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I Refuse To Become Scumbag In Tokyo-Novel

Chapter 619: Taboo
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Chapter 619: Taboo

Early in the morning, he sipped a warm tea while watching the garden absently. He didn’t do his morning workout and only relaxed, sitting on the soft carpet in the living room, watching flowers and trees covered by the morning dew.

It was still early to visit his grandfather for Obon, and it made him wonder what he should do. It was also impossible to visit Roberta’s room since Kayo had woken up, and Roberta also woke up to help Kayo.

Still, it might be strange for him to say this, but the feeling of doing “it” at his parents’ house was different.

It felt like his happy childhood memory in this house was overturned and changed into something different kind of happiness that an adult could only feel.

If he gave an example, it was like how he wanted to drink a beer when he was a child, but he was stopped by his parents because he was still young.

However, he had tasted that beer now, and it tasted luscious.

“Are you hungry, Shishio-sama?”

He turned and saw Kayo was there. Unlike his childhood time, she had become older. Even though it was faint, he could see crow’s feet in her eyes, but they were hidden by her makeup. Unlike his girlfriend, whose make-up was light, Kayo had thick make-up, so thick that one couldn’t see her underneath her make-up.

Yet, even so, she was beautiful.

Her teeth were perfectly white without any cavities or missing ones. Her hair was black like jet-black lacquer, perfectly tied in a bun, without even showing her baby hair, showing her years of experience in this job.

When he saw her like this, he realized she was still a charming woman.

Some people might believe that when one is older, their sex drive will cease.

But that was the only superstitious stigma.

Many older people, especially men, have had sex drives that grow stronger as they age. However, it was only their sex drive. Naturally, as they aged, their body’s functions became weaker, so it was impossible for them to have the energy of their youth.

However, even if they didn’t have the energy of the youth, they had the experience of the older man.

Their long years of experience made them more skilled than the youth, who could only use their energy to their advantage.

On the other hand, it was the woman whose sex drives were lowered since they grew older and had menopause. The reproductive hormones in their bodies were in decline or could no longer be produced, so naturally, their sex drives would be affected.

Suddenly, he realized how important it was to protect his body, and he also discovered a certain charm that was owned by a mature woman. However, he shook his head since he felt this thought was dangerous.

Kayo had been with his family since he was a baby. She had been taking care of him and even changed his diapers.

For him to think something so rude of her, he felt he was a real scumbag.

“Is there bread, fruit, or something? I want to work out.”

“Bread? I am afraid not, but we have a banana. Is that okay with you?”

“Well, give me one. Oh, I want mineral water.”

He didn’t really like bananas, but it couldn’t be helped.

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“Okay, wait a moment.”

Kayo left him, but she felt her heart beating so fast. Naturally, she knew that she didn’t have heart disease since she was quite healthy. Instead, it happened for a different reason, and it made her realize he was a man, not a boy, who often acted funny, especially with those eyes.

She had been living so long, so she had a lot of long years of experience.

As for now, it was rare, or even almost extinct, and she had almost never seen a man with those eyes. The eyes of an untamed man. A beast-like man who was immune to society that tried to domesticate them.

The only one she saw in the past was his grandfather, but now it seemed that characteristic was perfectly inherited by him.

His name might be Shishio, but she felt he was like a tiger.

The meaning of his name was a lion, but his act was more like a tiger.

This might be strange for her to think so, but a tiger was fiercer than a lion.

While the lion loved socializing and could act in a group, the tiger acted in solitary, deep inside the forest.

The tiger only went out when they were in the heat.

Kayo felt Shishio was like that now.

The fierce, mighty beast that lived alone in the forest dominated the entire forest as if he was a king. Yet when a certain time came, he walked down from his palace and pounced himself toward the lady, mating savagely, violently, yet caringly and lovingly.

The fuse between such emotions in that act was already overwhelming her, especially his eyes, which had observed her carefully like she was his prey.

However, she quickly erased such a thought since she had been watching him from a baby, and for her to show such emotion toward him was definitely wrong. She also felt she might be quite sleepy for thinking something like that since it was impossible for him to think so, yet the taboo-like feeling sprouted out from her heart.

Yet when she glanced at Roberta, she couldn’t help but feel jealous.

The women had this sixth sense where they could feel something that was impossible to detect by men. It was hard to describe this feeling, but when they felt this feeling, they knew they would be mostly right.

Especially when Roberta’s skin was so radiant and so beautiful.

She was like a flower, blooming at its peak, covered by morning dew, which gave her a sinful yet inviolated beauty.

Kayo was no longer young, so her desire in that area wasn’t strong, considering she was old and had menopause, but now, it was different.

The sense of immorality was like a flame in purgatory. It was so bright, and that light was irresistible for her, who had become a moth.

Yet she quickly calmed herself before she prepared a banana and mineral water for Shishio.

“Here, you go, Shishio-sama.”

“Thanks, Kayo-san.”

He nodded before glancing at Kayo, but he decided to ignore it.


He shook his head and sighed since his charm was so high. The smell on Kayo was so intense, so he decided to eat quickly before he left for the morning run.

“I’ll go out and run first.”

“Breakfast will be ready when you return,” Kayo said, watching him at the entrance.


He put on his running shoes before he left the house.

Kayo looked at his back for a moment before she let out a long sigh. She wondered whether she should take a cold bath now.

When he left the house, he didn’t hold back his speed and sprinted with all his might like a panther. His muscles moved at the same time in unity, and his lungs were moving like they were alive. With every step of his feet, he could feel the blood on his body moving in every part of his body. From head to toe. Everything.

As he ran, his mind was blank, and he forgot everything.

He only focused on the path he took and the pain that his body felt.

Still, he felt it might be better for him to return to Tokyo early since he was afraid he might do something that shouldn’t be done.

Kayo was, after all, a family figure for him. Even if they weren’t blood-related, it was crazy when he smelled how aroused she was.

What did he do?

He only stared at her with his eyes, yet she had become like that.

He suddenly felt afraid and realized that many families might be destroyed by him.

However, suddenly, he recalled the face of Chihiro when he ran.

Chihiro was his mother’s little sister.

She was his aunt.

Yet they kissed each other.

He could still feel the feeling on her lips until now. Unlike many others, her lips were particular. They weren’t the softest, tightest, or even the best, yet out of everyone, she was the most unforgettable among the kiss he shared, except the one he shared with Shiina in that small town in the past.

That kiss was an abomination.

It was something disallowed, not to be forgiven, yet when they did it, they felt they were drunk.

The kiss was so mind-boggling that he felt his brain almost melt, making him unable to determine what was right or wrong.

Fortunately, it was done when she was drunk.

If she did it when she was sober, he wasn’t even sure what he should do.

They were a family.

She was his aunt.

She was the same as Kayo, but unlike Kayo, she was taboo since they shared blood.

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Yet even in history, many have done such a thing.

Avunculate marriage.

He had never realized it before, but even many Emperors of this country also had married their aunts in the past.

However, while there were many examples, society didn’t think this relationship was ethical.

It was taboo.

He should have given up on Chihiro, but the more they were together, the more fiery his desire was. He tried to suppress it, put a lit on them, and forgot about them, but the more he did that, the more it was impossible for that feeling to disappear.

Run. Run. Run.

He ran, hoping that this feeling would disappear, and he was glad that he did a morning run since, slowly, the pain in his heart turned into pain in his body.

The tightness in his lungs, the painful feeling on his entire body because of running all of his might for this entire time, made him more alive than ever.

He continued to run until he reached the Kamo River, and as he ran, he screamed.


He screamed all of his might while running, ignoring the pain in his chest until he felt satisfied.

When he was satisfied, he decided to return home since he didn’t expect he would run so far away. Yet when he was about to go back, he suddenly thought about one place that he should visit before he returned to Tokyo.

“Welcome back.”

Kayo and Roberta welcomed him, but they were stunned when they saw how sweaty he was.

His body was wet like he was showered by the rain.

Yet somehow, the two of them were in a daze since, because of this, his t-shirt became even tighter, showing the compact muscle on his body.

“…can you get me a towel?”

“Ah, wait a moment. I will get it for you.” Kayo hurriedly left.

Shishio then looked at Roberta.

Roberta wore glasses, so it was hard to see her eyes, but he could see how intense her gaze was.

“Is the breakfast ready?”

He decided to ignore this gaze.

“Ah, yes, your parents have woken up too.”

He nodded and went to the living room to see his parents.

His parents knew that he had finished his run, but when they saw him, they were stunned.


They sighed and thought their son’s life in Tokyo must be quite blissful.