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I Love You, Miss Genius

Chapter 723
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"I wish you good luck, Shane," although Xavier responded calmly, he gloated inside.

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'Bonnie and Hamish's relationship couldn't be any better. If Shane wants to approach Hamish to go against Ivor, it'll be Shane's demise. I can already imagine how miserable Shane looks after getting rejected by Hamish. It'll be worse than when I rejected him.' Shane realized he had failed to persuade Xavier and intended to leave. The former stood up and said, "Well, then. I'll take my leave." "Take care, Shane." Xavier watched Shane leave with a meaningful smile.

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Bonnie sat across from Hamish at Tang Fusion Studios and discussed their cooperation on the latest nanomaterials. She had entrusted him with an important task, and he listened attentively. "Don't worry, Bonnie. I'll do my best since you entrustedwith it." Bonnie smiled and patted his shoulder. "I've always trusted you. You'll have no issues with this project, considering your capabilities. No pressure, okay?" "You got it." Hamish nodded solemnly and was about to say something when someone knocked on the door. He had to swallow his words and respond, "Cin." His assistant entered and said, "Excuse me, Mr. Hamish. Mr. Shane from Gemedia Group is outside. He says he has something important to discuss with you." 'Shane, as in Shane Fernandez? I remember him, but we never talked much. I wonder why he's looking for me.' After sthought, Hamish looked at his assistant and said, "Let him in." "Right away, Mr. Hamish." The assistant left and brought Shane into the office shortly after.

Shane entered and immediately praised, "Mr. Hamish, I heard you've been doing well recently. If you don't mind, I'd like to work with you someday."

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Hamish calmly glanced at him and responded modestly, "You flatter me, Mr. Shane, I don't earn as much as you think, y'know. Surely, I can't compare to you."

After exchanging pleasantries, Shane noticed Bonnie sitting there: Hem turned to Hamish and asked, "Mr. E Hamish, who might this be?"

Before Hamish could answer, Bonnie said, "I'm Mr. Hamish's friend. I'm just here to chat with him. You can talk to him directly if you have something to En.

discuss. Just pretend I'm not even here." After glancing at Bonnie, Shane turned to Hamish and said, "Mr.

Hamish, I-" X