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I’m Sorry But I Love You

Chapter 18
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It was a photo of Anderson having dinner with Lincoln and Sienna.

Catherine slightly curled her lips and deleted the photo. Now, she only had hatred and disgust towards

Anderson. This kind of means could not stimulate her.

As Catherine was too exhausted these few days, when she arrived at Owen’s house, she fell asleep

without even getting herself washed.

Even when she was extremely tired, the nightmare still did not let go of her.

In the dream, she sometimes dreamt about the scene of her father jumping off the building. There was

a pool of blood on the ground which spread like a river and flooded Catherine’s ankles. Also, she

sometimes dreamt about the scene of her mother taking sleeping pills. The scene suddenly changed

and what she saw was the scene that the cat was nibbling her mother’s face.

The cat that was nibbling the flesh turned its head towards her. No matter how she chased it out, the

cat just ignored her…

“Get out!” She vigorously sat up from lying on the bed. The sweat on her back caused the blanket to

become wet.

Catherine took a glass of water placed on the table and gulped it down. She crouched and buried her

face in her knees, sobbing quietly.

After she cried so miserably that she did not have any more strength, she got out of the bed and

entered the bathroom to have a shower. She saw a despondent figure standing in front of the floor-to-

ceiling window.

It was Owen who was smoking.

Hearing the sound, Owen pressed out the cigarette and turned to look at Catherine, “You’re awake?

You haven’t eaten dinner, are you hungry?”

Catherine shook her head, “Owen, am I causing you a lot of troubles?”

“The reason that I’m fretting isn’t because of your matter.” Owe walked to Catherine and rubbed her

long hair dotingly, “It’s the matter of the company. I may not be able to take care of you all the time not

long after.”

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Catherine could not determine if Owen was lying to her.

“Well, go to rest. You have to go to Disneyland with Sophia tomorrow. You’ll need a lot of energy.”

Catherine shook her head, “I can’t fall asleep. I’ll go to take a shower and then draw comics for a while.

I’m running out of manuscripts.”

Owen looked at her thin and beautiful back and his eyes darkened. He stretched his arm forward,

wanting to pull her arm but he withdrew it in dismay halfway.

Catherine logged in to her work account and what she saw after logging in was the editor’s dialog box.

“Good news for you. The company that buys the copyrights I told you last time has agreed not to add

the love scene!!!”

‘It’s really a lenient company!”

“Where are you?”

After replying to the editor’s message, Catherine showed a smile that she rarely showed. This was

indeed the best news recently. She calmed down and drew two pages of comics. The sky already

became slightly bright. She had just finished making breakfast and Sophia already woke up.

She rubbed her eyes while walking to Catherine and spoke with a sleepy and cute tone, “Mommy, I

miss Lincoln.”

Catherine’s hand that was pouring the milk trembled. She changed the subject, “My little Sophia,

hurriedly go to wash your face and have a meal after that. We’ll go to Disneyland later.”

When Catherine mentioned Disneyland, Sophia’s attention was instantly distracted. She trotted away to

wash her face.

After having breakfast, Catherine packed a few things that Sophia used. The group of people directly

departed for Disneyland.

“Mommy, I want to play the Adventures of Winnie the Pooh!”

‘Pirates of the Caribbean!”

“I want to take a picture with Mickey Mouse!”

Catherine followed Sophia to walk around the entire morning. She was obviously a five-year-old child

but she surprisingly had so much energy that she did not feel tired after walking and playing around.

“Does Sophia want some ice cream?” Owen said as he tidied up Sophia’s clothes.

“Yes! I want to eat ice cream that is extra-large.”

Owen handed the bag to Catherine and carried Sophia in his arms, “You sit down and rest for a while.

We’ll go to buy it.” Catherine reclined in the chair wearily and waited for Owen to buy ice cream.

“This is the vanilla flavour that you love to eat.”

Catherine and Owen sat side by side. Both of them were holding an ice cream while watching Sophia

playing with the Donald Duck nearby.

Catherine kept gazing at Sophia and completely did not notice that quite many people were looking at

her and some even secretly took pictures and posted them on Weibo.

The two of them accompanied Sophia to watch the fireworks show. When it was halfway through the

show, the person who had been clamouring that she wanted to see the show had fallen asleep on

Owen’s shoulder. The two of them smiled at each other and walked out of the crowd to go back.

When they got in the car, Catherine reclined in the car seat with happiness.

Owen smiled while putting Sophia down properly. He covered her with a small blanket and asked

Catherine, “Tired?” Catherine nodded, “A bit.”

‘ll call the masseuse for you,” said Owen while taking out the phone.

Seeing this, Catherine quickly stopped him, “I’m not that delicate, forget it.”

“You weren’t like this in the past.” Qwen’s expression looked as if he was recalling, “I remember that we

used to hold out on the

adults and secretly come here to play around. Before we arrived at home, you would let me give you a

back massage.”

“You do mention that it was in the past. Now, I’ve grown up so I’m not delicate anymore.” If it was in the

past in which she was still the rich daughter of the Johnson family, it was normal to call a masseuse

after playing around. But now, she did not have the qualification to do so.

Owen smiled and a trace of despondency flashed in his eyes, “I’ll go back to City A tomorrow morning

as I need to deal with some company matters. Do you want to go back?”

Catherine shook her head, “Lincoln is still with Anderson and I don’t feel at ease with this so I won’t go

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Owen had expected this response in advance so he nodded, “After I’ve arranged the works in City A

properly, I’ll focus on City Ww.”

Catherine hesitated for a long time and looked at Owen seriously, “Owen, it’s true that we won’t be fine

without you. Even if I give you my life, I also can’t pay a debt of gratitude for what you’ve done to me,

Sophia and Lincoln. In the future, you don’t have to do this for me, I don’t want to get you involved


Owen was speechless, “Come on, I’ve known you since you were in your mother’s belly. Now, you say

that you don’t want to let me take care of you, isn’t it too late.”

His long arm embraced Catherine, “You’re too heavy-minded as you’re always afraid of dragging me

down. But, I already treat you as my family. Catherine, family members ought to stay together through

thick and thin.”

Catherine knew that she could not persuade Owen. She nodded while her heart sank.

These people had played around all day so they were already quite tired. They hit the hay early.

On the other side, in the Clark family…

“What do you think is a good name?” Madison looked at the names on the paper.

Bentley was also in high spirits, “He’s the eldest grandson of the Clark family so the name must be


As the name had not been decided despite sitting there for two hours, Anderson spoke impatiently, “I

think it’s fine to just change the surname. Calling him Lincoln sounds not bad too.”

Lincoln sat on the side quietly while reading a book. He was obviously the main person but he behaved

as if he had nothing to do with this matter. It was only when Anderson said to keep his name as

Lincoln, his eyes darkened and flashed with light. But, he instantly returned to normal.

“Let’s go to hit the sack,” Anderson shouted at Lincoln, “He’ll go to my house to sleep.”

Madison and Bentley looked at each other. Although they were reluctant to see Lincoln leaving, they

still reluctantly nodded, considering that it was more important for the father and his son to strengthen

their bond.

Lincoln did not object and just quietly followed Anderson.

Seeing that he was apparently bereft of soul and will, Anderson frowned tightly, “What, you aren’t
