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I'm A Quadrillionaire

Chapter 196
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Chapter 196 “What? Call him now! If you don’t call him, I can only hit you.”

After David finished speaking, he reached out and prepared to slap Gunther in the face.

Gunther was so frightened that he stretched out his hand to block it. Then, he quickly said, “O O-Okay!

I-I’ll call him now. I’ll call him right now!”

Every time Gunther said a word, he gasped in pain.

David’s slap was so hard just now that it had traumatized him.

Gunther took out the phone with trembling hands and dialed Morris’ number.

The call went through, and Morris’ voice came from the other side.


“Morris, quick… Come s-save me!” Gunther replied in a trembling voice.

His mouth hurt so bad.

Half of the teeth were slapped off by David, so it would be a wonder if it did not hurt.

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“What’s the matter with you? Can’t you speak clearly? Didn’t I tell Lester to bring someone to go help

you? Is he not there yet?” Morris asked over the phone.

Gunther glanced at David and did not know how to respond.

David took the phone and said, “Lester is already lying on the ground, so you better come and pick him

up now. If you don’t come, Gunther will end up like him too.”

Gunther shuddered again when he heard David’s words.

“Who are you?” Morris’ cold voice came over the phone.

“You’ll know who I am when you come. I’ll wait for you,” David said flatly.


Morris hung up the phone after he finished talking.

David threw the phone back to Gunther and walked back to the chair in front of Pearl, waiting for Morris

to arrive.

What happened just now was over very quickly.

Meanwhile, Pearl had not recovered until now.

Looking at Gunther’s tragic appearance, and Lester, who was limp and had vomited blood all

over the place, Pearl was also a little scared. At the end of the day, she was a woman and it was the

first time she had seen such a bloody scene.

“Mr. Lidell, why don’t we leave first?” Pearl suggested as she massaged David’s shoulders.

David reached out and patted Pearl’s hand on his shoulder. He comforted, “Don’t be afraid, Miss Pearl,

I’m here. They can’t do anything to me.”

David also took out his phone and sent Bill a message.

He asked Bill about Morris.

Bill thought David was trying to kill Morris because the latter had previously targeted him in the group



He told David that Morris’ family was pretty powerful in Springfield, but it was still far from some real

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aristocratic families.

The person supporting Morris was another SCC boss who was somewhat in conflict with the big boss,

Clinton. That was why Morris was also at odds with them.

Moreover, Morris was ruthless. He would find a way to kill or maim anyone who was his enemy before

even considering giving up.

Therefore, he had offended many people in Springfield, but because of his own strength and strong

support, he was still able to live carefreely to this day.

David briefed Bill about today’s events.

This took Bill by surprise.

He then asked David to tell him the address quickly. He also told David not to be impulsive and wait for

him to come.

From Bill’s point of view, Springfield was Morris’s base, and it was hard to say whether David, an

outsider, could beat Morris, the local tyrant.

David was the person named by the big boss Clinton, so he had to report this.

Otherwise, if David really collided with Morris, then it would be a clash that would leave both sides

injured. It was really hard to determine what the result of this would be.