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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 59
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Chapter 59

Ryan was finally free from the college, having to drop out in the middle of his master’s. degree. He was prepared

to start his new job on Monday. While sipping his morning coffee, a sudden memory flashed in his mind.

It was from the day he had gotten too drunk and ended up at Roaxana’s office. He stopped drinking abruptly as

the memory resurfaced, feeling a sense of uncase wash over him. He had kissed Roaxana.

Covering his eyes with his hand, Ryan let out a sigh and ran his fingers through his hair. “How could | do that to

her?” he muttered to himself, placing the coffee mug back on the table. With a heavy heart, he made his way to

his bedroom to retrieve his phone.

He stared at Roaxana’s number, thinking how to call and say it to her. But he had to apologize to her. He recalled

how Roaxana was upset with him the next day because he kissed her not due to his drunkard state.

Yet, as he thought about calling her, nervousness crept deep within him, leaving him uncertain of what to say.

Eventually, he opted to suggest meeting in person, hoping for a chance to explain himself. With a message sent

to her, he anxiously awaited Roaxana’s


He picked up the coffee mug to finish the remaining coffe. “I don’t even know what she thought of me. | did the

worst thing | could do as a man,” Ryan murmured, feeling frustrated at himself.

He finished the coffee soon and washed the mug. His hunger had vanished too as he didn’t feel like having

breakfast at all. He must be out of his mind to kiss Roaxana, his best friend. Hitting his head against the pillar, he

cussed himself.

Suddenly, his phone began ringing and he quickly rushed to pick it up. “Roxy,” he murmured as her name

flashed on the screen. Clearing his throat, Ryan answered her


“Why do you wish to meet?” Roaxana asked from the other side.

“I wanted to discuss something with you. Are you free?” Ryan inquired.

“Yeah, it's weekend. So, I'm free,” Roaxana replied. “Where do you want to meet?” She slowed down the

treadmill’s speed.

“Umm... anywhere you want to,” Ryan replied.

“I'll send you a message in a while,” Roaxana asserted.

“Sure.” The call was disconnected. She ran for a few more minutes and then got down!


Chapter 59

28 Feb

from it after turning off the treadmill. Wiping the sweat off her forehead, Roaxana texted the location to Ryan

where they should meet. She went to the shower and got. ready soon.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

After having her light breakfast, she left to see Ryan to “Twilight Bistro”, the famous restaurant in the city.


Taking off her goggles, she exited the car and handed the keys to the usher to drive the car to the parking lot.


Roaxana entered the restaurant and spotted Ryan, who already had booked the table. He rose to his feet and

pulled out a chair for Roaxana, who thanked him and sat on it.

| didn’t eat much at home. What do you wish to cat?” She checked the menu, scanning her eyes through the


“Anything you like,” Ryan replied.

Roaxana decided for the dishes and gave the order to the waiter.

“What's with you? Why have you made that face? Is everything good?” Roaxana asked


“The day you droppedto my home, did | do something?” Ryan asked her. He clasped his fingers tightly in


“Why do you ask about something which happened a week ago?” Roaxana questioned as she squinted her eyes

in suspicion. She was unable to understand why Ryan suddenly talking about that day when she already forgot


“I kissed you, didn’t I?” Ryan suddenly asked her, causing Roaxana’s eyes to grow bigger. He noticed her

expression and realized he did that. “I'm really very sorry, Roxy. | have no idea why | did that. | didn’t do

anything more to you, right?” he looked worried thinking he might acted like a man or ill values that day.

“How much do you remember?” Roaxana asked. As they were on that topic, she thought she should discuss

about it.

“I only recalled kissing you,” Ryan answered.

“I had put you to sleep, but you wantedto stay by your side that night. You were badly affected by the

breakup and cheat that happened with you,” Roaxana started as she began explaining him. She told him how he

rushed to the shower and then, she helped him. “That's when you did that,” Roaxana proclaimed and finally


Ryan clenched his eyes shut in frustration. He was furious with himself for putting Roaxana through such a

difficult ordeal that night.


Chapter 59

The waiter cwith a food trolley and served them the meals. “Please, enjoy.” He smiled before walking away.

“I'm very sorry to you, Roxy. | didn’t wish to do that. | must be out of my mind. Please forgive me,” Ryan lowered

his eyes in embarrassment and shame. He could not believe. he did such s thing to her bestfriend and he was

truly guilty about it.

Roaxana knew Ryan wasn't in his right mind that day and ended up doing that. She

‘t wish him to feel humiliated of his action and said, “I already forgave you. | have

forgotten about it. You don’t need to feel guilty.”


Ryan peered at her and heard her say further, “Let's have the meal before it gets cold.”

Ryan thanked her and started eating along with her.

Daniel looked at Karla with a mixture of amusement and disdain, observing her current situation. “Didn't | warn

you against even considering harming Hope? Now look at where it's gotten you. You've lost everything,” he

remarked, a smirk playing on his lips. “But since we once shared a bed, I'll extend spity your way. With that,

he tossed an envelope in her direction.

“That should be sufficient money for you to start anew in the countryside. Here, no one will even acknowledge

your existence,” he asserted coldly.

Tears welled up in Karla's eyes as she gazed at Daniel. “You used to love me, Daniel,” she whispered, her voice

trembling with emotion.

“I was a fool to ever love you. Your sister is way ahead of you. She had Logan Moore wrapped around her finger.

Turns out, Hope is far more valuable than | ever realized,” Daniel muttered with a cold chuckle. “Isn't the money

sufficient for you?” he added, his tone dripping with disdain.

Karla couldn’t bear the humiliation she was enduring. She never imagined she would face such degradation.

Finally feeling the weight of regret for her actions towards Hope Over the years, Karla looked away, unable to

meet Daniel's gaze.

“I don’t want anything from you,” she declared, her voice tinged with defeat, before turning away and walking

out of his sight.

“Such a money-hungry b*tch,” Daniel cursed her and entered his car. He drove it to the famous club of the city.

For weeks, he could not do any party because of the condition. his company had fallen to. Luckily, with his

father’s help, things were sorted out for


Applying the brakes outside the city’s club, Daniel stepped out and gave the keys to the

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Chapter 59

usher. He was welcomed and he made his way to the shining corridor to the VIP elevator.


Finally, reaching at the VIP lounge, he was welcomed by his close friends, who were with their respective

girlfriends. They all were either alphas or betas, but none among them were lesser than that rank..

“Daniel, here’s for you,” Lavina said as she handed him the glass of alcohol. She settled on the lounge and

continued, “I heard Logan almost bankrupted you.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Daniel's jaw tightened to hear her. “Watch your tongue, Lavina. | may take it out,” he pronounced.

“Dude, calm down. We all know here that you never cared for Hope. When Logan married her, she suddenly

becsuch a hot sensation among all the werewolves,” Blake stated.

“Are you guys going to taunt me?” Daniel chuckled. “It was all in the past, so we should forget it,” he added and

sipped the alcohol.

“Yeah, we should. | remember Hope used to be such a timid girl. Now, no one can even touch her. Even her

stepsister is thrown out of her clan. Daniel, try not to go near Hope or Logan might do the swith you,” Victor

suggested to him.

Hearing all that, Daniel’s mood was turned off. He wanted to have fun here in this club, but everyone taunted

him to ditch Hope and later anger Logan with his actions.

“Well, I've nothing to do with Hope and Logan anymore. So, let's not talk about them. anymore,” Daniel this time

requested them.

“Okay. Well, there's something out pack leaders are scared of,” Blake stated.

“What is it?” Daniel quipped with curiousity.

“The Lycans are powerful than us,” Blake replied. “I heard they possess a certain crystal bestowed to them long

ago, like centuries ago, by the Moon Goddess. All the werewolves have to listen to the Lycans since that time,”

he affirmed.

Daniel had no such information of having crystal with Lycans that too from the Moon Goddess herself. “So, what

are the pack leaders thinking?” Daniel queried.

“Nothing. We should get stronger. Moon stone possesses strength too, but moon crystal. is more magical. So, the

pack leaders want something like that,” Lavina explained to him.

“How is it possible to find another crystal?” Daniel inquired.

“Have you not heard about the legend which says a woman in the werewolf clan will


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Chapter 59

born by the blessings of the Moon Goddess?” Blake questioned him.

“No, I've not heard that,” Daniel truthfully admitted.

“Well, according to the legend, a moon crystal will be bestowed to the purest soul to the woman from any of

werewolf’s clan in the modern era. But we don’t know if it’s true or not,” Lavina pronounced.

“Hmm. What if that happens?” Daniel asked.

“We will be stronger than the Lycans,” Victor responded with a stern expression.

Daniel wondered if he would find such a woman, then it would be easy for him to fight against Logan. Now, the

question was how he would find that woman?