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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 124
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Chapter 124



Olivia was stunned to hear when Hope forgave Roaxana. “My uncles surely are after my life. Logan will find out

who exactly did this,” she told Roaxana, telling her not to apologize to her.

Olivia, who was standing at the rear end of the living room, couldn't believe that Hope would easily agree to this.

However, her concern was that Hope didn’t die. Logan saved her this time. She was bothered seeing how much

Logan cared for Hope.

While all this was going on, Henry spotted Olivia and went to her. “Why are you standing alone here?” Henry

inquired her.

“I think I'm no longer a part of this family,” Olivia stated, looking at the Moore Family. She had lost Logan, in turn,

her presence no longer bothered others.

“Roaxana tried to harm Hope. Everyone is focused in that,” Henry opined. He wondered if Olivia was in love with

Logan because the way she looked at him was different. He wondered if he was fooled to believe that she never

had any interest in Logan.


uncles did it, then it’s the tto personally meet them. I'll punish them myself,” William angrily said.

Logan decided to take care of the matter and told his grandfather that he would find out first, which of the three

uncles did it. If the witchcraft was used, then | would not spare any of them.

“What does it mean by witchcraft?” Olivia suddenly asked them as she approached them. Henry, however, didn’t

budge from his place. Everyone in the Moore Family directed their attention at Olivia.

“You are still here. Shouldn't you've left already?” Logan asked her.

“I thought I'd leave after having breakfast with all of you,” Olivia stated.

“You should leave, Olivia,” Logan coldly told her. “Also, you aren't a part of my life anymore. | hope you live rest

of your life happily,” he pronounced.

Henry curled his fingers as he definitely not liked Logan's attitude toward Olivia, but he chose to remain silent.

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since Logan could be suspicious of him.

“Logan, you should not be this harsh on Olivia. She can leave after having breakfast with us,” Hope said in her



Emergency calls only

Chapter 124

soft tone as she rested her hand above his shoulder.

“No. | don’t allow the outsiders to sit and have breakfast with us,” Logan said.

“You consideran outsider?” Olivia arched her eyebrows at Logan.

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“Yes. You lied to me. Victor doesn’t even have any idea that you are alive. Because in the past, | admired you, for

that reason, | am letting you go. | won't ask you why did you lie toabout your death because I'm not

interested in you any more,” Logan pronounced with a sharp gaze at her.

Olivia couldn't believe that he already investigated about her. Everyone looked at Olivia with quizzical glances.

“Why did you lie to us? How did you survive the accident that day?” This tWilliam asked the question from


Olivia didn’t answer him and turned around to leave. However, before leaving, she spoke, “Logan, you'll regret

your decision and you'll ctoto know the truth.”

“That won't happen, Olivia. You betrayedand | don’t go to such people. Well, | should thank you for returning

because now | know you have always fooledwith your love,” Logan stated.

Olivia clenched her fists. But she needed to execute her plan. Without uttering another word, she left the Moore

Family house. Henry was shocked to see that Logan found out about Olivia's lies so easily.

Was shocked to

‘She should not have chere. Her plan failed terribly, Henry thought.

“What's exactly going on? Olivia lied to us... All of us. But, why? | still am unable to understand how she survived

that day,” Victoria suddenly said, thus diverting all of them from the topic of their former conversation.

“It’s strange that she was taken out alive from the grave. | think there's something more hidden behind Olivia's

story,” Fred remarked, casting a meaningful glance at Logan. “Shouldn't you have at least interrogated her

thoroughly? | mean, she told such a big lie to all of us, especially to you,” he muttered, expressing his doubts.

“Everyone should stay away from my Olivia. Don’t contact her or try to be in contact with her,” Logan advised

firmly, his tone brooking no argument.

Hope couldn’t help but wonder when Logan had uncovered all of this. For sreason, she felt a sense of

foreboding, as if something significant was about to unfold. It was her intuitive call..



Emergency calls only

Chapter 124


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“After breakfast, Logan and Hope retired to their bedroom. Logan had to postpone his meetings as he had

something important to discuss with Hope.

“When did you find out that Olivia lied to all of us?” Hope inquired, her curiosity piqued.

“In the morning, before you were attacked. Last night, | asked Paul to find out about Victor with Clifton’s help.

They gavethe answer in the morning,” Logan affirmed, recalling the sequence of events.

“That's so strange! Why did Olivia plan her own death and return now? And do you think it was wise to let her go

like this? She might do something,” Hope murmured, her concern evident in her voice.

“I have no idea, but whatever the reason, it can’t be good. Olivia madego crazy for her, made my life hellish,

and now she’s appeared to make it worse again. | was unable to see through her before, but now I can. Also, |

checked the CCTV footage in the house to find out who Roaxana met last night,” Logan proclaimed.

“So, what did you find out?” Hope inquired, her curiosity increased.

“Olivia met Roaxana,” Logan replied solemnly.

“Don’t tellyou think Olivia is the sorcerer... | mean, the sorceress,” Hope chuckled, initially dismissing the

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idea. However, her laughter faded as she noticed the seriousness etched on Logan's face. “Really?” She

exclaimed incredulously, her eyes widening in disbelief.

“I think she is the one!” Logan pronounced.

“How could she be a sorceress?” For Hope, it was still unbelievable. Why would someone in his or her sane mind

choose such a path, which could cause self-destruction more?

“I'm not sure, but ever since she appeared, all of this started,” Logan explained, his hands moving to rest on his

waist as he pondered the situation.

“If she is the sorceress, then you shouldn't have let her go,” Hope opined, expressing her concern.

“She shouldn't have stayed around us. Moreover, | want her to reveal her true face-the face she’s kept hidden

fromall these years,” Logan proclaimed.

“She can manipulate anyone. According to Aunt Fleur, a sorceress is much more powerful than a witch. She can

make a person do anything she desires. Now, by letting Olivia go, you've made her cautious. What if she

disappears again?” Hope expressed her concern, struggling to comprehend her husband's thought process.


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Her mind suddenly went to what Lucas told her yesterday.

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“Logan, | think Olivia knows that | will get the moon stone from the Moon Goddess, which I’ve already received.

She knows many things about us and it worries me,” Hope stated as she brought her hand to her hair.

“She knows?” Logan frowned and decided to find the connection between Henry and Olivia.

“Of course, she knows. Daniel attacked you to kidnap me. Olivia wants to have the moon stone for her personal.

benefit,” Hope concluded.

“Then, it's better. | would like to see what more Olivia can do. Let's see how far she will go,” Logan said with a

stern gaze. Hope nodded her head in agreement, but she also realized they had to be careful of Olivia.