okay? It’ll be fine. I can handle it. You can just focus on school.” Louis had a grim expression on

his face since there was nothing he could say. Ron was right; Louis could not do anything when it came

to money, and he had to rely on Leanna to carry the burden herself. At least something was different

this time.

Unlike three years ago, this time, he had time to figure something out. After a while, Louis suggested,

“Why don’t you go home first? I can go to the hospital alone.” Leanna was exhausted, so she accepted

his suggestion. He asked the driver to drop Leanna off at her house before directing him to Patheon

Club. … When Leanna arrived home, Zoe asked at once, “What happened? Is Louis alright?” “He was

injured a little, but he’s on his way to the hospital now.” “What on earth happened?” Leanna took a

deep breath and said, “Jethro got himself into a pile of debt and ran off again.” Zoe cursed under her

breath as soon as she heard that. In all her years, she had never met anyone as vile as Jethro who

threw his children to the wolves time and time again. He was not fit to even be considered human, let

alone a father. Sometimes, she truly wondered whether Leanna and Louis were just children that the

man picked off the streets somewhere.

“Zoe, I don’t feel too good. I’m going to go to bed,” Leanna said. Zoe snapped out of her thoughts.

“Yeah, go ahead.” Once Leanna returned to her room, she climbed into bed and stared at the ceiling as

a feeling of helplessness washed all over her. Although she told Louis that she would find a way to lure

Jethro out of hiding, deep down inside, she was completely at a loss. Even if she managed to lure him

out this time, what about next time? Jethro’s greed was insatiable. There would never be an end to this.

Plus, if they did manage to lure him out, would she be able to stand and watch as the loan sharks beat

him half to death?