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I Love You, Miss Genius

Chapter 713
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Eloise stared at Sienna, perplexed. The former asked, "What are you talking about? Can't you be clearer?" Sienna looked at Eloise with a hint of sympathy in her eyes. "Do you know why Jim led a team to arrest you? You must be wondering why there was such a huge commotion." Eloise was still confused, asking, "So what?" Sienna shook her head. "You're usually so clever, Eloise. Your grades were even better than mine in college. Can't you see such an obvious answer?" Search the (F)indwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

Eloise already had a guess but dismissed it because she thought it was impossible. After hearing Sienna's remarks, Eloise's prior speculation intensified. 'Is it true? Is it just as I thought? Is Bonnie-" Eloise paled as she clenched her fists. Meanwhile, Sienna noticed her former friend's reaction. The former raised her brow and said, "It seems you already know the answer." Although Eloise had only speculated, Sienna's remarks validated her suspicions. The former's expression grew paler as her thoughts swirled. Finally, Eloise muttered, "How can that be? No, that's impossible. There must be a mistake. She deceived everyone!" "You say it's impossible, but that's just your impression of Bonnie. If she isn't, why would Jim lead a team to arrest you after what you did to her? "Also, Ivor has always admired excellence and someone who can stand with him as his equal. Ivor wouldn't have fallen for her if Bonnie wasn't who she was. He's no fool, y'know." Eloise's lips twitched, but she could not speak. The person she had always looked down on and hated had an unattainable status. Of course, Eloise could not accept it.

Sienna looked at Eloise and continued, "That's why I said your people won't take the blfor you no matter how much you pay them. After all, no one would dare slander Ms. Bonita." 'M-Ms. Bonita?!' Chester and Sharron becwide-eyed and pale.

'Our daughter offended Ms. Bonita?! That's ridiculous! Why did it turn out like this?!'

Eloise's jaw hit the floor as she began to sweat. She finally under violently what Sienna's previous warning meant.

Eloise thought Sienna had refrained from acting against Bonnie because of her strict upbringing. However, e Sienna's reason for not confronting Bonnie and instead protecting her becapparent. That was because Bonnie was Ms. Bonita.

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