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I Love You, Miss Genius

Chapter 845
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How could they be willing to be overshadowed by others? Witnessing Bonnie's skillful operation, they were all immediately impressed because Bonnie's techniques and precision during surgery were unmatched by anyone present.

It was an honor to work together in the ssurgery with someone as capable as her. Therefore, the slight dissatisfaction they felt before gradually disappeared and was replaced by complete admiration. Bonnie didn't notice the change in the doctors' attitudes. She kept her head down, fully focused on treating Andreas. However, Andreas's condition was extremely critical, making what should have been a smooth surgery incredibly challenging.

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However, Bonnie didn't give up. Instead, regardless of how impossible it looked, she never stopped coming up with ideas for saving Andreas from the verge of death.

Three hours went by in the blink of an eye. However, Andreas's condition showed no signs of improvement. His heartbeat on the electrocardiogram becweaker with each passing moment. The doctors felt discouraged.

One of the doctors looked at Bonnie's pale face due to intense concentration and sighed, "Ms. Bonnie, we know you've worked hard enough, but Andreas's condition is too dire. It's probably beyond saving now. Shouldn't we give up?" When the King sent them here, he didn't specify Bonnie's identity as Ms. Bonita. He only informed the doctors of her name, so they now addressed her as Ms. Bonnie.

This doctor spoke up, and others echoed, "Yes, Ms. Bonnie, if Andreas could be saved, his heart rate would have recovered by now. How could it have deteriorated to this extent?" "Ms. Bonnie, we've witnessed your superb medical skills. We know you've tried your best, so you don't have to feel too much pressure. We will speak for you to the King." As this doctor finished speaking, he suddenly noticed something and exclaimed, "Look! Andreas opened his eyes!" Everyone turned their heads to see pale Andreas slowly opening his eyes.

After glancing around, his gaze finally settled on Bonnie.

"Bon... Bonnie." Hearing him call her name, Bonnie hurried over. "Andreas, I'm here." Andreas weakly looked at Bonnie, reached out to grab her sleeve, and then managed a faint smile, W "Bonnie, tellthe truth. Am I going to die?" "What nonsense are you talking about?" With her brows furrowed Bonnie gripped his hand tightly as she attempted to give him strength and rekindle his will to live. "Trust me, I will save you."

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Andreas shook his head with a smile, "I am more aware of my physical condition... than anyone else.m I know i'm almost at the end, but I don't feel regretful at all because I met you before I died. Meeting you is the happiest thing in my life so far."

Bonnie looked into Andreas's sparkling eyes and felt pang of heartache.

"I'm also glad to meet you, but you must live on. Otherwise we can't be friends. The content is on e novelenglish.net! Upon hearing this, a hint of dimness crossed Andreas's eyes.

"But... I don't want to be friends with you." Bonnie wasn't sure what to say to that.