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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 44
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Chapter 44

Logan and Hope spent almost an hour in the tree house before returning to their bedroom in the mansion. Today,

they were supposed to stay the night at Moore. Family's home.

Hope lay on the mattress, her skirt slipped up her thighs. Her hands were out and her cyes were closed. “It was

fun,” she murmured.

Logan removed his blazer and shirt before heading to the washroom. When he

returned after fifteen minutes, he saw Hope was asleep. He made her lie straight on bed. and covered her with

duvet. Brushing her hair off her face, Logan leaned down and kissed the crown of her forehead.

He went to the cupboard and wore a pair of casual clothes before heading out. Reaching outside his

grandfather's room, he knocked at the door. Logan pushed the door in and asked his grandfather if he could


“Of course!” William said. He was on the couch, watching TV.

Logan walked up to him and settled next to him.

“Your relationship with Hope, how is it going?” William inquired him.

“Good,” Logan answered.

“That was a plain response,” William remarked.

“Grandpa, you knowwell,” Logan asserted.

“Do you find yourself falling in love with her?” William questioned him. “You cannot stay without feelings for a

long time,” he added.

“I think her presence in my life has given a new meaning to it. | no longer find myself


alone, Logan truthfully said. He fiddled with angers as he glanced at his hands. “I

like her. She is simple, which makes her more attractive,” he proclaimed.

William was surprised to learn the praises of Hope from Logan's mouth.

“That's a great development,” William said.

“Yes, Grandpa. | think | can a new life again. She is young, but she understandswell,” Logan stated with a


William patted his back and advised him to nullify the contract between them then. “A marriage or any other

relationship doesn’t work on the contract,” he stated.

“I understand, Grandpa,” Logan answered.

Chapter 44

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“What's your plan after Hope is graduated? Do you think she can take a position in the company?” William


“I think | will assess her performance during the internship to cto the conclusion, Logan stated.

“Hmm. | have something for you.” William stood up from the couch and went toward the cupboard. Logan

wondered what his grandfather looked for. William returned with a silver box in his hand.

“What is it, Grandpa?” Logan was kind of puzzled to see that silver box.

“It is a legacy of our family. You need to protect it well,” William stated as he gave the box to his grandson.

“What is it, Grandpa?” Logan furrowed his brows together.

“A stone, which is given to our family long tago. Make sure it never falls in the wrong hands, William


“Shouldn't it go to my uncle? Either Uncle Samuel or Uncle James?” Logan asked.

“The crystal possesses spowers. It should not fall in wrong hands. | don’t trust them. Keep it safe,” he


“Sure, Grandpa,” Logan replied.

“Why don’t you live here with Hope? I'll be happy to see you all under the sroof? | know that villa is of your

parents and they spent a good tthere with them.” William desire was to see both his grandson and

granddaughter-in-law everyday.

“Grandpa, | think my presence may bother aunts. You know this well,” Logan stated.

“And what about my wish?” William queried.

“I'll think about it,” Logan answered.

“I'll wait for your response. Don’t makewait for too long,” William opined.

“I won't,” Logan said when William told him to put the box in a silver box. “Take the bag from my cupboard,” he


After Logan put the box inside a bag, he asked his grandfather if he needed to rest for a while.

“Yes, | do. Let's see each other at dinner,” William stated with a smile.

“Okay.” Logan left the room shortly and headed to upstairs.

Chapter 44

Daniel looked at Karla and asked her why she had cto see him. “Because of you and your family, my life

was destroyed,” he sharply taunted her.

and my family?” Karla asked and chuckled. “You should say Hope and her husband destroyed your life. Not

to forget, we both have an equal part in all this. You broke up withjust because Hope got with Logan,” she


“So, why are you here? Speak quickly,” Daniel annoyingly said as he wasn’t interested in talking to her anymore.

“Do you wish Hope to die?” Karla asked him.

Daniel squinted his eyes at her. “Are you serious?!”

“Yes, | am,” Karla stated.

“Logan will kill me. Do whatever you wish to do by yourself. | am not a part of all this.” Daniel refused to be a

part of her plan and pivoted to go into his house.

“The ball is near, Karla pronounced. “You cannot ignore the fact that until Hope stays alive, she will be a

nuisance to us. We will plan everything well, so just consider it,” she asserted.

“No. Logan isn’t someone whom we should take easy,” Daniel affirmed and went inside.

Karla clenched her fists tightly. She had made up her mind that she would kill Hope on the college’s ball day.

Hope tossed on her stomach as she groaned in her sleep. She was finally awake and felt quite refreshed after the

sleep. She turned and saw Logan was seated next to her with a book in his hand.

“What is it?” Hope asked and lifted her neck to check the book in his hand.

Logan closed it, thus startling her. “You should shower,” he said.

Hope hit his thigh and quickly got off the bed. She made a bun of her hair and went toward the washroom. “I

need clothes,” Hope pronounced as she pecked out of the washroom’s door.

Logan checked the cupboard and saw a few casual clothes on one side. He took out at below knee-length casual

dress for her and closed the cupboard.

“Here,” Logan handed her the dress.



Chapter 11

“Thank you.” Hope slid the door close and locked it from inside.

After ten minutes, she emerged from the shower. feeling rejuvenated. “Ahh, | feel so good, Hope exclaimed,

swirling on her feet with a giggle..

“Logan. I'm going to the kitchen to check on dinner’s preparation,” Hope declared, tossing the hair towel toward

the chair.

“Chere,” Logan invited her to the bed.


“Just come,” Logan said sternly.

Hope hurried to him and sat down on the mattress. “What is it?” she asked when Logan took her left hand. She

found a bracelet in his hand, which he put around her wrist. It had a small heart shaped dangling, in which letter

H was carved.

“It’s pretty. Hope said as she touched the dangling-

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Glad to hear this, Logan said. He didn’t let go of her wrist and just caressed it. He pulled her closer to him, his

thumbs stroking her cheeks.

“What's gotten into you? Why do you look atwith that gaze?” Hope asked, feeling


“I don’t know,” Logan truthfully replied.

“You are strange.” Hope remarked and lowered her head. She parted her lips to say further when Logan captured

them. Her eyes widened in a surprise, and instinctively. her right hand moved to his shoulder.

The moment Hope stepped out of the washroom, Logan couldn't resist her natural


They kissed each other passionately. Logan let her straddle him, his hands would repeatedly push away the hair

coming in their way. Slowly, they withdrew, but Logan didn’t stop there.

“Ahh, Logan,” Hope let out an eliciting cry, followed by a moan. Her hands were now on on his back. The touch of

his lips on her neck made her feel vulnerable. Her pheromones heightened and she desired for more.

But would Logan give her more?

That thought vanished soon as his hand was now on her curve, worshipping it with gentle strokes. She arched

her back and soon, found herself on the mattress, her legs wrapped around his torso.




Chapter 41

“Logan, you said-mmm... The words died in her mouth as Logan kissed her again. His fingers trailed up her

thighs, bringing her on the edge. She wanted to him touch at the most sensitive part of her body, but it felt to

her that Logan intentionally didn’t do it.

“Hah!” Hope's chest rose and fell as they finally pulled away from the kiss.

“Logan, | want more.” Hope said and curled her fingers, pondering if he would agree for


He pulled off his t-shirt with his one hand and tossed it on the bed’s foot. He flipped. them and now, she was

straddling him. Her hands were on his chest while his hands. were on her lower back.

“I also want more,” Logan said. He pulled her down, his one hand gripped her wet hair gently and they kissed.

She withdrew this tand peppered the kisses down his neck.

to his chest.

“F*ck, Hope,” Logan cussed as her plump lips kissed every spot on his torso.

“You've madehard,” Logan muttered as his pupils changed color.