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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It

Chapter 349
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Ella’s POV 2 years later Asher wokeup bright and early as he did every morning. He's lucky I love him so much. Colton wasn’t in bed when | woke up, which madeworried for about 2 seconds before | remembered that he toldhe had to clean up his stuff from the arena that morning.

It was his last day as a professor and as much as says he’s happy and relieved about it, | can still see the sadness in his eyes. He was going to miss this job. | told him that he could continue being a teacher even after | graduate, but he said his pack needs him more than the school does and now that the boys are going to be living in the packhouse full-time, he wants to be there too.

| was secretly happy when he said that because I didn’t want to return to our hwithout him.

Asher’s screaming grew louder and soon, Cooper was awake and babbling way.

| sighed and slid out of bed.

“I'm coming,” | announced to the open room as | made my way into the hallway, shutting the bedroom door behind me.

Once | reached Asher and Cooper's room, | turned the knob and stepped inside.

“Mamal!!” Cooper cheered excitedly from his crib.

| smiled at my happy boy and then went over to Asher’s crib where he was still whaling. His face was all red and tears poured out of his eyes.

“What's wrong, baby?” | asked him as | scooped him out of his crib and held him close to my chest.

He buried his face in my chest and his little body trembled. | bounced him a few times until he calmed down and all that was left was ssoft sniffles.

When | felt Asher’s head, | frowned.

“You're burning up,” | said, worried lacing my tone. It took a lot for Volana wolves to get sick, but | suppose it was different for babies and toddlers.

| carried Asher out of his room and into the kitchen; | opened the cab| kept the medicine in and frowned at the little selections that | had. We really didn’t need medicine often, so there wasn’t much in the cabinet.

| sighed and leaned against the counter, holding Asher tightly as he shivered into my chest. | needed to do something, or he was going to be miserable today.

It didn’t take long forto cup with an idea. | walked down the hallway and into my bedroom where | left my phone charging on the nightstand. | grabbed the phone and | saw Colton’s nflash across the screen.

I smiled at the text he sent me.

Colton: If | don’t see you until later, good luck today! | love you.

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His text made my heart swell, and | couldn’t help the goofy smile on my lips. | couldn't believe that he still had this effect ona few years later. With a pounding heart, | scrolled through my contacts until | cacross Rachel's name.

| clicked her nand pressed the phone to my cheek while it rang.

“Hello?” She answered the fourth ring.

| was honestly surprised she was even awake right now, but | knew she was close to the school nurse and could helpout.

“I need a favor,” | said without any other greeting. “Asher is burning up and | need fever reducer.” “And you wantto go to the nurse and grab you some?” She finished my sentence for me.

I nodded but then felt ridiculous because she couldn't see me.

“If it’s not too much trouble,” | said, biting my lower lip and feeling bad that | was pulling Rachel away so early in the morning.

| could hear her shuffling out of bed, and | winced knowing that she was in bed relaxing, and | just disrupted her morning.

“I'm sorry,” | murmured. “If you're busy, | can—" “I'm already out of bed,” she said stopping my words. “Letjust get sclothes on and I'll be there as soon asl can.” “I appreciate you so much, Rach,” | breathed, feeling a wave of relief washing over me.

“I told you I'd help you whenever you needed it and I'm true to my word,” she reminded me.

“Mamal!! I'm hungry!” | heard Cooper yelling from his room.

“I'll see you soon, Rachel. Thanks again,” | said to her as | hung up the phone.

| carried Asher into the living room where | sat him on the couch and put on Cocomelon, his and Cooper's current favorite show. Once the living room was filled with little kids’ music, | went into their bedroom and scooped up a very eager Cooper.

Cooper was the happy and hyper boy and Asher was a bit more mellow. But they were pretty wild when they were together, and Asher isn’t sick.

“What would you like for food?” | asked him as we stepped out of his room and toward the kitchen.

“Pancakes!” He cheered.

| smiled at my toddler as | placed him in his highchair.

“Pancakes it is,” | said fondly as | went over to the freezer and pulled out the pack of frozen mini pancakes.

| put a few on a plate and popped them into the microwave. After | sent the timer, | made both Asher and Coope a juice cup and | gave Cooper one before | went into the living room to check on Asher.

He was curled up on the couch with his stuffed bear, staring mesmerized at the television.

“How are you feeling, sweetie?” | asked as | bent down beside him.

| felt his head and frowned at how hot his forehead was. He groaned miserably as his eyes found mine.

“Aunt Rachel is coming with smedicine,” | assured him. “In the meantime, have sjuice.” | gave him the cup and he took a small sip before allowing the sippy cup to fall to the couch beside him.

| sighed and went back into the kitchen where the microwave was yelling at me.

“Panny cakes!!!” Cooper cheered as | pulled them out of the microwave and drizzled a little syrup on the side before placing it in front of him.

Cooper didn’t waste any teating. | ran my fingers through his dark curly hair and then kissed his forehead before sitting at the table beside him.

| was exhausted and | had no idea how | was going to get through today.

Within the half-hour, Rachel was knocking on my front door. When | called for her to cin, she stepped inside and waved the brown paper bag in the air.

“I got sfever reducer,” she said as she glanced down at Asher. “Awe is this our patient?” She knelt beside him and touched his head; her frown deepened. “Yikes.” | nodded as | sat beside Asher on the couch and took the bag from her.

“Thanks,” | breathed as | took out the medicine. “I owe you.” “Don’t even worry about it,” she said, wavingaway.

“Auntie Ray!!!” Cooper yelled as he ran into the living room. * Rachel smiled as she opened her arms and Cooper flew into them.

“Hey little Coop,” she chuckled at the nicknshe had given him.

“I just had panny cakes,” Cooper announced proudly.

Rachel's eyes widened and she gave him a fake shocked look.

“Panny cakes?” She gasped. “I am so jealous!” He beamed happily, makingchuckle.

Rachel looked up atand gavea soft smile.

“Are you ready for today?” She asked.

A knot formed in my stomach at the thought of today, but | managed to nod.

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“Nervous, but yes. I'm ready,” | answered. “How about you?” “I've been ready for the last 4 years,” she chuckled, running her fingers through her dark brown and highlighted hair.

Rachel was the kind of person who changed her hair color every week and this week she had blue highlights. She could pull off any color and she always wore appropriate clothes that brought out the color of her hair.

We talked for a little longer before she stood and sighed.

“I should go; | need to get ready for this afternoon. If you need anything else, call me.” “I will, thank you again,” | said as | waved at her.

She was gone shortly after.

While both boys seemed to be preoccupied and Asher no longer looked miserable, | decided it was best if | went to take a shower.

I only took a quick shower, not wanting the boys to be left alone for too long. | wore a simple sundress and tied my hair into a ponytail at the nape of my neck. The closer tgot, the more nervous | was feeling.

“I'm feeling better, mommy,” Asher said as | walked into the living room.

I smiled at him.

“I'm so glad sweetie. Are you hungry now?” | asked him, but before he could answer there was a knock on the door.

| already knew who it was before | opened the door.

“Where's my grandchildren?” My mom asked as she ran into the house past me.

“Grammy!!!” Both Asher and Cooper cheered.

| chuckled as | turned to my father who was walking in behind her.

“Hey, Ella Bean,” he said, wrappingin a tight hug.

“Hey, Dad,” | breathed, hugging him back tightly.

Once he released me, he went to greet the twins with my mother.

Soon, Corrinne and Flynn were walking into the house. They were silent and giving one another dirty looks so | knew they'd been fighting. | was dreading the day that Asher and Cooper stopped getting along.

“Brianna is already there with Beta Ethan, Aiden, and Donovan,” my mom said after she finished pinching both boys’ cheeks. “Are you about ready to go?” | took a deep breath before nodding.

“Yes, I'm ready,” | said nodding.

“I can’t believe our daughter is graduating college,” my father said, wrappingin another hug. “It's a big day.” | smiled; he was right, it was a big day. Today was the day | graduated and my life with my family can finally begin.