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I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 4
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The Pearsons, who disliked Leanna from the beginning, came to detest her even further after the fake

pregnancy came to light. Due to that, they had been treating Leanna as if she did not exist. No wonder Aidan was so angry. It turns out that I touched on the wrong subject. … After heading back, Leanna

waited another few days for Aidan’s response. Yet, there was still no news from him. Their brief

meeting at Patheon Club that night made her suspect the reason why he was so desperately dragging

this on; it was clearly to spite her so that she would be recognized as someone’s wife who was being

cheated on. Is he using this to take revenge against what I did to him in the past? Even though he was

willing to drag this out, she was not. She only planned on taking action for her future after settling the

matters of the divorce. Still, she had to live her own life instead of sitting around like this. After hearing

that Leanna was seeking a job, Zoe put down the bag of chips in her hands and said excitedly, “Come

work for our magazine! I heard that they are searching for a designer in hopes of establishing a brand.”

Despite being hyped up by her friend, Leanna frowned upon hearing it. “Can I… even do it? I haven’t

published anything in three years.” “Sweetie, you can do it. Besides, you can always try. It’s not like you

have anything to lose.” Thinking that her words made sense, Leanna nodded. “Okay.” Due to Zoe being

the type to immediately act on what she said, she brought Leanna’s work from three years ago to the

editor-in-chief’s office the next day. After looking through everything, Harvey Mancini, the head editor

saw the signature in the design and stated, “McK’s your friend?” “Yes. She’s super capable and her

designs are all very unique. We’ll only stand to lose if we do not sign her.” Of course, Harvey knew how

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capable she was. McK’s appearance in the field of jewelry design resembled a rose bloom which

appeared for a fleeting moment before disappearing. Some said that she lost her inspiration after

getting the award, so she stopped producing any more designs. Some also said that a wealthy

individual fancied her, so she married into money and lived a quiet life ever since. All in all, there were

all sorts of rumors floating around. However, he did not expect that after three years, she would return

just as everybody was about to forget her existence. With that, Harvey asked, “Is she free tonight?

Let’s discuss this over dinner.” Knowing well that this was already a done deal, Zoe nodded instantly.

“She is. I’ll tell her right now.” … At dinner, Leanna and Harvey were getting along fairly well. Even

though she kept emphasizing the fact that she had not drawn anything these three years, he stated that

he did not bother him as he only wanted her to create a rough sketch based on a specific style within

the week. If the big boss approved of the idea, then they would proceed with signing the contract. The

night was no longer young after they had finished their meal, so Harvey offered his kindness. “It isn’t

easy to hail a cab around these areas. Just to be safe, I should send you two back.” “Sure, I’ll go to the

toilet first.” Zoe looked at Leanna. “Nana, do you need to use the toilet too?” “Let’s go.” Out of courtesy,

Zoe responded, “Please wait for us for a bit, Mr. Mancini. We’ll be back soon.” The smiling Harvey

replied, “It’s okay. Take your time.” After exiting the stall, Zoe washed her hands while saying, “This is

great! We’ve succeeded!” Leanna, who did not think that things would progress so smoothly, was still a

bit uneasy. “I’m just worried that the design I come up with might not meet your boss’ standard. If that

happens, I would be so sorry to you and Mr. Mancini.” To this, Zoe only replied, “You’re thinking too

much, sweetie. Our boss is a happy-go-lucky old man. He’s very sweet and doesn’t really manage

anything. So, Mr. Mancini basically calls the shots in our magazine. Just treat it as a formality. Since Mr.

Mancini values you so much, it’s almost a done deal.” Just as she was finished, the sound of high heels

came from the toilet’s entrance. The next moment, Mia appeared in front of them. As both parties did

not expect to meet each other here, they were all stunned as Mia snorted afterward. “What a leech,

following us wherever we go.” While using a tissue to dry her hands, Leanna retorted nonchalantly, “If

you’re looking for a beating, just say it. You don’t have to say things like this.” “You…” Since the last

incident, Mia knew that she would not win against Leanna when it came to a fight. Besides, there were

two of them now, so her chances of winning were minimized. Zoe added, “What were you going to say?

Do you want me to promote what a mistress looks like over here with a megaphone?” A sneering Mia

rebuked, “Leanna, aren’t you shameless? Have you forgotten about how you got married to Aidan in

the first place? Calling me a mistress? I don’t see how you’re much better than me. What, you really

think that after you’ve moved up in society, you can be a righteous b*tch?” However, just as Zoe was

about to snap back, Leanna held her back. Looking at Mia calmly, Leanna asked, “Did Aidan tell you

this?” Since Mia was not the sharpest tool in the shed, Leanna concluded that she only knew of this

recently as Mia did not utilize this as her weapon during their last two meetings; not to mention how

smug she was looking compared to before. “That’s right. He said that he loathed women like you and

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that it was his biggest regret meeting you at the club. You’re just like dog sh*t. After washing it away,

you would still stink of it. I would rather scrub my skin off if I came into contact with you.” After her

round of dissing battle, Mia only felt fear as she noticed that Leanna was emotionless. With that, Mia

took a step back to prevent another slap on her face again. To her surprise, all Leanna did was throw

the used tissue in the trash can and exited the toilet, no longer having any intention to interact with her

at all. Seeing this, Zoe followed her. “Nana, don’t mind what that woman said. That shameless couple;

they both deserve to rot. Just think of her words as dog barks… or farts! Promise me you won’t be

mad…” Before she could finish her sentence, she saw the shameless man standing not far away from

them while he was chatting with someone. Leanna, who treated him invisibly, did not even spare him a

glance and walked away briskly. Oscar Woodley felt a sense of bloodlust behind his back and turned

around only to see the approaching woman before questioning, “Isn’t that your wife? What’s she doing

here?” Looking at who Oscar was referring to, Aidan frowned as a speck of impatience flashed across

his eyes. She even followed me here, yet she’s still talking about a simple divorce? When has this woman sunk deeper? Seeing that she was approaching them, Aidan was just about to speak before

Leanna passed them without any signs of stopping or even a glance at him. She emotionlessly brushed

past him like a gust of wind. Naturally, he was caught speechless at that sight. On the contrary, it was

Zoe, who was following Leanna, that stopped and opened her mouth. At that moment, she was about

to tell him off, but sensing that it might not be the best time, she chased after her friend again. As the

whole situation was witnessed by Oscar, he could only laugh somewhat awkwardly. “Did I recognize

the wrong person?” Aidan did not like his wife. In fact, one could even say that he detested her. This

was a fact that everybody in the upper society knew.