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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 42
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Chapter 42

Logan turned on the engine after replying the Paul through the message.

“Will we head hnow?” Hope queried.

“Yes. But before that we had go somewhere,” Logan said.


“To see grandpa, Logan replied. He drove the car out of the parking lot and soon, they were on the main


“Logan, your birthday is after two weeks. Are you excited about it?” Hope asked.

“What is there to be excited about?” Logan questioned her.

“I thought rich people used to be more excited for their birthday celebrations. Like they show in movies, s,

etc.” Hope asserted.

“Many do celebrate, but I've no interest in that, Logan.stated. “Did Camila told you about my birthday?” he

questioned her.

“Yes, Aunt Camila did,” Hope replied. “She also toldthat Grandpa does organize a charity event in your

name,” she affirmed.

Logan nodded, stating, “Yes, he does. | believe he'll continue the tradition this year as well.”

“Let's celebrate your birthday,” Hope suggested to him.

“I'm not interested,” Logan clarified, causing Hope to pout as she felt disheartened by his response.

“But we won't invite any guests. We can bring a small cake and celebrate among the family members,” Hope

opined. She didn’t want to give up on celebrating her husband's birthday.

“I refuse. Moreover, I'll not be in the city that day. I've an important meeting for a deal,” Logan explained to her.

Hope then suggested, “You can reschedule the meeting for the next day. At least, for your birthday, you should

be with me, at home.”

Her dejection was evident in her tone as she felt that Logan didn’t seem to care about the significance of the day

he was born. She hoped he would at least celebrate it with her, considering it was his first birthday after their



11:27 Tue, 27 Feb

Chapter 42


“Let’s stop the discussion,” Logan urged and pressed his foot on the accelerator. Their entire journey to Grandpa

William's hwent in silence.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

As the car stopped in front of the mansion, Hope quickly exited it. The guards at the main entrance to the house,

greeted her and she returned their greetings.

Logan stood next to her and they both walked inside. The house butler welcomed them and told them he would

inform the master about their arrival.

“Is he in the vineyard?” Logan asked.

“Yes,” the house butler responded with a smile.

Hope was astonished to learn that the Moore Family had a vineyard too.

“The other members of the family are also present there,” informed the house butler.

“Hmm. Let's go there then.” Logan held Hope's arm and they headed to the vineyard. After walking for ten

minutes to northwest from the mansion, they finally reached the vineyard.

“Everyone is here. Try to bear with them,” Logan whispered near Hope's ear. His eyes noticed Henry too and he

furrowed his brows together.

“Oh, look! Who is here?” William adjusted his hat as he saw Logan and Hope. The smile. on his lips widened and

extended his arms out. Logan hugged his grandfather while Hope stayed behind.

Henry looked at Hope and checked her out from top the bottom. ‘She is not bad, he thought in his mind and


Hope greeted all of them and waved at Fred too. She was surprised to see that everyone was at hinstead of

at work. But then, rich people could take leave anytthey wanted.

“Hope, you should have dressed decently,” Victoria remarked as she noticed her skirt. “We know you are young,

but dress up nicely from the next time,” she affirmed.

Hope felt embarrassed and looked at her skirt which was above her knees. “I'll keep in mind. I'm sorry,” she


“Aunt Victoria, it was not decided that we would chere today. Please refrain from saying anything bad to

her,” Logan said sternly to her,

“Well, let's not argue over such small things, Logan's first uncle, Samuel said, and told his father he should now

take rest. “We have picked enough of the grapes for today,” he

nowy asserted.


11:28 Tue, 27 Feb 1

Chapter 42

“The children should mingle with each other and have fun,” William opined and removed the gloves from his

hands. The serv ant took it from them. As William stepped up, he patted Hope's head before leaving with his

both sons. Aunts Victoria and Anna also left the vineyard.

“Hope, why don’t you take a seat?” Fred suggested to her and as he pulled out the chair for her. She gazed at

Logan, who gestured her to sit and she settled on the chair. Fred placed a bowl of fresh grapes before her and

told her she should eat them..

“Hope, are you an omega werewolf?” Henry suddenly asked her.

“Why did you ask such a question? Since when did Lycans start caring about werewolves. ranks?” Logan went

toward the table and sat on the chair next to Hope.

Roaxana, Fred's sister, cthere from the other side of the vineyard. “What a sight to witness!” She exclaimed

in surprise. “I didn’t expect Logan to be here with his wife,” she pronounced and stood next to Hope. “I'm

Roaxana Moore. We have met before too, but just wanted to introduce myself to you again,” she asserted.

“Grandpa wanted us to be here, so we decided to come,” Logan replied.

The serv ant arrived with a wine bottle and five glasses, pouring wines made exclusively from their own

vineyard. Henry sat opposite Logan, grabbing a wine glass, while Fred took the seat next to Logan..

“Hope, when are you graduating?” Roaxana inquired.

“In eight months, Hope replied.

“Great! | heard Brother went to your college today,” Roaxana proclaimed, casting a glance at Logan.

Stunned, Hope asked, “How do you know?” She was taken aback, not expecting Roaxanal to be aware of it,

considering she thought Logan was a private person, who hardly used to share his plans.

“Guess?” Roaxana remarked.

“Logan, did you tell her?” Hope gazed at him.

“Do you think your

husband/will share his plans with me? Never,” Roaxana chuckled. “It was Ryan, my friend,” she added.

“You mean Ryan Dawson?? Hope wanted to be sure that Roaxana was speaking about. the sRyan, whom

she knew.



11-28 Tue, 27 Feb

Chapter 42

“Ryan and | were batch mates, Roaxana answered. “Now, he is in the master’s program while | am into my

business,” she stated.

“Oh. I didn’t know this,” Hope murmured and sipped the wine.

“Hope, | heard from Grandpa and my mom that Logan proposed you. Is it true?” Henry suddenly asked him.

“Yeah,” Hope lied confidently.

“Strange! After Olivia left Logan, he rejected every other woman whom Grandpa suggested for him to marry,”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Henry commented, glancing at Logan. “Did you really propose her?” he squinted his eyes in suspicion.

“Why are you interested in knowing about my private life? Logan chose not to speak. anything on that and

sipped the wine,

“Olivia is Brother Logan's past. He has moved on with Hope, now. We all have seen his love for her, Roaxana said

with a warm smile.

Logan wondered what was in Henry's mind. He knew Henry was kind of c unning. How could he forget the

childhood days, where Henry would do his best to turn everyone against him.

“What do you all do? | didn’t ask the last time. | only know about Fred since | met him last ttoo,” Hope said.

“Logan, it's bad. You didn’t tell Hope about us. Do you not consider her a part of this family?” Henry taunted.

“I didn’t wish her to know unnecessary people like you,” Logan responded. He didn’t hesitate to show he didn’t

like Henry much.

“That was a harsh remark,” Henry said.

“Even your comments are rude. | believe in giving and taking equally,” Logan pronounced. The tension between

the two raised.

“Will you two stop? You two start anytanywhere,” Roaxana pronounced with an irritating tone.

“I have a cosmetic brand company. I'll gift you scosmetics. | hope you like them. Also, light makeup suits

you, but smoky makeup will give you an outstanding look... A bit hotter, Roaxana affirmed and winked at her.

“What are you teaching her? She looks perfect the way she is,” Logan replied and sipped

more wine.

Tue, 27 Feb

Chapter 421


“Uh-huh. Brother, | know you love your wife. But | also know once she puts on smoky eye makeup, you'll be

jealous of other men eyeing your wife. She will look prettier,” Roaxana stated with a smile.

“I don’t like to put on makeup,” Hope replied.

“Well, this weekend there's a ball in your college

| will dress you up.” Roaxana opined.

“How do you know all this? Did Ryan already told you this?” Hope asked.

“I graduated from that college. The ball is a kind of tradition there,” Roaxana stated.

“Hmm.” Hope casted a glance at Logan, who looked a bit disturbed. She wondered if it was because Henry

brought Olivia out of the blue in the conversation.

“Hope, | heard from my old friend from that you used to date Daniel Rutherford. He was your mate, wasn’t he?”

Henry suddenly dropped a bomb, which Hope didn’t anticipate.