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I’m Sorry But I Love You

Chapter 12
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Anderson’s gaze darkened after seeing his wary action as he said impatiently, “You’re the Clark family’s

successor from now on, so you have nothing to do with that woman anymore.”

Lincoln did not show any air of despondency on his face upon hearing Anderson’s remark as though he

had anticipated his words. He reached out for the remote control and proceeded to turn off the lights in

the room, only leaving the bedside lamp on as he stared at Anderson and said, “You must have been

exhausted from work, so please head back now, Mr. Clark. Sophia and I need to go to bed too.”

“I’m your father.”

“If you say so, I will never admit to it anyway,” Lincoln replied while he tucked himself into bed, hugging

Sophia whom was beside him as he tried to go to sleep.

This was the first time that Lincoln whom had always remained his composure had let his guard down

as he curled himself up under the blanket in the darkness.

He had been informed by Owen about the capability of the man whom had claimed to be his father, and

if Anderson did not wish for him and Sophia to be reunited with their mother, he would never get the

chance to see his mother ever again.

Lincoln was overwhelmed by devastation as he pulled Sophia into his embrace further, his little hand

clenching tightly into a fist when the thought that he might never be able to see his mother again had

crossed his mind.

Lincoln’s statement had made Anderson’s blood boil, but he could not utter anything else other than

staring at the two small bulges on the surface of the blanket. After shooting a prolonged gaze towards

the two small kids on the bed, he finally rose to his feet and went out to light up a cigarette.

Joshua and Antonio could immediately recognize Anderson whom seemed like he was trying to

alleviate his sorrows by puffing on his cigarette at first glance when they were making their way to the

ward. Joshua promptly called out to him, “What’re you doing here, Andy? Has Sophia woken up?”

Anderson gave him a ferocious glare which had caused him to instantly zip his mouth.

‘I’ve had three surgeries today, so I’ll take a rest now. Talk to you guys later,” Antonio uttered with a

smile on his face and proceeded to leave them outside the ward. Joshua leaned on the door to get a

glimpse of the situation inside the ward, and after watching Anderson smoking his sorrows away, he

had a hunch that he should leave ASAP, “I’ll leave now, Andy.”

Anderson was the only one left standing in the vast and deserted corridor after both of them had taken

their leave, and before he could finish pulling on his cigarette, a nurse had walked towards him while

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carrying a lunch box in her hand, “Smoking is prohibited here, Mister.”

Anderson frowned slightly upon hearing her instruction, and he finally stubbed out his cigarette after

shooting her a glance.

“Are you a family member of the patient in room VIP1?” the nurse asked uncertainly.

Anderson nodded in reply, and the nurse continued after seeing his affirmation, “The porridge that your

son has requested a while ago is now ready to be eaten, and I’ve putit in this thermal insulated food

container for him, so please let the patient eat some of it after she has woken up. By the way, I think

your son has not eaten anything as well for the whole day. Although I have urged him to take his meal

at the canteen, he insisted to come back to accompany his sister instead. As their parent, you should

have been more concerned about them rather than letting a five-year-old to take care of another child

himself. If this carries on, he would be estranged from you when he grows up…”

The nurse babbled on for a while before she finally handed the thermal insulated lunch box over to


Catherine could not sleep well despite taking pills that could help her to sleep better. Isabella and

Anderson kept popping up in her dreams, and in the end, the sight of Sophia lying on the operating

table while looking blanched and feeble without any signs of life had terrorized her.

She was jolted awake when the dream ended at the doctor coming out from the operating room and

paying his condolences to her, and her whole body was drenched in cold sweats from the fright.

“A bad dream again?” Owen was holding a glass of warm water in front of her when she had woken up,

and he promptly passed it to her.

Catherine emptied the glass in one gulp and proceeded to take a few deep breaths to try to calm her

nerves. After she had recovered from the aftershocks of her nightmare, she replied, “Yeah, I dreamed

that Sophia’s operation had failed, and Anderson did not want to save her.”

Owen patted her back softly as he said, “Sophia has already fully recovered, and the doctor whom has

operated on her is the most skilled doctor in the country, Cathy. Sophia is no different than a normal kid

now, and I’m sure you can see how lively she is normally. Normal kids can’t even keep up with her

energetic manner, and anyone would have thought that she is perfectly healthy.”

His soothing and clear voice had the ability to pacify her agitated heart, and Catherine was soon

comforted by his gentle coaxing after a while.

“I can’t set my mind at rest as long as she is not by my side.”

“I don’t blame you. Come, let’s eat. I have made your favorite congee with shredded chicken.”

When Anderson had just arrived at the Clark Tower, his chief secretary, Arthur Reyes, kept up with him

as he reported, “The team from Torres Bio-pharmaceuticals Corp. has arrived to discuss the

partnership deal with Clark Group.”

‘Their prerequisite for the deal to go through is to send the two kids whose name are Sophia and

Lincoln back,” Arthur reported the latter in a discreet manner. As the chief secretary for Anderson, he

obviously was aware that Mr. Clark’s ex-wife had stormed in here to demand her kids back two days


The odd demand coming from the Torres Corp. team had caused the situation to be rather touchy


“I’m not going to sign the deal. Call off the collaboration,” Anderson uttered in a chilly tone in a brisk


Arthur hurriedly informed him with a nonplussed look on his face, “However, the Directors have caught

wind of the impending collaboration, so they are conferring the matters regarding the deal with the

team from Torres Corp. in the conference room right now.”

Anderson’s brows were furrowed even deeper as he ordered, “See the team from Torres Corp. out.”

He lied back on his chair while shutting his eyes as he contemplated Owen’s intention. He had known

that Owen was up to no good from the start, but it had never occurred to him that he would strike right


Arthur had no choice but to accept his unpleasant task while pulling a long face, and after a while, he

returned to Anderson’s office and reported in a careful manner again, “The team from Torres Corps.

has left, but the Board has requested for you to join in the meeting now.”

Anderson’s countenance was black as thunder as he got up and strode into the conference room.

The uproar in the chaotic conference room instantly died down upon his arrival as he proceeded to take

his seat at the head of the table while looking askance at the assembly in front of him.

A few major shareholders were suddenly at a loss of words as they eyed each other in bleak dismay,

and it was only after a while that an old man with a cane in his hand opened his mouth, “I believe you

are aware of Torres Bio-pharmaceuticals Corp.’s request, Andy. We all knew that Torres Corp.’s profits

were significant last year, and Clark Group happened to lag behind in the biopharmaceutical industry all

along. Since they have taken the initiative and come to us to talk about collaboration deal, I believe we

should not turn down this golden opportunity.”

As soon as the elder had taken the lead, the others also promptly jumped in on the persuasion.

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“That’s right, Andy. The fields of biopharmaceutical and life-sciences businesses are the future market

development trend, and we would have to take a real beating if we were to fall behind in this area. The

Clark Group should not take this risk.”

“A lot of the patents are now in the hands of Torres Corp., and since their demand is within a

reasonable limit, you would offend the whole Clark Group if you were to decline this rare opportunity

that has come by.”

Anderson’s countenance fell swiftly as he gave out an inward laugh, and he screwed up his eyes to

give the man whom was talking a contempt look while he asked, “Is that so?”

The man whom had just offended Anderson immediately froze on the spot, and soon after he put on an

awkward smile as he replied, “My loose tongue just runs wild due to the urgency of the matter at hand,

so I hope you will not be offended. The kids that the Torres family have requested for should not be a

big deal here as you are still young, Andy. I can even introduce some socialites to you today if you


“Don’t be ridiculous now. Why would Andy even need your help in finding women? Beautiful women

whom have their eyes on Andy are countless, and if they were to queue for their turn starting in City W,

the line would easily end at City A. If you don’t have anyone in your heart right now, we will not force

you to start a relationship, Andy. You can just adopt a child from an early age into the Clark family as

your relationship with him/her will be a close-knit one compared to the two kids that have not been by

your side all these years. We’re businessman, so we should not pass up on this wonderful opportunity.”

Anderson’s face gradually darkened after hearing all their absurd comments and opinions, “What if I

am determined to pass on this great opportunity then?”

The conference room was instantly reduced to silence after he announced his firm decision.

Arthur whom was standing by was almost stifled by the grave atmosphere in the room. Even though all

these Directors that were present seemed friendly and cheerful on the appearance, they were all from

the Clark family, and with their substantial power in their hands, they were not easy opponents to deal


The sound of a ringing phone abruptly broke off the suffocating and awkward silence in the room, and

after glancing at the caller ID for a second, Anderson hit on the button to pick up the call.


“Sophia has woken up, Andy, but she refuses to eat anything at all, and all she does is crying out for

her mother. How about you go and pick Catherine up so that she can make a visit here?” Anxiousness

had manifested in Madison’s tone as she continued, “She has been crying for the whole morning, and

I’m afraid that she can’t take it anymore if it goes on. Remember Antonio’s advice that her emotions

need to be under control…”