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I am the Monarch

Chapter 293: The Past (3)
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Chapter 293: The Past (3)

His thoughts were in a mess.

‘Besides, Latio had died before me didn’t he? He had died suddenly during the Holy War…”

From his memories, Latio had died at the young age of 28, and after meeting Latio a few days ago, who had been running away from the Black Moon Guild, Roan had been sure of his theory that he had been assassinated in his previous life.

‘Don’t tell me, was he pretending to be dead?’

Roan’s body trembled. Of course it was impossible to find out what the truth was for now, but if that really was true, then it meant that everyone had been in the palm of Latio’s hands.

‘But why…?’

The questions continued after another, but then, Latio stood in front of Tempestas and threw his arms wide open.

“We will now start the ritual.”

A soft, powerful voice echoed away.

“Oohh! Finally!”

“It’s finally beginning!”

As soon as those words ended, the men that had been kneeling on the ground began to bow down. And at the same time,

“Uuuuu. Uuu. Uuuuu.”

“Uuuuu. Uuu. Uuuuu.”

Along with a strange song without any lyrics, people showed themselves from the surroundings. They all wore old brown attires.

‘They’re believers of the Tallian Church.’

Collecting his breath, Roan gazed around the surroundings. The believers all made their lips round and sang a mysterious note.

“Uuuuu! Uuu! Uuuuu!”

The song became louder and louder – there was no way it wouldn’t. Before anyone could realise, the large space which one couldn’t see the ends of was filled with people. Let alone the old and the young, there were humans, elves and beastmen mixed within.

On top of that, there were even dwarves which Roan had never seen before. They put the altar to the centre and after gathering around it, some let out tears while some broke into bright smiles of excitement.


Roan unconsciously turned a little tense. The strange atmosphere being given off by the people threatened to paralyse his rationality. Then, the people surrounding the altar all got down to their knees before lowering their heads. Latio was the only person remaining standing in that place and he still had his arms wide open.


When they all got down, the strange song came to an end. Staring at their backs and the back of their heads, Latio asked in a low yet powerful voice.

“Where is hell?”


“This world.”

The accumulated voices of everyone added into one and filled up the large space. Latio gave a nod.

“The hell is not deep down in the earths, nor in the depths of the demon world. The world we are living in itself is hell and by abiding by the will of the god, I have tried to bring this world to salvation with the enlightened ones.”

It was nonsense but,

“Oooohh! Sir Latio!”

“Your Holiness!”


The ones on the ground were moved and shed tears. Seeing that, Latio made a faint smile and continued.

“But because of the immoral, ignorant one, the hope of salvation had been broken.”

As soon as he ended, the ones that had been on the ground first raised their heads in a flash and screamed.

“The ignorant First Emperor!”

“The one who should be covered in the flames of hell, First Emperor!”

“The First Emperor Roan de Amaranth! I click my tongue in front of your ignorance!”

Screams continued on. The others in that place did not raise their heads but still spewed out profanities towards the First Emperor, Roan.

‘What in the world…’

Even from the memories of Tempestas, Roan could feel the cold killing intent coming in. With a faint smile, Latio gave a nod.

“Right. The obstructor is the First Emperor; the ignorant one is the First Emperor; and the guardian of hell, is the First Emperor. The First Emperor, Roan de Amaranth had trampled countless times on our will. By destroying the countless altars placed throughout the continent and capturing our brothers, he had obstructed the salvation and cleansing of the world.”

“Uhuk. Uhuk. Uhuk.”

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The believers couldn’t hold their frustrations back and broke out into tears. After being enthusiastic in happiness, they soon spewed out profanities and were now shedding tears of frustration.

Roan clenched his teeth.

‘They’re fanatics.’

Goosebumps appeared throughout his entire body but without regard to his emotions, the memories of Tempestas flowed without a stop.

“The world had gone into the hands of the First Emperor. We could no longer spread our wish for salvation or cleansing and must watch this world, ths hell without doing anything.”

A wretched voice scratched the hearts of the believers.

“We cannot let it be!”

“We cannot leave this hell like this!”

“Cleanse! It must be cleansed!”

As if they had been possessed, they let out shouts. Roan made a frown.

‘What in the world had made them into such fanatics!’

There must’ve been an agent, a reason for that and Roan wanted to find it out. However, the flowing scenery and scenes weren’t enough to give him the answer he wanted. In the midst of all that, Latio’s story continued.

“Everyone had given up – even I had. It was then, that the aide of Duke Pierce Newman, and the general of the Empire, Viscount Gailard Baman had sent a letter.”

He shed tears with a thankful expression.

“Our treasured brother who had to hide his identity to live, the lonely believer, Viscount Gailard Baman had put his life on the line to steal the Grand Commander’s Baton which was in the hands of Duke Pierce Newman.”


Strange murmurs left their mouths. Those were moans with slight sorrow.

‘Mhmm. Duke Pierce Newman.’

Roan let out a mutter for something different.

‘The life which I don’t remember. When I was the First Emperor who had unified the continent, Pierce was the Duke of Newman with the Grand Commander’s Baton in his hands.’

It was definitely a different life but there were strangely similar aspects to it. Latio’s words continued.

“To retrieve the baton taken by Viscount Gailard Baman, no, Believer Gailard, countless priests and monks of the Tallian Church had sacrificed their lives. Thanks to their noble deaths to save and cleanse the world…”

He walked to the left and pointed at the Grand Commander’s Baton stabbed into the middle of the altar.

“Finally, we were able to put the Grand Commander’s Baton onto the altar!”


The people once again let out mutters. The tears of sorrow and sadness were quickly replaced with tears filled with joy and excitement. They were showing dramatic changes to every single action and word of Latio.

“This baton, or rather the gem at the end…”

His finger pointed at Tempestas.

“Tempestas has amazing powers and abilities resting within.”

He pulled his hands and rested them before his chest. It was a very polite, devoted posture.

“If we could awaken that power, we will be able to save and cleanse this world.”


The believers all laid flat on the ground with only their heads raised up. Within their eyes was flaming passion but Latio suddenly made a pained expression.

“But to awaken those powers and abilities, noble and holy sacrifices are needed.”

As soon as his words ended,

“I’ll give my life!”

“We’ll give our lives!”

“I will offer my and my son’s lives!”

Opening their eyes wide, the believers bellowed. They were worried to have this honourable chance taken away by other believers – it was truly the appearance of a fanatic.

Latio covered his face with his two hands.

“Huuk. Huuk. Huuk.”

Killing his sound, he shed tears.


They who had been screaming raised their right hands with murmurs. Without daring to approach, they only reached out their hands towards Latio.

“Please do not cry.”

“Your Holiness. Do not cry.”

“It’s our fault.”

He couldn’t understand what their fault was. Roan received an intense headache from this insane scenery and a continuous retch left his lips.

Then Latio calmed himself before throwing his arms wide open.

“Enlightened ones.”

Roan couldn’t understand how they would ever be considered enlightened.

“I can only thank you for your honourable hearts and courage.”

He was still shedding tears.

“I will follow the wishes of you all.”

Power was etched into his words.

“Please give me your lives.”

That was a permission as well as a command.

“In your name, I will save and cleanse the world.”

As soon as he finished,


The believers let out cheers and threw their arms into the air. Seeing that, Latio reached his hand out and touched the centre of the altar slightly. And then,


The patterns engraved at the centre of the altar spread through the place like strands of light, like waves of water. They filled the ground where the believers were sitting on and the ceilings which covered them. It gave off a dark, disgusting aura, but,

“Uuuuu. Uuu. Uuuuu.”

“Uuuuu. Uuu. Uuuuu.”

The believers cheered on and sang a strange song. Seeing that scene, Latio shed warm tears and as if he couldn’t stop it anymore, he blocked his face with his two arms. It appeared like he was holding back the overflowing emotions of sadness and regret forcibly, but,

“Kuk. A bunch of idiots.”

A small, soft voice left Latio’s lips. Although the believers grasped in madness couldn’t hear it, Roan who had been nearby was able to clearly hear it. On top of that,

‘A smile?’

A cruel grin appeared on the lips that were being covered by the arms.

‘It was all a fake.’

Roan clenched his teeth as rage roared up. The salvation and cleansing of the world, the regretful heart towards the believers and the tears of sorrow… all of that had been fake. The only thing apparent within Latio’s eyes were the dirty and disgusting greed and ambition.

“Kuk! Uhum!”

After making another smile, Latio forcibly settled his expression. Then he raised his two arms and closed his eyes and that was the signal.


Along with strange shouts, the believers took our short blades from their clothes. Sharpened blades, crude blades, longswords and daggers… people that couldn’t prepare any of those took out sharp steel pieces.

“Your Holiness!”

“Save and cleanse the world!”


“Wake up from your dreams, Tempestas!”

Loud bellows filled the place and at the same time, they swung their blades at each other.

Slash! Slash!

Sharp blades and steel pierced their throats.

“N, No!”

Roan, who had been watching, bellowed and jumped down from the altar.

“These crazy people!”

Roan swore and swung his hands but those formless hands couldn’t stop the believers.

“My son, my daughter. Let’s go together.”

Right before him, a middle-aged woman pierced the necks of a boy and a girl who was yet to reach 10 from their appearance.


In front of such a horrible scene, Roan kneeled – he collapsed onto his knees. Oblivious to his wishes, the memories of Tempestas clearly showed the past that had once occurred.



The voices filled with insanity reduced one by one, and it didn’t take long for them to end their own lives.



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Moans of pain filled the entire place

“How could such a thing…”

Roan couldn’t find any words to continue. Everyone had lost their lives with only Latio standing alive.

“T, t, t, this crazy bastard!!!”

Rushing up, Roan ran towards Latio, but that too, was meaningless. It was then,


From the patterns engraved on the altar, the ground and the ceiling, black light started spewing out. The puddles of blood followed the light and flowed straight into the centre of the altar.


Latio finally threw away his pretense and broke out into a strange laughter while showing his teeth.

“Foolish. Truly foolish.”

He laughed heavily with his hand on his stomach. Flowing past his feet, the blood that had been painted black spread towards the centre of the altar, towards Tempestas.

“With this much, I wouldn’t have to spend my mana or my life right?”

His gaze turned towards Tempestas. From his eyes appeared restlessness when he saw Tempestas without a single change even after the massive flow of black light and the rivers of blood.

“Did I need more sacrifices…”

The loyal believers were no more than mere sacrifices for him.

“If it’s like this, even my life and all my mana would’ve failed. It was a good thing that I interchanged it with a sacrifice.”

Latio wasn’t someone who would risk himself in things that were uncertain.

“To give more sacrifices, it would require a larger place than this.”

He murmured in an extremely calm tone, and that made it even more cruel, evil and disgusting. Roan, who had been nearby, was enraged.

“Crazy bastard! Sacrificing humans for Tempestas! This…”

When his words reached that point,


Golden light started to overflow out from Tempestas.

“Kukukukuku! So it wasn’t a fail? Kuhahaha! You have woken up, Tempestas!”

Latio let out a strange laughter and he quickly grabbed onto the Grand Commander’s Baton.

“Now! The object of the gods; the gift of the dragons! Bestow me with another chance!”

Hugging it into his chest, Latio closed his eyes.


Roan shouted from the side and threw a fist but it was pointless. Soon, the golden light from Tempestas filled the space.


Feeling a strange sense of comfort Roan once again closed his eyes and when he reopened his eyes, the scenery before him had changed but he was still within the memories of Tempestas. The memories climbed up the passing of time without an end, and the awful times passed boringly.

Until finally,

“You’ve returned.”

A familiar voice reached into his ears and carefully opening his eyes, the familiar scenery was revealed before him.

“How was it? Looking at the memories of Tempestas that is.”

The owner of the voice was Kalian. Feeling the intense headache, Roan made a frown as his thoughts were jumbled in a mess. However, now was not the time to be carefree.

“Sir Kalian.”

A low voice.


Kalian made a faint smile in response. Bringing a step forward, Roan whispered in a soft voice.

“Can you please teleport me to the Capital Mediasi…”

When his words reached that point,


A white pillar of light enveloped Roan and Kalian’s body as it reached into the skies.


The bright pillar of light soon vanished without leaving anything behind, and Roan and Kalian were included. It was teleportation magic once again.


Translator: Lunargrasp

Proofreader: Deathwing