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I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 116
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Chapter 115 I’ve Been Too Lenient to You Lately

Leanna was stunned for a moment. ”Huh?”

Aidan tilted his head in the direction of his bedroom. ”Come here.”

After he said that, he returned to his bedroom before she could reject him,

She didn’t understand what he meant, so she could only follow behind him, utterly confused.

Once they were in his bedroom, he sat on the couch and crossed his legs, saying dispassionately,

”What do you want to hear me say?”

Leanna was baffled by his question.

So, she asked, ”President Pearson, what do you want to say?”

That made Aidan look back at her with a dissatisfied look. Therefore, she immediately rephrased her

words before continuing, ”President Pearson, please tell me everything. I’d like to listen to all of it.”

”I don’t have so much time.”

”Then please make it short and sweet.”

”He deserves it. There’s nothing much to say.”

”Oh. Anyway, I find two things about this matter odd.”

He glanced at her as a sign for her to continue.

”If Jeanette’s friend had connections to the people in the gathering today, then Jeanette wouldn’t have

stayed by Anthony’s side for so long. She would’ve found someone much richer and with a higher

social status long ago.”

It was not that she looked down on the relationship between Anthony and Jeanette, but it was true that

one of them chased after the other to satisfy his lust while the other was in it for material things.

Simply put, both of them got into the relationship willingly despite knowing there was no love between

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them. If they had loved each other, Anthony would not keep apologizing to Zoe in hopes of getting back

with her, and Jeanette would not have attended the gathering knowing that some rich men would be

there and kept it hidden from Anthony. He said, ”Not having it in the past does not mean that she

doesn’t have it now.” ”You’re right. That could be possible too. Since her friend got her connections

recently, they probably have met up not more than three times only, even if it was not the first time

tonight. Presidents like you, who are used to the entertainment scene, having fun with girls and all that,

probably made sure that your schedules and plans are kept hidden from your families. How was it so

easy for his wife to catch him with his mistress in action?” Aidan looked up at her and said slowly,

”Repeat that.” ”My bad, let me rephrase my words. President Pearson, you’re only there to socialize for

work purposes, so you’re different from those who are there intending to cheat.” Her words made him

speechless. Why does that make me so uncomfortable? A moment later, Aidan said again, ”Let’s say

your guess is right. What are you trying to prove with that?” ”Nothing. I’m just telling you my thoughts

since you brought the matter up. After all, karma hit them at the best possible time, and I couldn’t help

but think that self-destruction comes along with one’s evil acts.”

He could feel his temples hurting as he said coldly, ”Leanna, I’ve been too lenient on you lately, haven’t

I?” She just smiled. ”I was talking about Anthony. Why are you angry, President Pearson?” Aidan was

about to retort when his gaze fell on her slightly bulged abdomen. He then closed his eyes and sucked

in a deep breath. ”Leave now. Don’t make me repeat myself.” ”Okay. Goodnight, President Pearson.”

She replied smoothly and went back to her room without any hesitation.

This man can indeed read between the lines. All I did was say a few things, and he knew I was subtly

insulting him.

It seems that he knows what kind of person he is.


Zoe is probably right about Aidan being involved in what happened to Anthony.

It’s just that I can’t be sure if he’s the mastermind or if he plays merely a minor role in the plan.

Leanna used only three days to complete the final design. After she contacted Georgina, she

mentioned that she would be visiting Lux tomorrow for work and that they could meet up there. The

next day, Leanna went to Lux as agreed and realized that Queenie was in the meeting room too. In

addition, there was a jewelry box with a necklace on the table. If she was right, Georgina came over to

Lux today because her initial plan was to take the final product. At the sight of Leanna, Queenie’s

expression turned solemn as she stood up and said, ”Miss Crossley, I’ll be leaving now if there’s

nothing else from you. However, please contact me if there are any problems in the future.”

Georgina called her, ”Miss Wojzicki, could you stay behind and give me some advice? With Miss McK’s

design and your advice, I am sure this will be the most dazzling necklace in the world.”

Queenie’s expression turned even darker when she heard that.

Ever since Leanna appeared in the scene, Georgina stopped giving Queenie opinions on her designs

and products.

If that was because her products were good enough, Queenie was fine with that. Yet, that was not the

case at all.

Right now, all Georgina cared about was Leanna’s work, and Queenie’s products became unimportant

to her.

Finally, Queenie said, ”McK is the designer here, so my opinions are probably worth nothing to her. She

might even think that I’m being overly critical.”

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”Nah, Miss McK won’t think that way. A good design results from the effort and ideas of everyone on

the team.” As Georgina spoke, she turned to look at Leanna. ”Am I right, Miss McK?”

Leanna said, smiling, ”Miss Crossley, just let me know if there’s anything you’re not satisfied with. I’ll

make the changes for you as soon as I can.”

Georgina looked at the design again. ”Actually, I think that it’s amazing, but for this part, can you…”

She mentioned two parts that she wished to be amended, and Leanna listened carefully while

discussing how to make the changes with Georgina.

Queenie did not know if she should stay or leave, so she could only look at them coldly with her arms

crossed in front of her chest.

Once they were done with the discussion, Georgina picked up her bag and exited the meeting room.

”Miss McK, I’m so sorry that took up so much of your time. I’ll surely express my gratitude to you once

the final product is ready.”

Leanna nodded her head. ”No worries, this is all part of my job.”

”I’ll be leaving now then. Talk soon.”

Leanna sent her to the door. ”Goodbye, Miss Crossley.”

After Georgina left, Queenie looked at her product that was forgotten on the table and scoffed. She did

not go after Georgina to tell her that she had forgotten something, but she threw the necklace along

with its box into the trash can instead.

Once she did that, she prepared to leave and saw Leanna, who had just turned around.

She mocked, ”You don’t need to pretend to be calm anymore. I’m sure you’re on cloud nine after

stealing my client from me.”

Despite Queenie’s provocations, Leanna remained calm as she responded, ”You were the one who

mentioned that we should compete fair and square, so I did not steal your client. I just want to remind

you not to act impulsively because of your emotions. To vent your anger, you threw away the client’s

order. What if they come back for it later? You better be prepared to give them an answer.”