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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 74
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Chapter 74

Logan sipped the alcohol and lowered the glass. After making sure Hope was asleep, Logan cto the garden.

He was unable to take even a blink of sleep after what happened.

“Why aren’t you in bed?” Paul sat across from him on the chair.

“I couldn't sleep,” Logan replied. “What about you?” he asked.

“I go to bed usually late,” Paul stated. “I've gotten the CCTV footage. There was nothing suspicious. No one went

to the top floor,” he briefed him and checked on the alcohol bottle. “It’s not good to drink when you have an

important meeting tomorrow,” he pronounced.

“You know that | can hand liquor well,” Logan remarked, his eyes suddenly glowing.

“Yep, | know.”

“I don’t blmyself for this accident. I'm worried about the future. You know how much I've already suffered. |

don’t wish to lose my wife,” Logan asserted, expressing his deeper thoughts to his only friend.

Paul hummed in response. “Times are different now. Hope is your fated one and also your chosen one. |

remember with Olivia your bond was strong, but it was nothing compared to the bond you have with Hope,” he

stated. As a friend and his well-wisher, Paul had observed this right after he signed a contract with her,

“I am aware of this,” Logan admitted and sipped the last sip of the alcohol. He placed the glass on the table and

leaned back. “She has becmy life. Even if Hope gets a single scratch, it pains me,” he pronounced.

Paul smiled to hear him. After a long time, Logan was openly talking about his relationship with him, or else, he

used to stay quiet.

“Why don’t you take a day off tomorrow?” Paul suggested to him.

“I cannot. | am already delayed with schedule. Even Hope doesn’t wish to take a leave,” Logan clarified to him.

“Alright. Then, you should now go to bed. It is very late,” Paul affirmed and stood up. Logan listened to his friend

and they both headed inside. While Paul went to the guest room, Logan went upstairs to his bedroom.

Hope was peacefully sleeping, which brought a warm smile on his face. He closed the lights from the panel and

lie beside her. In her sleep, Hope snuggled close to him. Thus, her warm embrace made him sleep too.

Chapter 74

In the morning, Hope was the first one to wake up from the sleep first. She smelled alcohol from Logan and

knitted her brows together. “Did he drink?” she thought and sat upright.

Caressing the locks of his hair, Hope pondered if Logan was in stress. Logan turned his head to the other side as

he pulled up the blanket. Hope let him sleep and quietly moved out of bed.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

She was quick in getting ready after taking a shower. As she headed to the kitchen, Camila asked her about her


“Oh, I'm fine, Aunt,” Hope said.

“Master Logan isn’t awake yet?” Camila inquired.

“No. | think he slept late yesterday.” Hope asserted. After getting the smell of alcohol from him, she realized he

was awoke till late and had drinks before getting into bed.

“Master Logan was quite worried for you yesterday. His voice was trembling when he calledafter the

accident,” Camila told her. “Hope, he has fallen in love with you. deeply. However, his fears sometimes make him

feel too low,” she opined.

Hope nodded in agreement. She was trying to find out how to overchis fears. Perhaps Logan needed to be

was not easy to do so.

“I think | need to work hard on that factor,” she murmured.

“You are already doing that. But you were targetted for these recent attacks somehow. That's why Master Logan

is more worried,” she explained to her.

“First two incidents occurred because of me. And this elevator one was just an accident, | believe. Logan needs

to understand that such things happen in life,” Hope stated. “I don’t want to see him stressed all the time

because of me,” she confidently said.

“| pray you do.” Camila smiled and patted Hope's arm.

“Sir, Clifton is searching the reasons for the elevator sudden breakage. What should | do?” asked a man with his

head low.

“You cannot get caught. So, of course, you've to leave the city,” Henry pronounced and leaned forward on his

seat. “Make sure your scent doesn’t make him follow you,” he


“l understand,” the man stood up and turned to leave when Henry suddenly appeared in front of him. His hand

tightly held his neck as his nails grew bigger.

Chapter 74

“I told you not to make mistakes, Henry growled, his eyes gleaming bluish as the anger coursed through his vein.

“One simple work | gave you, but you failed in that. Someday you'll be found and then,” he paused, glaring into

the man’s eyes. “I will be caught.”

“I will never be caught, Sir. I'll leave this country. Please forgivethis tand spare my life,” the man

pleaded and brought his hands together to join them.

Suddenly, blood spurted out from his neck and the drops covered Henry's claws, a few of the drops fell on his

face too.

The man lay on the ground in the pool of blood while Henry stared at its dying body. “Only death is the solution

for this,” Henry said with an intimidating gaze.

He wiped his hand with the handkerchief and threw it on the ground. “Clean this mess.” Henry instructed and

went ahead to the washroom. He washed himself up and changed into a cleaner set of clothes.

He then left in his car for the company. Applying the brakes on his car, the chauffeur opened the door for him.

Henry stepped out and gave him the keys.

The employees greeted him and he walked in. As he reached the second VIP elevator, his eyes fell upon both

Logan and Hope.

“Hi, Henry,” Hope spotted him and greeted him.

Carrying a concerned expression on his face, Henry inquired, “Are you two well? | cto the hospital as soon as

| found out, but you were not there.”

“Yeah, we left for hafter Hope regained her consciousness, Logan replied. “You didn’t tell anything to

Grandpa, right?” he asked.

“Nothing. But | don’t think it will remain hidden from him for a long time, Henry replied.

“Hmm. I'll tell him soon,” Logan stated.

“Oh, your hand is wounded. Shouldn't you have taken a rest at home?” Henry again. pretended to be worried for


“It’s not a major wound. It will heal soon,” Logan said.

“I hope it does,” Henry stated.

Logan entered into the elevator, followed by Hope and Paul. “Take the other one,” he told Henry and the

elevator’s doors closed.

“Why didn’t you let him in?” Hope confusedly inquired.


Chapter 74

29 Feb

“Did you find him strange, Paul?” Logan ignored his wife's question.

“Yep. He isn’t the typical Henry we know,” Paul replied.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“What do you mean? Isn't Henry like that?” Hope was puzzled.

“He is evil,” Logan answered.

“What?” Hope exclaimed in shock.

“Henry doesn’t care for anybody, except for him. He asked about us, which means something is odd.” Logan


“I think you are mistaken him.” Hope murmured.


“I've grown up with him, so | know what kind of man he is. Also, stay away from him. You don’t need to greet

him.” Logan advised her.

Paul agreed with his friend's words of wisdom. “Henry is cu nning. Hope. He wasn’t worried at all for you and

Logan. You don’t know what he used to-” He was interrupted as Logan cleared his throat.

“You didn’t discuss withabout the proposal we sent to S&K Labs,’ Logan changed the topic of their


Hope sensed that Logan intentionally did that. Paul had almost shared something crucial about Henry to him, but

Logan interrupted him. She found them discussing the proposal.

As soon as they reached the office, Hope placed her bag over her chair. “Did Henry do something to you?” She

turned around while crossing her arms across her chest.

“Why are we talking about him suddenly?” Logan asked as he sat on the swivel chair.

“Because you stopped Paul from tellingsomething,” Hope affirmed. Her eyes remained fixated on him as if

she demanded an answer from him..

“I told you he has always seenas his rival and enemy. | am the Lycan Prince while he not. When I lost my

parents, | wasn’t in a state to do anything. But Henry created troubles forand madefeel empty,” Logan

confided in her. However, he didn’t tell her a lot of things that happened between him and Henry.

Hope now understood why he refuted to shift to his grandfather's home. Henry was there, who once caused

Logan to feel pathetic in every possible way.



11:31 Thu, 2 YEU L

Chapter 74