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I am the God of Technology

Chapter 351 The God Of Technology Army
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Chapter 351 The God Of Technology Army

What left them baffled was that this item was a platform that was around the size of a typical teleporter but much more aesthetic and unique. While everyone stared at it with curiosity, Dante explained its purpose and function.

"This item is a special one, and it took me a lot of effort to make. It is a quantum ascender, which is a tool made for each and every one of you. It has only three functions, but each function required so much power and concessions to make that I still shudder at the thought."

"The first is that it allows you to enter designated quantum worlds with your real body temporarily. You cannot stay in these quantum worlds permanently, but you can infiltrate them and make use of their various services, especially relating to quantum beings. Not that you do not have a quantum body, so you cannot use any items or power systems from quantum worlds you enter lest you suffer quantum poisoning."

"The second is that you will be able to cure quantum poisoning on yourself if you do unfortunately contract it, but quantum poisoning spreads fast and within seconds, easily capable of killing any of you before a minute passes, depending on how much gets into you. Be sure to always have your quantum ascender available for purification purposes in that case, but it can only purify up to a certain amount before you need to return to base for proper treatment."

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"The third and final ability is why it's called the quantum ascender. It allows you to select any quantum being to be your 'summoned beast' in a sense that you can bring it - or them - to reality in their full glory to fight for you. However, you must note that they will be bound to your soul space, and their source of energy will come from you, so I would not advise taking god-level beings from fictional quantum worlds because just a single step from them could drain you into a husk." Dante said this one with a pointed look.

Many expressions that had been full of nefarious intent and cleverness changed, becoming despondent. They had naturally thought to be smart and seek the services of extremely powerful quantum beings to raise their standing and effective power, but it was clearly more than just that.

They had not taken any of the enhancements yet, but hearing about their utility and rules had already made them feel the pressure of their energy budget. Adding a needlessly powerful quantum being to that budget would likely have them living in energy debt.

Rather, it was up to them to sift through the many quantum worlds, even the ones they could craft with their super quantum AI chips provided by Dante, and pick a being that had great utility with minimal consumption.

Dante glanced at the thoughtful fellows and nodded with satisfaction. In truth, he had originally only planned 3 stages of enhancements, but it was Antonia who suggested this one and assisted him in crafting it.

"Fourthly, you can also establish bases autonomously when in deep space. The supreme mecha can create nanites to form up to a giant-sized star base for you to rest and recuperate when in unknown territory."

Dante shrugged. "After all, we haven't even explored the totality of our own Eternal Universe, how could we possibly know the full layout of the universes you'll be descending into? Always establish bases where you can and fortify them before moving on, setting checkpoints for yourself."

"Along with that, the supreme mecha can provide you a small amount of energy when it is equipped. It has its own power core powered by energy that you cannot currently comprehend, and no matter how you push it, there will always be a small excess that will be supplied to your Polymer Mesh. Use it wisely to manage your tight energy reserves."

"Last but not least, the Supreme Mecha has the ability to multiply the strength of all your previous enhancements functions but at least two times. This is a passive feature and one of the main crowning achievements of this fifth and final stage." Dante concluded with a slight glance back to the glistening machine behind him, seeming as if it had a life of its own.

"Now I know you're excited to go through everything right away and obtain untold power, but I want you to remember that all of this comes with a burden of responsibility. Since I am empowering you so greatly, I don't plan to send groups of you into one universe, or there would have been no need to invest so much to make you unparalleled elites." Dante began seriously, causing the rising impatience to start theenhancements among those listening from all walks of the universe to die down.

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"You will each be individually deployed to a single universe and be expected to either take it down or drag out the existence of Lara Sanguis' clone within a year. Failure to do so will incur penalties, the least of which is me stripping everything I gave to you away."

Dante's cold words caused some to feel a chill, but others nodded their heads while a small percentage shook their heads speechlessly. They thought that Dante was far too kind, being given such power and not being able to wreak absolute havoc within a year was inexcusable.

It was either one was lazy or incompetent beyond measure, or that they encountered an inexplicable situation in the universe they descended into that held them back.

Beatrice also smiled with amusement, feeling that Dante was too generous, but then again, that was generally how he was anyway. If he was as ruthless as she was, their chemistry would not be as good and Antonia would suffer for it. Tʜe source of this ᴄontent ɪs novelenglish.net . (ꜰ)ire.ɴet

"But enough of that. As of here and now, I announce the formal establishment of the new army under my banner, with the presence of all recruits in attendance." Dante dispelled the rising tension with a blooming smile as he spoke grandly.

"Give a cheer for the newly formed God of Technology Army!"