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I Love You, Miss Genius

Chapter 701
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Adan saw how worked up Reece was and pulled him down. "What's the matter with you? I know you changed your mind about Ms. Bonnie, but you're pitting yourself against many higher-ups and shareholders. Don't you think that's too much?" Reece did not know how to explain things to Adan. The former's brows furrowed when he thought of Bonnie's identity as Bonita. Then, he shook Adan's arm off and roared, "You know nothing, Adan! Don't get in my way!" Adan sighed helplessly and shook his head. "So, it's true. Someone did put a spell on you." He was not the only one who thought that. All of the higher-ups and professors shared a similar sentiment. Seven thought Bonnie had cloned Reece. Otherwise, he would not have defended her so earnestly.

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As everyone else was puzzled, one of the more influential higher-ups said, "Reece isn't in the right mind to be in this meeting. Get him out of here. We will decide what happens once he's gone." He looked at the security guards at the door and barked, "Escort Reece out of the conference room, please!" "Understood, sir!" The two security guards entered and stood beside Reece.

The latter stared at the particular higher-up, angry at him for deciding things himself. Reece warned, "I-I assure you that you'll regret this!" The higher-up ignored his warning and said coldly, "Ms. Bonnie has done enough to the university's reputation. If we allow that clown to continue, she'll drag the university's status down." "Say what you want, Reece. I won't change my mind about expelling Bonnie from the university." "Listen here, you-" Reece was about to argue when he heard a voice behind him, "Who said they'd expel Bonnie?!" Everyone turned to the voice and saw Russell walking in with his cane. He ran the university for decades and had shown nothing but dedication and integrity. Pyralis University would not be where it was without him.

That was why everyone stood up when they saw him. The higher-up who had been adamant about Bonnie's expulsion approached Russell and said patiently, "Mr. Russell, I know you have high hopes for Ms. Bonnie. I'd love to help you if Could.

"However, the truth lies before us. We can't appease the public if we take Bonnie's side and fail to provide a satisfactory solution." "The truth?" Russell glanced at him coldly. "Have you investigated things thoroughly? Have you confirmed Bonnie did all those things?" The professors and higher-ups exchanged glances before lowering their heads. None of them had investigated it thoroughly enough to find the truth.

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The particular higher-up fell silent for a while before finally saying, "We Search The Findwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

might not have investigated anything but the whole thing is getting out of hand. I believe there's struth to eve there's it Countless students saw it, too.

Allowing Bonnie to stay on campus will have unimaginable repercussions." Content Belongs to Thwack, thwack!

Russell struck the floor with his cane and roared, "How dare you expel the university's president without proper investigation? Do you all honestly think she wields no power? What makes you think she'll let you walk all over her? "If that's the case, she wouldn't have becthe university president! Use your heads and think for once!"

'Ugh! I wish I could tell these idiots about Bonnie's real identity. Them they'll know just how stupid they sound: How dare they even mention expelling Bonnie?!' X