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I'm A Quadrillionaire

Chapter 2856
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Chapter 2856

Cy and Peach also looked over curiously upon hearing this.

Naturally, they also want to know how strong David was.

Since David said he was from the universe, he must be much stronger than the strongest person on Planet Gorgon.

David was silent, not because he was hiding it, but because he did not know how to answer.

Should he call himself a partial Almighty?

With Jade and the others' knowledge, how would they know how strong a partial Almighty was?

Seeing the curious looks in the three people's eyes, David could only change his explanation.

"I am powerful, and it's hard for me to explain how strong I am. You just need to know that Planet Gorgon is just an

ant in front of me, and if I want to destroy it, I can do it very easily."

Did he say he could destroy Planet Gorgon easily?

The three of Cy were shocked again.

Planet Gorgon was a living planet with many powerhouses living on it.

Judging from what David said, wouldn't those powerhouses be worse than ants in front of him?

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Then, David left after leaving many cultivation resources. He also left three clones of himself to Cy and Peach to

deal with any crisis.

Despite learning from Elora that Lufian had yet to appear, David did not dare to be careless.

What if Lufian showed up while he was wasting time here?

After the severe injury last time, he would certainly take revenge.

No one in the entire Leila was Lufian’s match except for David.

None of them could even resist one attack from Lufian, including partial Heavenly Overlord Sylvio.

The revenge of Heavenly Overlord would cause huge destruction in a very short time.

When David was about to leave, Peach called out to him.


This was the first thing she said to David after she saw him today.

David knew Peach was not her usual self today because he was leaving. However, he could not do anything about

it, so he decided to turn a blind eye.

Now that Peach was talking to him, he could not pretend not to see it.

"What's wrong? How can I help you? I will definitely not say no if it's within my power."

"Will we meet again?" Peach asked, tears streaming down her face.

"Of course! We will definitely meet again in the future if you train well. Even if you can't leave Planet Gorgon, I will

still come to find you," David said with a grin.

"You promised, David! It's a deal then. You can't lie to me."

"I won't. I am a man of my word. However, you can't be idle about your cultivation. You will live up to an epoch of

129600 years if you enter Eternal Realm. If not, humans will be short-lived in the universe."

"Don't worry, David, I will not disappoint you!"

"That's good. I hope you're an adult when I come back next time."



After David said that, his body turned into starlight and disappeared.

"Bye, David!"

"Goodbye, Master David!"

Peach and Jade muttered.

At this moment, Jade finally let go.

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She finally understood why David was not interested in her.

He was a powerhouse from the universe and had seen all kinds of beautiful women, so how would he be interested

in her?

Jade was confident that she was not inferior to any other women on this planet, but she was not confident that she

would be more beautiful than the women in space.

How would a man like Master David not have a harem?

David was now outside of Planet Gorgon.

Before he left, he still needed to take care of something. He had to warn the people on Planet Gorgon not to cause

trouble to Townlet Pescado.

"Everyone on Planet Gorgon, listen up! I, David Lidell, am protecting Townlet Pescado. Anyone who dares to harm

Townlet Pescado will suffer the harshest punishment!" David's voice spread throughout every corner of Planet


He also added his mind power to his voice so that everyone would remember this in their hearts and not go against


Cy, Peach, and everyone in Townlet Pescado lifted their heads to look at the sky with gratitude.