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I Love You, Miss Genius

Chapter 715
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"Chester, I'm here to inform you, not negotiate. You have no room for bargaining. You either break ties with my family or leave Pyralis. It's your choice." Ivor sounded calm, but Chester still felt his coldness. Although the latter felt scared, he gathered the courage to plead with Ivor, "Can you give us another chance? We'll discipline Eloise properly this tand prevent her from doing such reckless things again." "I thought I gave you a chance before. You didn't cherish it," Ivor said, "Again, do you want to break ties with my family or leave Pyralis? If you choose the former, I'll make it happen now." If not for the long-standing friendship of the Gallagher and Knight families, Chester would probably have bankrupted his family by now. However, Ivor offered Chester a choice, which was merciful enough. Chester looked into Ivor's cold eyes and knew he could not negotiate. Soon after, the former sighed and lowered his head in defeat. "Give us three days, Ivor. We'll pack up and leave as soon as possible." Ivor responded, "I hope you keep your word. If you and your family fail to do what I asked, I will take action." Chester sighed again, looking resigned. "Rest assured, I will keep my word." "Hmm," Ivor hummed and returned to his Maybach. "Floyd, let's head back." "Right away, boss." Sharron began to cry as she watched the car leave her sight. "It's over for our family!" Chester heard his wife's sobbing voice, and a profound helplessness filled his eyes. "Since things have turned out this way, we should pack Heave. We need to find a new place to settle down." Content "What about Eloise? We can't just abandon her," Sharron's voice was hoarse, and the thought of her daughter being in prison made her cry even more violently. Search the (F)indwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

"She's an adult, and it's tshe pays for her actions. She will never realize her mistakes if we don't let her suffer Chester was bitter. "Of course, I won't abandon my daughter. Let's settle somewhere else first. We'll return to pick her up When she finally leaves prison." Sharron wiped her tears and agreed hoarsely, "Okay, honey." That afternoon, Bonnie returned to the villa and saw Ivor setting dishes on the table. "What's all this? Are the housekeepers on leave today? You didn't have to bring these dishes out?"

"No, I just happened to have spare time, so I wanted to get the food on the table quickly and eat with youn when you return. Ivor put down the dishes and pulled Bonnie to her chair. "Your timing is impeccable, Bonnie. You returned as I was about to finish setting the table Bonnie replied smilingly, "I know how good you are to me. Still, you don't need to show it tolike this."

"Why not? I want you to know that I love you, no matter how big on small my actions." Nor looked at Bonnie affectionately.

However, the latter rolled her eyes and said, "It's strange. I'd feelo m if you didn't flirt for a uncomfortable f day." X