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I Love You, Miss Genius

Chapter 232
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Chapter 232 stole Bonnie calmly looked at Dermot, saying, “It's amusing that you said that, Mr. Dermot. Would your daughter have criticizedif | wasn’t this capable? Do you think it would've been okay if you that private room from us if | were this capable? “What about the rest of you, who mockedas a country bumpkin? You all looked atwith disdain. Brittany instigated you all into ganging up on me. I've shown enough mercy by allowing the rest of you to remain in this city.

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“I simply can’t bother to deal with you all. Otherwise, | can send all your families to jail for slandering me.” Dermot reddened with anger while Nia sneered at Bonnie. Meanwhile, their daughter, being so young, could not contain her temper. She scolded, “Don’t push it, Bonnie. My dad already apologized to you, yet you insist on being aggressive. Why are you so malicious?” Bonnie's patience grew thin for the tas she said, “So, it's okay for you to cat me, but I'm malicious for retaliating? When did your family get the right to dictate the rules?” Brittany was about to retort, but her mother stopped her in time. Although Nia halted Brittany's actions, the former's gaze toward Bonnie remained disdainful. Even Dermot stood with forced tolerance, ready to avenge his family’s dignity when the opportunity arose.

Bonnie knew arguing with such despicable people was less effective than resorting to fists. She said, ” | advise you to leave the city voluntarily, or I'll bring this case to court tomorrow.” “You despicable little bitch! I'll rip you to shreds!” Brittany tried to break free from her mother’s grasp. x] However, Nia and Dermot pulled her back together, saying, “Brittany! Don’t be impulsive!” “Let's leave.” Avril felt satisfied as she watched the tleave in a pathetic state. She watched until they disappeared wholly before turning to look at Bonnie. “Now you can admit you were behind those things, right, Bonnie?” Bonnie nodded and said, “Yeah, I'll admit it. | notified Hamish about them. As for the sudden discovery of the artifacts, that wasn’t my doing. | texted Hamish just now, and he was just as surprised as | was.” Avril was stunned and then burst into laughter. “Wow, it sounds like a natural disaster! | bet even God couldn't stand Brittany and her family and had to intervene.” Bonnie found the coincidence amusing.

“By the way, Bonnie, my mom is returning from her business trip soon. She’s been wanting to meet you. Would you like to visit my house sometime? My mom wants to cook for you.” Bonnie felt she could not refuse Avril’s generous invitation and could only agree.

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Meanwhile, the Dyngards sat in their home, looking miserable. Brittany whined, “Dad, | don’t want to leave the city!” “I don’t want to, either, but Mr. Hamish is on Bonnie's side. We'll go bankrupt if we resist!” Dermot scolded.

Nia added, “No one would've expected Mr. Hamish to be Bonnie's backer.” At that point, the Dyngards would be idiots if they could not figure out who Bonnie's benefactor was. Brittany gritted her teeth in hatred. Suddenly, she had a bright idea.