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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 51
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Chapter 51

“Why did you buy the cupcakes?” Logan asked as he checked the box.

“Don’t you like it?” Hope questioned.

“No, | like them,” Logan replied.

“Your desk is so large and you look so dashing while working. You were a strict boss earlier. Will you scoldtoo

if | make mistakes?” Hope asked him.

Logan ended up smiling. “I doubt if I'll be able to scold you,” he truthfully admitted. “No. one troubled you today,

right?” Logan leaned against the desk.

“No one harmedtoday. Thanks to you | feel no one will even try to even talk to me,” Hope murmured and

approached him. She bit her lower lip and then locked her hands. behind his neck.

“Did you have the lunch?” she asked and slowly brought her hand to his tie. Hope made circles with her finger on

his chest and continued, “Did you missduring the work?”

“I had my lunch carlier. Also, | keep my personal and professional life separate, Little Wolf,” Logan asserted.

“Little wolf?” Hope's amusement bubbled at the sound of her nickname.

“Yeah, you are my little wolf,” Logan affirmed, gently tucking loose strands of her hair behind her ear. Drawing

her closer by her waist, their faces drew near. “Aren’t you?” he questioned, his eyebrow arching playfully. Their

lips hovered just inches apart, both attuned to the rhythm of their racing hearts.

“When will you take my interview?” Hope asked.

“I don’t do interviews for interns,” Logan replied.

“Then?” Hope was inquisitive to know.

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“No one. | never go to interview panel,” Logan answered. “There is a separate wing for that and | cannot reveal it

to you,” he affirmed.

“I know, it's against the company rules. | thought you might cto interview me,” Hope murmured. “I've a test

first, then I'll be called for the interview. | truly want to work here. I'll try my best to qualify for the intern trainee

here,” she said with a determined tone.

“I trust you,” Logan stated.

Hope stepped away from him. “You should continue your work. I'll wait for your work


Chapter 51

to finish,” she opined.

Logan checked the ton his watch. “We still have twenty minutes,” he stated.

He noticed Hope was now near the acquarium, looking at the tiny fishes. Her eyes glistened and a bright smile

carved on her lips. After that, she headed to the shelves, checking the books stacked in them.

“Did you read all this?” Hope asked him.

“Yes, | did,” Logan replied.

Hope's eyes landed on an old book and she took it out to check. “Isn't it too old?” she muttered and opened it.

The smile from Hope's lips disappeared as she saw a picture of the woman while Logan recalled about that book.

He was quick to reach her and snat ched them from Hope. “You should not check all these things,” Logan said,

his tone felt heavy and commanding.

“Is that Olivia?” Hope asked. “I, at least, ‘deserve to know,” she affirmed.

Logan placed the old book into its place. “Wait for me. I'll soon be back,” he said. He pivoted to leave when Hope

grasped his hand.

“We won't grow in this relationship if you keep Olivia in your heart,” Hope said. “You need to choose one. I'm not

asking you to do it now, but you have to gradually learn to includein your life,” she explained.

“You are already included in my life, Hope,” Logan affirmed, meeting her gaze. “It’s just. that there are a few

things | cannot share with you,” he admitted.

“That's not inclusion, Logan. You've excluded an important part of your life from sharing with me,” Hope

responded, releasing his hand. “You should go and attend the meeting,” she declared.

Logan ran his fingers through his hair, a sign of his inner turmoil. “I'll tell you when | return. Don’t make that

face,” he urged, sensing her disappointment.

“What do you mean by that face?” Hope hit his arm and then rested her head on chest. “I don’t like arguing with



too,” Logan stroked her hair. She pulled away from him and told him he should go. He left his office while

Hope stayed behind.

Roxana frowned upon seeing Ryan sitting in the lobby, his head hanging low.

Chapter 51

“Did you drink?” she inquired, concern lacing her voice.

Ryan lifted his head briefly to meet her gaze. “A little,” he admitted.

“You look heavily drunk,” Roxana observed with a sigh. She assisted him in standing up and then guided him out

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

to her car. With the help of the driver, she settled Ryan into the passenger's seat before quickly taking her place

behind the wheel.

Roxana then drove the car to Ryan’s home, determined to ensure he reached safely despite his inebriation.

Finally, they were outside their apartment. “What's the password?” Roaxana asked him.

Ryan leaned forward toward the door lock opened his eyes widely. He inserted the password and the door

opened finally. Roaxana took him inside, making sure Ryan would not fall and switched on the lights.

She pushed him to the couch and sat across from him.

“You cannot cope with the break-up, right? Gosh, you annoyso much!” Roaxana complained and decided to

go to the kitchen.

“She cheated onfor a long time,” Ryan said and ended up laughing. “I saw them being intimate,” he laughed


“What did you say?” Roaxana asked him.

“Natasha cheated on me,” Ryan repeated his previous words. His eyes turned teary now and he lowered his

head. “I feel terrible,” he mumbled. “I am unable to forget her.”

“That bi tch!” Roaxana cussed Natasha. She could not believe Ryan was so into Natasha. that his condition

turned like this. He was roaming like a total drunkard and hurting himself by recalling the memories between


“I cannot forget her, | feel. This betrayal eats my heart. | feel pain,” Ryan said as tears streamed down his
