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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 105
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15:16 Mon, 11 Mar



Chapter 105

“I'll chase you there too,” Roaxana replied. “Also, you forgot that you were the one, who kissedthe day you

were drunk. What if | hadn't left and agreed to sleep with you? At least, | didn’t trap you within such a way.

We have always looked good together and we make a great couple,” she stated and sipped more of the latte

from the cup.

“You want both of us to suffer all our lives. It does not matter toany more how my mom died and what she

did in the past. Roaxana, let's not destroy each other's life,” Ryan stated.

She chuckled and told him that she would be willing to see the worse life with him. Before Ryan could speak up,

Roaxana’s phone rang and she answered it.

“Yes, Kiara?”

“Isaac is wasted after having lots of drinks. | asked him his haddress, but he’s not telling me. He is asking

about you,” Kiara said in a panicked tone.

“What? Where are you guys?” Roaxana inquired her.

Kiara told her about the bar and disconnected the call after sometime.

“I've to go,” Roaxana said. “Thanks for the latte,” she added and rushed out of the cafe. Because she cby

foot from her home, she decided to call a cab.

“Where do you want to go? In which bar Isaac has gone?” Ryan enquired of her as he approached Roaxana.

“I will go by myself. You should go hand take rest,” she suggested to him.

“I cannot let you go alone,” Ryan said. He would never trust a drunkard man, especially Isaac, who had feelings

for Roaxana. “Cwith me.”

She couldn't refuse him and left with Ryan for the bar. They both went inside to the lounge, where Isaac was

present with Kiara.

Kiara left her place as soon as she spotted Roaxana with Ryan. Before Roaxana could go to Isaac, Ryan went

ahead and tapped on Isaac’s shoulder. When he didn’t respond, Ryan pulled him up, causing Isaac to shot his

eyes open.

“You?” Isaac pointed his finger at him. “Why are you here? You punchedin the





15:16 Mon, 11 Mar

Chapter 105

day. You are a bad man,” he affirmed.

“Is he really a Lycan?” Kiara whispered near Roaxana’s ear. “He acts like a baby when he is drunk,” she



“Stay quiet and tell me, where’s your home?” Ryan asked while gritting his teeth at him.


“I won't tell you. You hurt Roaxana. Where is she? Call her. She will takehome,” Isaac stated and pushed him

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away. He noticed Roaxana and quickly rushed to her.

“Roxy!” Isaac hugged her tightly.

Ryan's jaw clenched as he saw Isaac embracing Roaxana and she didn’t mind it about it. He wanted to pull them

apart when he asked himself why he was bothered to see Isaac and Roaxana close.

‘I was the one, who wanted them to get married,” Ryan thought.

Roaxana gently caressed Isaac's arms, offering to take him home. “Let's head out,” she asserted, casting a

pleading glance at Ryan for assistance, as Isaac was too heavy for her to manage alone.

Ryan approached them and helped support Isaac, guiding him with one arm around his shoulder. Together, they

walked him out, with Kiara trailing closely behind. Upon reaching the car, Ryan pushed Isaac into the backseat,

causing him to bang his head against the front seat.

“Hey, be careful!” Roaxana scolded Ryan, noticing his lack of gentleness in handling Isaac.

“Drunkards don’t receive gentle treatment,” Ryan asserted as he headed for the driver's seat. Roaxana opted for

the backseat and joined in, while Kiara settled into the passenger seat beside Ryan.”

Glancing through the rear-view mirror, Ryan noticed Roaxana straightening Isaac’s posture. His grip tightened on

the steering wheel as Isaac leaned his head onto Roaxana’s shoulder.

“Ask him the address,” Ryan asked with a stern tone.

To his surprise, Isaac did tell Roaxana about his home's address. He quickly put in the address into the GPS and

drove to Isaac’s home.




15:16 Mon, 11 Mar

Chapter 105

“I love

you, Roaxana,” suddenly Isaac pronounced, causing the three of them to focus their attention on him.



“Isaac has said this a lot of times. Roxy, why aren’t you giving him a chance?” Kiara opined.

“I don’t love him,” Roaxana replied.

“You love the man who hurt you all the time. That's wrong, Roaxana. | am better than him. | will keep you like a

Queen. | will never let you feel unhappy. | promise. Don’t marry him,” Isaac said while tears emerged in his eyes,

though his eyes were

still closed.

An awkwardness occupied the entire car and none of them spoke anything. Finally, a half an hour long journey

ended and they arrived outside Isaac's house. Roaxana and Kiara helped him getting out while Ryan stayed in

the car.

The bodyguards at the entrance were quick to help take Isaac inside and thanked them for dropping him home.

“I live just up ahead. I'll walk from here,” Kiara announced, waving at Ryan before departing on foot. Roaxana

then slid into the car, choosing to sit beside Ryan this time.

As he navigated back to the main road, Ryan observed Roaxana had drifted off to sleep. Aware that waking her

to drop her hmight disrupt her rest at this late hour, Ryan resolved to take her to his own place instead.

Parking the car, he gently lifted Roaxana into his arms and made his way to the elevator.

Finally, they were in his apartment. Ryan gently settled Roaxana on the mattress and removed her slippers. He

covered her from the duvet and brushed away the hair strands from her cheek.

“I hope the next morning you wake up, you decide not to marry me,” Ryan murmured and stood up. He closed

the bedside lamp and closed the door behind


As he finally entered his room, his phone started buzzing and he picked it up.

“Dad!” Ryan mumbled, hastily answering the call. “I'm sorry, Dad, for not answering your calls earlier. | was

outside,” he apologized as he initiated the conversation with his father.





15:16 Mon, 11 Mar 0

Chapter 105

“Open the door. I'm outside,” James instructed.


Ryan ended the call and placed his phone on the table before heading out. As he opened the door, he was

greeted by James and Noah. They entered, and Ryan closed the door behind them, his mind racing with worry

about his father discovering Roaxana’s presence in the apartment and the potential repercussions.

He saw James and Noah sat on the couch. “Dad, why did you cat this hour?” asked Ryan.

“I went out for a meeting and you decided to marry Roaxana. Is this way you are going to be loyal to this family?

Didn't | clear you to stay away from the Moore Family’s daughter? How dare Roaxana announce her marriage

with you?” James shouted at him.

Noah had sent multiple messages to Ryan about it, but it seemed his younger brother didn’t check them.

“Dad, they are childhood friends. Moreover, Mom didn’t die because of them entirely. Mom should not have gone

to the witch and perform a forbidden spell,” Noah stated and asked James to calm down.


“I am disappointed in a son like you,” James directed his remark at Ryan. “I'll throw you out of my house if you

marry Roaxana. Choose wisely between us. | will announce you as dead. You have always been a curse to my

family. Ever since you born, everything went wrong in our lives. | had to lose my business at the tof your

birth and my mother died too. Later, my mate died. If you want to make up for it, stay away from Roaxana. This

is the last tI've warned you,” James pronounced, leaving sof the harsh comments toward Ryan.

“Dad, how could you say this to Ryan? He is my brother,” Noah objected his father’s decision and claimed it as a

heartless behavior.

Roaxana, who was listening all this from inside the room, emerged into the living room finally, but she stopped

as she heard Ryan speak.

“Dad, it wasn’t my fault to born at that time. Why do you always bring it every tyou've to makego on

your ways?” Ryan complained.

James frowned and he left his seat. He slapped Ryan hard and said, “This is for getting yourself involved with our

enemies and for your late mother.”





15:17 Mon, 11 Mar 0

Chapter 105

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Noah pleaded with his father to cease, but his pleas fell on deaf ears. Roaxana, unable to witness any more

violence, stepped between Ryan and James, gripping James’ hand firmly as he prepared to strike Ryan once


“Stop it. Stop hitting my man because | won't tolerate it,” Roaxana declared with a commanding tone, her eyes

flashing a yellowish gleam, reflecting her resolve to protect Ryan.


She pushed James hand away and asked him to leave. Ryan told Roaxana to stop when she faced him and asked,

“How long are you going to live this way? You don’t owe your father this life. So, stop behaving like the way he

wants you to.”

Roaxana pivoted to look at James and said, “You were the one, who wanted your wife to cast that spell with the

help of a witch. My grandpa was quiet about this because he didn’t wish to separate a son from his father. You

are the one, who caused your wife's death not me, not my family or Ryan.”

James widened his eyes as he gulped. Noah and Ryan both were shocked to hear the remaining truth from


“Is it true, Dad?” Noah asked.

James didn’t utter any word.

“It’s true, Noah. This man is the one, who killed his wife. He wanted to becan alpha and because your

mother was an alpha, he decided to transform into one by using a forbidden spell with the help of a witch. Aunt

Rosemary willingly did that because she loved her husband, knowing the consequences of it. An alpha if perform

such spell can truly transfer his/her ability to his/her mate. However, the spell has a worsen effect. It takes the

life of that alpha. That's why my grandfather wanted to stop it. However, while doing so, your mother ended up

dying as she was running away from the group of guardian werewolves, who were there to rescue her.”

Roaxana proceeded to recount the full truth about their mother’s tragic demise. She couldn't bear to conceal

how James had coerced his own wife into taking her life and then shifted the blonto others, all to preserve

his relationship with his sons. However, witnessing James’s maltreatment of Ryan only fueled Roaxana’s resolve

to reveal the unsettling truth, despite the discomfort it may bring.

“She is lying,” James told his both sons.




15:17 Mon, 11 Mar 0

Chapter 105


“Leave!” Ryan told his father as he stepped up. “I'm not your son anymore. | hate you. | hate you for sn atching

a mother’s love from me,” Ryan said with tears brimming in his eyes.


James glanced at Noah, who didn’t either support him this time. “I am not either coming with you. You can live

alone by yourself. You hid the truth from us and forced us to hate the Lycans. | hate you, Dad,” Noah said with a

disappointed gaze.

James fisted his palms and left the apartment without giving them any further explanation.

“Ryan!” Noah embraced his brother and caressed his back. He hugged him back while gazing at Roaxana, whose

eyes were misty. She wiped the tears from her eyes, feeling finally light hearted because Ryan and Noah were

now aware of the truth. They both would no longer live in the darkness.

As soon as Ryan withdrew from the hug, he wrapped his arms around Roaxana. “I'm sorry, Roxy. Forgivefor

hurting you all this time,” he said while keeping his eyes shut.