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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 9
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Chapter 9


Three hours ago:

“Master Logan, the dinner is ready,” Camila informed the Lycan Prince. He took out the earbud from his

ear and placed it on the bedside table. “Inform Hope to join me for dinner,” he stated.

“Master, I have been trying for a while, but Madam is not responding. I think she is upset. Camila’s tone

was etched with a taunt.

Logan glanced with an arched brow at her. “You think I’m the reason, she isn’t responding.” He looked

a bit annoyed. Camila never spoke up in such a tone with him and did everything what she was told to.

“It seems you developed a liking toward Hope. You can leave. I’ll bring Hope with me,” Logan said and

headed to bring Hope. As he knocked on the door while calling her he got no response. He knocked a

few more times before giving up.

“Little Wolf, I don’t like such games,” Logan muttered and used his strength to break the door. He

already had less patience and Hope was good at testing it.

The one side of the door hinged lose as Logan stepped inside. He drew his brows close as he didn’t

find Hope in the room. Even the bedsheet from the mattress was disappeared. He went to the balcony

and ended up noticing the rope of bedsheet attached to the pillar. He looked down and a grim

expression formed on his face.

Logan was now in extremely bad mood. Hope was good at creating troubles for him. He thought

omegas were obedient, but she was the only rebellious one.

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He got back to his room, and called at Hope’s number, but it was out of reach. “Dammit!” Logan

muttered as he gritted his teeth.

He took out the car keys from the drawer and rushed downstairs. Camila noticed that Logan had come

down without Hope and asked about it.

“She ran away,” Logan asserted.

“What?” Camila exclaimed in a shock and she followed Logan, who was now in the CCTV room.

As they looked at the camera, they found out Hope ran from the backyard of the house. “Who told her

about the forest?” Logan shouted, scaring Camila.

“Master, it was me. But I never expected that Madam would use the route to run away.” Camila

admitted her mistake and lowered her head.



Chapter 9

Logan, without any delay, called his secretary, Paul Larson. He gave out instructions to Paul to search

Hope through the city’s cameras.

Logan already calculated that it might have taken Hope an hour to get out of the forest. But now

already two and half an hour passed since he saw Hope the last time before she left his room. He

headed outside to drive out of the mansion to search for Hope. As he got into his luxurious car, Logan

turned on the engine and drove away.

On the main route, he couldn’t get any glimpse of his wife. Never once he was disturbed in such a way.

He had decided as soon he would find Hope, the first thing he would do was to mark her.

Finally, a call from Paul and he answered it by tapping on his earbud.

“Sir, Hope was seen outside a Motel before someone took her into the car. She was taken to

Ravenclaw family’s house,” Paul informed.

Logan found it strange why she was taken to her parental house.

“Sir, it’s a woman who gave her anaesthesia before pushing her into the car, Paul’s further words

brought Adam out of his thoughts.

“Alright. Thanks for the information.” Logan pressed on the accelerator as the call disconnected and

drove straight to Ravenclaw family’s house.

Present time:

Daniel had not forgotten the humiliation he faced earlier in Logan’s company. He had this desperation

of killing Hope. “Logan Moore, I’ll kill Hope,” he muttered as het strangulated Hope. She was thrashing

her legs to make him stop, but nothing worked.

The darkness loomed in front of her eyes. Everything started turning lighter for her.

Logan kicked on the door and it opened in an instant. Karla glanced at Logan and widened her eyes in

a shock.

“Daniel, stop,” she murmured and gulped in fear because of the Lycan Prince.

A hard punch was thrown at Daniel and he was thrown meters away. Daniel fell unconscious in just one


“Hope!” Logan worriedly called out her name.

She saw him, but couldn’t respond and fainted on the chair. Logan quickly removed the ropes from her

hands which were tied around the armrests. He checked Hope’s pulse, which were slow and quickly

carried her in his arms.


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Chapter 9

Shooting a sharp glance at Karla, he said, “Be ready to face.

your worst.”

Logan stepped out of the room and took Hope straight to the hospital. Luckily, she was not in danger.

The doctor told Logan to let his wife be in the observation for a night before taking her away.

Logan agreed to him when the phone in his pocket rang. The doctor left while Logan answered the call.

It was from Camila. He informed her that Hope was alright and they would not be home tonight since

she was put under observation in the hospital. He didn’t explain much and hung up the call.

Logan sat on the chair in front of Hope, whose eyes showed a little movement. She gradually opened

her eyes and quickly placed her hands on her neck.

“Am I alive?” was her first question from herself.

“You are.” Logan answered.

Hope tilted her head to gaze at him and realized he was the one who saved her. Quickly getting off the

bed, she hugged Logan tightly. “Thank you for saving me. Hope said as tears streamed down her

cheeks on their own.

Logan’s lips twitched, his anger escalated and he pulled back Hope with her nape. “You ran away from

the home. Be ready to get your punishment,” he muttered.

Hope gulped to hear him and acted to feel weak to avoid the eye contact with him. Logan, however,

saw through it. He kisseil Hope, taking her by a surprise, leaving her in a complete daze.


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