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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 100
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hapter 100

{Steamy Chapter Ahead}

The next morning:

Hope woke up quite late in the morning in the beach house and found out Logan wasn’t beside her. She

stretched her arms out while yawning and got down the bed. The last night had becone of the most

memorable nights for Hope.

Her werewolf form was something she had always missed and then, standing beside Logan’s magistic Lycan form

finally made her feel more confident.

In the loose white shirt of Logan, she coutside the bedroom and headed to the kitchen to take water when

her eyes fell upon him. Her husband was busy cooking for them.

“Good morning, Hope,” Logan greeted me. His eyes moved down to his wife's bare legs.

“Morning,” Hope went to the kitchen and took out a water bottle from the kitchen. Drinking it, she put on the cap

and turned around when Logan pulled her toward him for a kiss.

Startled, Hope couldn't balance her feet, but he somehow made her secure at her place. She pushed him away

gently and said, “I'm not freshened up yet. Also, focus on cooking.”

“Okay. But | think | need you in breakfast,” Logan shamelessly said against her lips.

Hope hit his arm playfully and told him she would return soon after having a bath. Logan resumed his cooking

work and by the the prepared it, Hope returned. She helped him set the table and the two of them had a


“Logan, while growing up, | saw the others gaining their werewolves forms. They all seemed excited about it.

However, forit was quite different. | trained by myself, tried harder but | couldn't even change into my wolf

form. | thought | was wolf-less,” Hope asserted.

“So, you believe that it happened because of me?” Logan asked taking a sip of the water.

“Yes. You are my fated mate, Logan. You madestrong in different ways. Initially, we had a rough start, but

you were always there to protect me,” Hope proclaimed.

“You were always different in my eyes. A unique omega werewolf. Even your form is rarest among omegas, |

believe. It is no lesser than that of an alpha,” Logan stated.

“Really?” Hope was surprised to hear from him about her wolf form.


Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Yeah. | sensed last night. You were bigger than the normal omega werewolves,” Logan stated. He then looked at

her pendant and touched it. “I think this has smagical powers in it. This saved you from Alaric and the

woman with him,” he proclaimed.

“Yes,” Hope agreed with him.




V Installed



10:49 Mon, 4 Mar

Chapter 100

“Let’s finish our meals. We have to go to the beach then to have fun,” Logan opined.



After they finished their breakfast, Hope washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. While washing her hands,

she found Logan’s arms wrapped around her and his chin rested on her shoulder.

“Babe,” Logan addressed her affectionately with such a word for the first time.

She wiped her hands with the towel and turned around to face him. “Yes, Hubby?” Hope musedly responded.

“I love you,” Logan said.

Hope smiled at him as her hands locked behind his nape. “I love you too,” she whispered. They kissed each

other; their radiating smile expressed how deeply they were in love with each other.

“Let’s go out. We need to explore the place,” Hope suggested.

“We have an entire day for that,” Logan murmured, a playful glint in his eyes, “but why don’t we take the tto

explore each other instead?” His eyebrow quirked in amusement as his hands began to trace tantalizing paths

along her body.

With one hand caressing her thigh and the other resting firmly on her waist, he elicited a soft moan from Hope as

his touch ignited a fiery longing within her.

With effortless strength, Logan lifted her into his arms and secured her hands behind him before carrying her to

the cozy living room. Setting her atop the sofa, he claimed her lips in a tender kiss, gradually increasing the

intensity as their passion ignited.

“Hah!” Hope gasped for air after they parted from the long kiss and found him going down on his knees. “Logan,

what are you doing?” she asked nervously.

“Do | have answer it,” Logan asked as he planted his lips on her right knee. Hope clutched her hands into sofa

and her breathing turned erratic. He switched bewteen her two legs, leaving burning kisses on her skin.

“Ahh!” Hope arched her back and smiled when Logan's lips grazed the sensitive skin of her inner thigh, sending

shivers of pleasure through her body.

She surrendered to the intoxicating sensations, but as his lips moved to her most desired spot, she lost all

semblance of control.

Ecstatic cries escaped her lips, her hands instinctively grasping at his hair, pulling him closer. “Logan, please!

F*ck” she pleaded and cursed at the stime, unable to comprehend the overwhelming response of her body.

Every breath cin rapid succession, her chest heaving with anticipation. Just as she felt herself on the brink

of ecstasy, Logan/withdrew. Opening her eyes, she met his gaze as he licked his lips,” leaving her longing for


He stood up and kissed her hard, making her taste herself. Their tongues entangled in a dance as






Chapter 100

they tried to dominate each other. Logan pulled off his t-shirt and also her floral dress before taking her to the

sofa finally. His body hovered over her and their bodies were ready to merge in


“Logan, would you like to feel pleasure?” Hope inquired, her eyes flickering with desire as her fingers traced a

path down his abdomen, inching towards his trousers.


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“I'm not quite done. Also, I'm feeling pleasured already,” Logan murmured, burying his face in the curve of her

neck, peppering her body with moist kisses. Despite her lack of clothing, he remained clad in trousers. Each

touch of his lips ignited a fiery sensation wherever it landed on her skin.

“Logan, I'm so close. Just...” Hope's sentence trailed off into a moan as his mouth found one of her curves,

sending electrifying waves of pleasure coursing through her body. She tossed her head back in ecstasy, unable

to resist his relentless pursuit of her pleasure.

Completely at his mercy, she surrendered herself to the sensations overwhelming her mind. Logan, discarding

his trousers, entered her with a fervent curse escaping his lips. “F*ck! You feel incredible, baby,” he growled

through gritted teeth as their bodies moved in perfect harmony. His eyes gleaming red, showing the dominance

of his Lycan Beast.

Hope's unabashed cries of pleasure echoed throughout the living room. “Harder!” she pleaded, and Logan

obliged, intensifying their passionate embrace.

After a while, he deftly flipped her over, lifting her gently by her hair, ensuring the gesture was tender. Pressing

his front torso against her back, he was covered in a sheen of cool sweat. His hands caressed her breasts, while

his lips trailed kisses along her shoulders.

“Logan, that feels amazing,” she murmured, tilting her head back with a smile playing on her lips. “But now it's

my turn to pleasure you,” Hope declared.

With swift movements, she pushed Logan onto the couch, now straddling him. Flipping her hair back, she

peppered his chest with kisses, gradually moving lower and lower.

Logan's fingers tenderly stroked her scalp as he watched her descend between his legs, anticipation building

with each passing second.

He groaned and cursed in a mixture of pleasure and desire as Hope began to pleasure him. She relished the way

his voice called out her name, pleading for more from her touch.

Despite his groans, he grew hard once again, and Hope wasted no tin surrendering herself to him, eager to

fulfill his desires.

His primal instincts surged forth as his Lycan Beast was unleashed once more, flipping Hope onto her stomach

with a primal growl

“Da mn it, Hope!” he cursed, his voice filled with raw desire as he entered her from behind.

“Ahh! Ahhh! Hah!” Their synchronized cries and groans echoed throughout the beach house, merging into a

symphony of passion as they becone in their fervent embrace.


