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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 67
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Chapter 67

“You work a lot. You are good at leading. Now, | realize why Grandpa wants you to be the next chairman,” Hope

stated as she stacker all the signed files on one side of the desk.

“I think | inherited those abilities from my father,” Logan replied.

Hope glanced at him, pondering if he would open up with her about his

with her about his parents. “Was he the Vice Chairman?” she asked.

“Yes,” Logan replied and stood up from the chair. He leaned against the desk, and he drew Hope close to him. “A

staff is employed to clean my office. You don’t have to do it,” Logan asserted.


“Dad toldone thing that I've followed so far,” Logan stated.

“What was it?” Hope was inquisitive to learn.

“If you want something from the bottom of your heart, there’s no force in universe that can stop you from

achieving it. | have worked on that motto and that’s the reason | nevér lose,” Logan explained to her.

“That's a great piece of advice,” Hope stated.

“It has helpedin work, but in my personal life it never worked,” Logan remarked. “Losing my parents was my

biggest regret,” he said while sounding low. “But | think | found the person, who empathizes withon this.”

“But | have no memory of that incident,” Hope replied.

“I'm working on finding the truth. Hopefully, we find it soon,” he assured her.

“Includein the work too,” Hope urged.

“I will once | find out a few things related to that day. It may take time, Hope. | don’t know how much, but it’s not

easy to find all this at once,” Logan explained to her.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“I understand. By the way, | read something strange about Roaxana earlier. Since your were busy, | didn’t tell

you,” she stated, feeling slightly worried.

“The headlines about her and Ryan?” Logan guessed.

“Yes. How do you know? Tsk. What kind of silly question is this?” She chuckled and hit her head lightly.



Chapter 67

“That was a rumor,” Logan cleared to her. “You know she is the CEO of a cosmetic brand, so pap araz zis are

after her,” he stated.

“What about you? You are the Vice-chairman of the Moore Group, Hope affirmed.

“Well, I've men who clears such ridiculous news before publishing, Logan stated.

“You never toldabout them,” Hope complained.

“I never found the need,” Logan stated. “I think we shall leave for hnow,” he stood. straight and held her

hands to pull her close. The distance between them was lesser than an inch and the two gazed into each other's

eyes affectionately.

He leaned down and brushed his nose against hers. They shared the sair between their lips before parting

them to kiss each other. Hope tip-toed and her hands held the collar of his blazer firmly.

“Sir, | have,” Paul walked in with a file in his hand and saw them kissing. “Oh My Go d!”

Hearing his voice, Hope promptly pulled away and ran to the adjacent room as she was embarrassed while Paul

said he would clater.

“Wait, there!” Logani said as he rubbed the skin above his left brow.

Paul pivoted on his shoes and smiled. “I didn’t know you are so into Hope,” he whispered, opening the file in

front of him. “Your signatures are needed here,” he proclaimed..

Logan took the pen from him, ready to sign.

“Your lips are covered in lipstick. Gosh! | cannot believe you are so crazy for her,” Paul teased him.

Quickly Logan ran his thumb over his lips. He found Paul giggling and he realized he tricked him. “Will you stop

playing withand teasing me?” he asked and quickly put his signature into the file. He didn’t wish Paul to stay

in his office for another minute.

“Dude, it's good to see you so alive. You are finally enjoying your life,” Paul asserted, feeling genuinely happy for

his friend.

“You should leave. Hope is inside,” Logan said.

“Yeah, | am aware. See you tomorrow.” Paul patted his shoulder and walked away.

Hope peeked out of the door and noticed that Paul wasn’t in the office. “You kissedat the wrong time,” she

complained as she stepped out, swiftly grabbing the jute bag from the table. “And you claimed your senses are

faster than any other werewolves. Yet, you couldn’t detect Paul entering the office,” she reminded Logan of what

he had said



10:28 Wed, 28 Feb GG -

Chapter 67

earlier in the day.


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Your scent madeforget about the outer environment,” Logan explained. He retrieved his phone and car

keys, then took her hand, and together they left for home..

Roaxana glanced at her phone, furrowing her brows together. “Why isn’t he answering my calls?” She murmured

and put the phone aside. She decided to check on Ryan in his apartment and drove there.

Upon reaching there, she quickly took the elevator and reached the desired floor. Roaxana pressed the bell and

waited for Ryan to open it. But when he didn’t open the door, she got worried.

“Is he alright?” Roaxana murmured. She entered the password, which he shared with. her last night and went


“Ryan! Ryan! Are you home? I've been calling you-" She paused as she saw Ryan had. finished three alcohol

bottles and was opening the fourth one.

Roaxana rushed to him and sna tched the bottle from him. “Ryan, are you out of your mind? How much have you

drunk?” she couldn't believe her eyes. “Did anything happen again?”

“Just leave,” Ryan said.

“No, | won't. You are not in a good state,” Roaxana refused to leave.

Ryan stood up, appearing completely unaffected by the alcohol. His werewolf constitution likely allowed him to

handle such quantities without issue. “Don’t ever showyour face. | hate you,” he declared sharply.

Roaxana’s expression shifted instantly, taken aback by the intensity in his eyes. They were unreadable. She had

never seen him look at her with such disdain before, and she couldn't fathom what she had done to deserve it.

sorry if I-” “Are you angry because of that news? It’s no longer in the media. I'm Roaxana began to apologize, but

Ryan cut her off before she could finish her sentence.

“I hate you and your entire family. Your family killed my mother. Just leave. | hate you,” Ryan pronounced.

Roaxana w

was unable to utter any word when Ryan caught her hand and threw her out of his apartment. They had been

friend for twenty years and he was ready to break the friendship just because of a misunderstanding.

Tears welled up in Roaxana’s eyes. “I don’t even know anything about it. How could