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I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 52
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Chapter 52

Does It Affect Your Date With Zayn? In the meantime, Zoe was staring at Aidan. For some reason, she

kept having the feeling that the meaning behind Aidan’s words was pointing at her. Therefore, she also

turned to look at Leanna. “What is it, Nana?” As for Leanna, her mind was currently a mess. “It’s

nothing. I—” Seeing Leanna’s state, Aidan merely snorted. Then, he retracted his gaze and strode

away. When Leanna saw Aidan leave after stirring up chaos, she flipped out completely.

Not only that, she even had the urge to stab him and perish together with him. He dares to turn and

f*cking leave after triggering the situation to its climax with a few words! Zoe wasn’t a fool either.

Sensing something was really off, she quickly pieced together Aidan’s words, Jeanette’s provocation,

Anthony’s inexplicable behavior today, and Leanna’s reminder from not long ago. And just like that, she

came up with a conclusion. She quickly calmed down. “Nana, show me the video.” Without a doubt,

Anthony was the first who was panic-stricken.

It took him by complete surprise that Leanna would possess crucial evidence like recording a video.

Therefore, he hurriedly went to pull Zoe away. “Baby, let’s go back—” However, Zoe shook him off with

force. Raging with fury, she yelled, “Don’t touch me!” With her eyes gazing straight at Anthony, she

smiled and said, “Seeing you’re wrapped in nervousness, I don’t think I need to watch the video

anymore. So are you going to confess it yourself? Or do you want me to bring that side chick of yours

over, and I’ll confront you two at the same time on this matter?” “Baby, it’s not like what you think.

There’s really nothing going on between me and her. I just—” At once, Zoe abruptly cut him off. “Just

can’t keep it in your pants? Anthony, you sure are something. You dare to cheat right under my nose!”

Regardless, Anthony still attempted to make his final struggle in getting Zoe back to his side. “Listen to

me—” Thinking she had enough of this, Zoe took a deep breath. Then, she said coldly, “It’s either you

leave, or I’ll go in and announce to everybody in there about what the two of you have been secretly up

to behind my back. When that happens, you’ll lose your job too. Upon hearing that, Anthony gritted his

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Within seconds, he had made his choice. He chose to leave. After he left, Leanna called out softly,

“Zoe—” Looking at them, Zoe forced a smile. “Don’t worry. I’m fine. It’s better for me to learn about his

true colors now than finding out after—” Even though Zoe didn’t finish her sentence, Leanna knew what

she wanted to say. After all, she knew how much Zoe was looking forward to getting married during this

period. Zoe then mumbled, “I’ll head home first. I still have to clean up Anthony’s stuff and throw them

out overnight. Zayn, I’ll entrust you to send Leanna home.” “Sure.” Just as Zoe was about to leave,

Leanna grabbed Zoe’s hand and held her back. “Zoe, let me accompany you.” “It’s okay.”

Zoe smiled. “It’s just being cheated on. No big deal about that. Besides, you should go home and get a

good early rest. Don’t worry about me. I can settle this myself.” After that, she ran away while waving

her hand. Despite Zoe saying she was fine, Leanna still noticed the sadness and tears in her friend’s

eyes. Therefore, she couldn’t help but feel concerned about her. Seeing the worried look on Leanna’s

face, Zayn comforted, “Don’t worry. She can sort it out.” Leanna nodded, yet she didn’t know what to

say. Nonetheless, she was still a witness to the love that blossomed between Zoe and Anthony.

However, it never once crossed her mind that their love would end up being this tragic. Just as Leanna

was lamenting the tragic ending of Zoe’s relationship, Zayn’s phone suddenly rang. With that, he took it

out and looked at the caller ID. He saw it was a call from Anna.

Tch! She’s probably calling because she can’t find me anywhere in this restaurant. Staring at the phone

screen, Zayn frowned and hung up swiftly. In the meantime, Leanna snapped out of her thoughts and

said, “You don’t have to send me home. I’ll just go back by myself.” “Leanna—” However, she only

smiled at him and said, “I’ll go first.” Seeing Leanna was leaving, Zayn wanted to chase after her.

However, his phone rang again when he was about to catch up with her. Because of this sudden

interruption, Leanna was already in the elevator. Therefore, he could only watch as she left. …

Meanwhile, Jonathan stood in the courtyard of the restaurant. When he caught sight of Leanna’s figure,

he greeted her promptly, “Miss McKinney.” “Where’s President Pearson?!” Sensing the murderous aura

in her eyes, Jonathan discreetly took a step back. “President Pearson is waiting for you in the car.”

Upon hearing that, Leanna made her way toward the most conspicuous Rolls-Royce without looking

back. When Leanna opened the car door, she saw Aidan dealing with some documents with his head

down. He didn’t even shift his gaze away from those documents even when he noticed the car door

was opened. After glaring at him for a few seconds, Leanna bent over and got into the car. Wanting to

express her anger, she shut the door with a bang. Upon hearing the bang, Aidan frowned slightly.

Finally, he looked up from the documents in his hands and looked at her with a dissatisfying

expression. “President Pearson, I know you have always done things your own way and don’t have the

slightest care about other people’s feelings, but don’t you think you’re being a little nosy?” Listening to

the words that came out of her mouth, the man decided to stop dealing with the documents in his

hands for a moment.

He slowly closed the document in front of him and said in a calm manner, “Are you here to interrogate

me?” Leanna sneered, “It’s not really an interrogation. I simply think that you were not being respectful

to Zoe just now. You don’t even know her situation, yet you randomly—” Since Aidan wasn’t interested

in listening any further, he immediately cut her off. “I thought you’re here to explain the words you’ve

spoken to Jonathan before. So you haven’t eaten for two days? You didn’t wash your head for a week?

Care to explain what’s going on?” When Leanna heard that, she was silent. Darn it! I almost forgot

about this matter! At once, her imposing manner weakened a little. Hence, she lied through her teeth,

“I-I’m out here tonight simply because I haven’t eaten for two days.”

Upon hearing that, Aidan sneered, “Leanna, are you really taking me as a fool?” Once again, Leanna

became silent. “Fine. I’ll move them out tomorrow.” “No. You’re going now.” “But it’s so late—” As soon

as Leanna said that, Aidan immediately interrupted her. “What’s the matter? Does it affect your date

with Zayn?” Feeling she was about to blow up, Leanna couldn’t help but scold him in her heart. The

tone in this b*stard’s words are quite strident! Unwilling to let herself get outdone by Aidan, Leanna

lashed out, “Yes!” As soon as she finished saying that, the temperature in the Rolls-Royce instantly

chilled. Even Jonathan who stood ten meters away couldn’t help shivering.

Perhaps because pregnant women’s bodies had a generally high body temperature, Leanna didn’t

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notice anything unusual about the surroundings at all. Not only did she not notice something was off

with her surroundings, but she even asked incredulously, “Then can I leave now? I’m still waiting to go

on my date.” With his icy cold voice, Aidan said, “So you’re admitting to it?” “Admitting to what?”

“Admitting that the reason you and I divorced was because you wanted to be together with Zayn.”

Leanna was stunned for a while before saying, “I can’t help it if you want to think of it that way.” Just

when the atmosphere in the car became more and more tense, Georgina came out of the restaurant.

When she saw that Aidan’s car was here and his assistant was also waiting beside the car, she

excitedly made her way toward the car. When Jonathan saw her, he nodded slightly. “Miss Crossley.”

Glancing at the black Rolls-Royce, Georgina said, “Is Aidan here too?”

“Yes.” Jonathan answered respectfully. “That’s great. I happened to have something that I needed to

discuss with him.” However, Georgina didn’t expect that Jonathan would stop her just as she took a

step forward. “Miss Crossley, President Pearson is having a discussion with… Mrs. Pearson.” “Mrs.

Pearson?” Georgina frowned. Shortly after, she realized who he was referring to. “Didn’t they divorce?”

Jonathan didn’t answer her as he couldn’t explain Aidan’s unpredictable thoughts to her. Just as he

was trying to come up with a reply, the door of the Rolls-Royce was opened. Looking at Leanna’s back,

Georgina pursed the corners of her lips slightly. The sight displayed in front of her made her so green

with envy that she subconsciously tightened her fingers and slowly clenched them into a fist.

But they’re clearly divorced! Why is Leanna still pestering Aidan?! Could it be— At that moment,

Georgina remembered the scene where she stumbled upon Leanna in the hospital. In an instant, her

eyes darkened a little. If she’s truly pregnant after marriage and the child is Aidan’s, one can imagine

the intensity of her schemes. She was able to force Aidan to marry her three years ago because of her

pregnancy. There’s no guarantee that she won’t make any more unduly demands three years later.

Not wishing to let the situation turn awkward, Jonathan said, “Please wait for a moment, Miss Crossley.

I’ll inform President Pearson now—” “On second thought, that won’t be necessary.” Georgina smiled.

“It’s not something very important either. I suddenly remembered that I had left something behind

upstairs, so I’m going to retrieve it back.” Although Jonathan was a little bewildered, he didn’t ask any

further. Instead, he simply said, “Alright, Miss Crossley. Have a wonderful evening.”