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I am the God of Technology

Chapter 353 Chaos Beholder
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Chapter 353 Chaos Beholder

All of this happened while the Nova Universe was still celebrating and oblivious. A severe 'virus' had penetrated its system and was growing exponentially in power, and it was unknown if the universe's natural defenses and 'immune system' would be able to withstand its eventual explosion.

Seven days passed quickly, and many events occurred around the entire universe that were banal or exemplary depending on the socio-economic, geo-politic, and militaristic elements of each sector.

However, with an omniscient viewpoint, one would notice that there was a quick subjugation of many planets in entire galaxies, often targeting level 1 and below civilizations while transforming them, leaving those at level 2 and upwards alone… for now.

But that was not what was remarkable about today.

What would forever go down in the history of the Nova Universe was a certain event that no one could have ever dreamed of happening actually occurring during the early morning of the Solar Galaxy's central planet, Corvinus.

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Corvinus was special to the Nova Universe because not only was it the center of all political, social, and economic matters concerning the entirety of known civilization universe-wide, but also because it was a terraformed planet which housed the Zero Gate in its core.

Corvinus was also home to the two most important institutions in the universe, the Nova Academy and the Nova Force. The former was created to train young students and newcomers in the world of superpowers to become adept in not only managing their power, but also spelunking within the Zero Gate.

Meanwhile, the Nova Force was for graduates of the Nova academy as well as various powerhouses around the universe who awakened superpowers or acquired them later in life to be trained into capable warriors for fighting in the First Gate.

Every citizen of the Nova Universe wanted to be a part of one of these two institutions because they promised prestige, wealth, and power beyond compare. Anyone who was someone in this universe had either been to one or both of these institutions without exception.

Interestingly, the Nova Academy and Force appointed their overall leaders through an internal selection system that occurred behind closed doors, much like how the Vatican handled electing a new pope.

No one knew the criteria for choosing or who exactly it was done, only that when it was time for a change, the selection would be announced and the candidates would undertake some sort of trial or pilgrimage, coming out with one of them as the new leader.

This was how it had been for generations upon generations, in fact from the very moment that the two institutions were founded even.

"Salute, Commander Serena!" Everyone saluted in a military fashion, utmost respect on their faces.

Commander Serena waved her hand casually. "Salute warriors of Nova. Quickly return to your positions and sound a planetary alarm about this intruder."

Everyone acknowledged the order and sat down, getting to work furiously in dealing with the threat before them. No one felt that this response was exaggerated because they had nearly all been wiped by this monster without even being in its proximity, so it was clearly not something to be trifled with.

Meanwhile, in space, the Chaos Beholder's eyes narrowed coldly when it sensed the strong repulsive force of an opposing psyche. Its waves had already pervaded most of space around here and it was aware that there were many powerful beings here, concentrated on this planet especially. ᴜᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇ ꜰʀᴏᴍ novelenglish.net . Fɪre.nᴇt

However, it was not phased and even became much greedier, intending to fully swallow this planet and all its inhabitants slowly in order to savor the taste. It sneered when it sensed that the planet began to dispatch fighter units into space to take it down.

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The defense force did have a pretty impressive armada though. There was one Destroyer-class Command Ship, two Star-Class Frigates, nearly 50 Battle-Class Battleships, and over 100,000 Interceptor-Class fighter ships.

That was not even counting the drones, support and repair ships, as well as bomber ships.

This wasmore than enough to conquer some entire galaxies alone, concentrated singularly on one planet. This went to show that even through complacency, the denizens of the Nova Universe were serious about their central planet's defense.

They charged into space, angling towards the gigantic Chaos Beholder which was only matched in size by the Destroyer-class ship which was even only 60% of its size.

The many tentacles of the Chaos Beholder began to stretch and flourish, giving one the illusion that the Chaos Beholder was… stretching its legs?… before a fight.

The moment some of the Interceptor-class ships got into range, they began firing their plasma guns wantonly at the Chaos Beholder. However, when the impressive beams of condensed light struck the skin of the Chaos Beholder, they seemed to be no different to its durability.

In fact, it only stretched out many of its tentacles at a speed that seemed to be near that of a blur, casually smashing hundreds of fighters into space debris with each swing. The amount of carnage it dealt in mere seconds shocked everyone, even Commander Serena who was watching with a severe expression.

She realized that this monster would not be taken down by conventional tactics and would require some… special… treatment.