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I Love You, Miss Genius

Chapter 721
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"Mr. Shane is here? I wonder why," Xavier sounded doubtful.

'Shane's a crafty old fox. Did he cto trap me? Still, I can't refuse to see him since he's already here. Well, there's always a solution to a problem. First, I need to see what Shane wants. If it's a trap, I'll find a way to escape it.' With that in mind, Xavier composed himself and told his assistant, "Go ahead and bring him in." "Right away, Mr. Xavier." The assistant nodded and left.

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Soon after, he brought Shane to Xavier's office.

Shane began with his usual pleasantries, "Mr. Xavier, it's been a while. I heard your recent developments have been quite impressive. Do you have any suitable projects to recommend?" "Don't joke with me, Shane. Although I've closed a few deals, they're hardly worth mentioning compared to what you're used to. I hoped to make money with you, but you've beatento it. "You're flatteringtoo much. Unfortunately, my capabilities don't warrant such praise," Xavier reciprocated with equal politeness. He poured swhiskey for Shane as he spoke.

The latter raised his glass and said, "You're too modest, Xavier. Nonetheless, I cto discuss an important matter with you." He gave Xavier's assistant a meaningful glance. Xavier understood Shane's intention and told the assistant, "You may leave now." Xavier's assistant nodded and replied, "Understood, Mr. Xavier." Xavier returned his attention to Shane, saying, "Okay, it's just the two of us now. You can speak your mind." Shane put down his whiskey and sighed as if in distress. "I believe you've noticed the Knights growing more over the past six months. While the Knights may be the wealthiest family in Pyralis, our combined strength isn't much weaker.

"However, we may fall far behind if we ignore them and allow them to grow. If that happens, catching up will be a tremendous challenge." Xavier did not immediately respond. Instead, he sipped his whiskey while pondering. Of course, he had noticed the Knights' growth, especially with Bonita's help.

Not only would the gap between them and the other wealthy families widen, but it might also becinsurmountable. The Knights might even leave the other families far behind in the future.

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'I guess this is just how things are.

No one can blIvor foraccumulating such good fortune and marrying such a capable person. I feel envious beyond words.' Shane noticed Xavier's silence and thought he had struck a chord with the latter. With that in mind, Shane pressed, "I have a proposal, Xavier. Our families should join forces to bring down the Knights.

"They're a formidable competitor, after all. With them out of the picture, our families can advance together. Surely, we'lbsurpass the Knights soon enough." Sa**h the Find ovel. et website on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

Xavier shook his head and replied, "I'm sorry, Shane, but my family is facing internal turbulence. There are significant disagreements within my collateral branches. I must handle my family matters and don't have the bandwidth to focus on anything else. I suggest you find someone else." 'What a joke! Going against Ms. Bonita is like going against all of Arvandor!' X