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I Love You, Miss Genius

Chapter 364
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Chapter 364 Houmte looked away from Orpheus and gazed into Ivor’s eyes, saying, “Please control yourself and not get jealous. Stop jumping to conclusions. Although you're a good man, my patience has limits, and | can no longer stand your jealousy,” Her minor compliment lifted Ivor’s spirits significantly. He said, “I don’t think you can blme for that, Bonnte.

Wouldn't you be mad if ladies are constantly around me?” “Why would | get mad? That just means you're handsand charming. Also, you don’t sleep around,” Bonnie squinted at him and added, “It's unlike you to suspectfor no reason.” After sthought, Ivor looked at Bonnie and Orpheus several times. Soon after, he saw the spillage on Orpheus’s clothes and the mess on the floor. Being the sharp-witted guy he was, Ivor put the puzzle together and realized what had happened.

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“I'm sorry, Bonnie!” Ivor held his fiancee’s shoulders and looked at her intently. “I shouldn't have suspected you of cheating on me. | promise | won't let jealousy get the better ofagain.” Orpheus’s lips twitched as he asked, “Do you even believe what you just said?” Ivor turned and glared at his uncle, silently promising to deal with him if he did not shut up. Orpheus felt a shiver down his spine. He glanced at the spilled mushroom soup and said, ” I'll clean up this mess. Damn it, there's goes my soup.” Orpheus picked up a mushroom slice as he spoke.

Bonnie noticed it and asked, “Are you seriously going to eat that?” “Uh, con, Bonwick. Givescredit, will you? Hygiene is my middle name.” Although he said that, he felt the urge to eat the mushroom.

Half an hour later, the dishes were served on the dining table. Orpheus gobbled almost everything. He was still B enjoying himself when Ivor asked him to leave, “It's getting late, Orpheus. You should finish your dinner and go home.

“It's almost midnight, and I'm sure you're tired from work. You should leave now and get srest.

Orpheus smiled bitterly, saying, “Gee, thanks for the concern.” Meanwhile, Ivor scooped a spoonful of tuna casserole and put it on Bonnie's plate. “Here, have smore.” Chapter 364 212 Orpheus lost his appetite at that moment. He Intended to get back at his nephew by telling him about Bonnie's guest appearance as his ex-wife in the television , “Hey, | have something interesting to tell you, Ivor.

Honwick visited the film set just now, and the director offered her Bonnie suddenly kicked Orpheus’s shin.

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“Ouch! Th-that hurt!” He even hopped up from his chair.

Bonnie shrugged at him as if telling him he had it coming.

‘He must've forgotten about the earlier mess. Ivar got jealous and almost punched him. How did it slip his mind already? If Ivor finds out I'm acting as Orpheus’s ex-wife, he might do something worse than punch his uncle.

Orpheus looked at Bonnie and understood her gaze.

‘She’s right. | almost fucked up.” Ivor squinted at the duo before looking at his uncle and asking, “What did the director offer Bonnie?” Orpheus cleared his throat, adjusted his seat, and continued to eat. He said, “He offered her a role, but she turned it down.” He told a half-truth, and Ivor, adept at seeing through lies, did not suspect a thing. Even so, Ivor had a hunch there was more to it than that.