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I Love You, Miss Genius

Chapter 372
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Chapter 372 “Oh, so that’s how it is! Then, it'll be a plece of cake. They're no match for us,” Trystan’s fighters trembled when they heard Channing’s words. They exchanged glances before turning around and fleeing. Trystan realized what had happened and followed suit, yelling after them, “Hey, where are you guys going?! You can’t leave!” The fighters turned and glared at Trystan. One argued, “We cbecause we consider you our friend. | never thought you'd set us up like this!” “Why would you pit us against these combat masters, Trystan?! You must want them to beat us to a bloody pulp!” ‘How's this my fault? Who could've known that seemingly defenseless girl to be one of Master Arturo’s students? | wouldn't have told my guys to cause trouble here if | had known.

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Bonnie watched Trystan and his gang leaving the boxing gym and reminded Ged, “They're getting away. You should stop them.” “You got it.” Ged chased after them. “Where do you think you're going? I’m coming with you. I'll help you find a bulldozer to knock down your boxing club.” Trystan turned and lowered his head, saying, “Ged, a wise man once said it's better to make friends than enemies. Let’s move past this. You seem like a forgiving person. How about | buy you a meal instead?” Before Ged could reply, Bonnie interjected, “Trystan, was it? If we were the ones who lost, would you have moved past it? | want an honest answer.” She glared at Trystan so profoundly that he dared not lie to her. He was stumped at that moment. B Bonnie sneered and added, “You wouldn’t have done that. After all, you called your gang to kick us out of the area. You're the one who picked a fight, lost, and went back on your words. What made you think you could fool us with sold saying and expect us to forgive you?” Trystan was stumped.

Bonnie turned to Ged and said, “Since this is your boxing gym, you can decide what to do. I'm an outsider, so | won't say anything.” Initially, Trystan had almost convinced Ged to let things go. The latter was about to be the bigger man,” but Bonnie helped him see the truth.

Chole 372 ‘People like Trystan aren't worth forgiving! “Fuck this! We'll bulldoze their boxing club!” Trystan’s heart sank, and he was about to say something. However, Ged showed him their signed contract and said, “You won't weasel out of it this timel” “Damn it!" Trystan glared at Bonnie resentfully. ‘It isn’t over until | say it is!! Soon after, Warrior's Way Boxing Club turned into a wreck.

“It’s so satisfying, Bonnie! | owe you big time! | know you a little better now. Not only are you multi-talented, but you're also charismatic, especially when helping your friends. | would've let it slide if you hadn't been there.

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Frankly, you've impressedthoroughly,” Bonnie smiled faintly. “You're exaggerating. That's just how we're supposed to deal with such situations.

“Well, it’s getting late. Why don’t | send you home, Bonnie? There was something off about how Trystan glared at you earlier. I'm worried he might do something rash.” Ged thought of Trystan’s glare and felt goosebumps.

“I'll be okay.” Bonnie waved. “They can’t defeateven if they gang up on me.” “I know just how formidable you are, but they could be moving in the dark while you're walking in the open.

What'll you do if they sneak up on you?” “Don’t worry about me. | have to treat my fellow students to dinner later, so they'll be around. | don’t think Trystan and his gang will dare to do anything funny tonight.” “Okay then. That makesfeel better.”